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Mike Bergeron Sep 2012
I try and I try
To avoid,
But I'm inundated
With that which
Is neither
Created or destroyed,
Being told what should
Matter to me
By people who know
Better than me,
Keeping me
Steadily annoyed
And readily brought
Right back to the void
In the back of the 'lac,
Like the goodfella boys,
Except I don't make noise
So they don't need to hack
Me up again.
But hack me up again,
I want to be the
Gravely cough,
And the disgusting
Glob of
Post cigarette
From your throat.
I want to be
The mold that
Spreads on the half
Bagel with cream
Cheese on it
That you forgot
In the back
Of your fridge
Two months ago.
I want to be the
Little puddle of
Fluid in the bottom
Of the trashcan
On the side of your place
That you've never cleaned
And then I want
You to clean me out.
Steal everything
I own, take
Until the load
Is too heavy for
Your arms, and then
Come back for more.
Break everything
That I love
And have owned
For years and years.
Take my money
Especially, it has
Spoiled my karma
For far too long.
Then we'll be even.
Then I can become
The rays of sunlight
That float in through
Your window every
Morning and catch
The floating dust in
Intricate, glowing patterns
And reach your closed
Eyelids, where I delicately
Dance until you awake,
Refreshed and thrilled
At the beautiful
Day that awaits you.
Then I can become
The buzz of your pumpkin
Spice coffee and the
Taste of your breakfast,
The wind in your hair,
The warmth of your bed,
The cool trickle
Of sweat down your hot neck
While we neck.
Then I can be your happiness
And it can be your turn
To be the slime
That coats my
Garbage disposal.
We can seesaw
And feel complete.
tufa alvi Mar 2014
Tattoos, piercings and she just learned to twerk
She ain't got a heart or a ***, just her brains
Gotta ask cause her *** on a learning curve
And she love to hurn the berb, I mean burn the word
That's only legal with a doctors note
Real deep pockets like a doctors coat
Stay fitted like Diddy, hair back tryna rock the boat
She the first mate wanna rock the boat
She never forget to ride like a bicycle
She like planes, trains, chains with icicles
It goes her, blank, blank, and rock & roll
She says, "I know, honey bunny that's a funny thing."
Watch her twerk for a goodfella
She money dance with the money team
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Let me
rephrase this
Letting go ask
my (Big Sis)
Tis the Season
All his letting go
I am confusing myself
My shelf still but stubborn
Born to know the
death Urn
Its been a long time
Thinking how the
world turns

I am not the one to be
letting go
Letting go of
your maid
Letting go of
Guilt-free Gardner
But how can
people ever leave
their Mother

I cannot get you
out of my mind
Pineapple upside down
Bent out of shape upside cake
And you know my downside
Always laying on
my left side
Like the right fashion flash
H & M
Of him Hmm_?
I believe
in miracles
The learning process- Go principles
Like the Pinnacle
What a disciple

But I am not your
Raggedy Annie
Like your ready
to choke me
I remember you lived in a slum
I'm' the better "Bazooka Chewing"
Gum hum yum
All Graffiti
*******  painter the
whole lump

The Egyptian
Queen Nefertiti
The Sattelite Taurus
Bull Ram
The Mad-men but
the ladies big slam
The first plan
didn't work

Always Plan B
So Brutal darling
Please believe me
When I tell you
I love you
Website Prim and proper
Knowing your place and
All the trademarks
Central Park or
The Center of attention
The Goodfella detention
Over ice the Skaker
Her beauty marks
The true kiss comeback
bump-**** note
The camelback vote
Presidential Trump
One-day- creation
Two day-letting go

Such maturity
to realize my mission
I didn't have to
my mind
How General
things can be
Managerial so cordial
Or the materialistic me?
If I sang out all your affairs
Like the Pedigree
Shop until I drop you
Like Gum-drop
HBO I'm the Boho
Mr. Spencer shop
College drop-out
What am I chop liver
Letting go I don't really no?
What is on the next agenda
to Deliver not Pizza
The letting go it's not easy Suzie homemaker
he's the heartbreaker the letting go teaches you to what you really need to know and boy She knows let's not go we have work to do I think by now you know
Big Virge Sep 2020
Ya Know I Pride Myself in Being...
WAY ABOVE The... " Average "...

The... " Average Joe "...
With... " Average Flows "...

The... " Average Bloke "...
Who SNIFFS That Coc'... !!!

The... " Average Fella "...
Whose LUST For... " Chedda' "...
Makes Him The Type of Breddah'...
Who Is A... BAD Goodfella'... !!!!!!!!

But Is Being Average...
ALL That... " BAD "... ?!?

I Guess Not If...
You CHOOSE To Live...
A... Simple Life...
With An... " Average Wife "...

An... " Average Job "...
With An... " Average Boss "... !!!

When Being The AVERAGE...
May Just COST Or Even DAMAGE... !!!

Your Chances of Having...
A Job Where You MANAGE...

Like THOSE Who FLY HIGH... !!!!
Ya KNOW CORPORATE Types... !!!

Who Get MORE Than Your Average...
...... " Slice of The Pie "...... !!!!!

You KNOW I'm Right... !!!
To... SET UP The Price... ?!?

of... Financial LIES... !!!!!

Stocks And Bonds...
That They MAKE OFF...
As If Their Name...
Was... " BERNIE MADOFF "... !!!!!

… Rhyme Scheme Son... !!!!!

It's The Type That's ABOVE...
... ALL This IGNORANT Stuff... !!!!!

Lyrics That TRIGGER...
ALL Types of LOOSE Scripture...................

From Figures Now BIGGER...
Than HOLLYWOOD Pictures... !!!!!

Are They ABOVE Average... ???

I Guess So Cos' ******...
Their Cash Flow Is MASSIVE... !?!

While The... " Average Wage "...
For Most Artists I'd Say...

Is Way BELOW..... " Par ".....
For The EFFORTS We Make...
To KEEP Our Art REAL...
In The Things We RELATE... !!!

The... " Average Today "...
EMBRACES What's... FAKE... !?!?!

Then GIVES Them TOP PAY...
For Being... THAT WAY... ?!?

Such Ways Have Now Made...
The Game... Somewhat STRANGE... !?!

If You Now Choose To Write...
MORE THAN... " Average TRIPE "...

... What Do People Say... ?

"Man you're just too lyrical,
for average type brains !"

Is There Such A THING... ???

I Must Be... TOO CRITICAL...
For Heads Who Now... DON'T THINK... !!!

Cos' They're Weak Like The LINK... !!!!!

You See Averages Claim...
MUCH MORE Than You Think... !!!

Like THINKING... BELIEVE... !!!!!

These Days It Now Seems...
That Being The AVERAGE...
Is Claiming... " PSYCHES "... !!!

By THIS I Mean People...
DON'T Want To Receive...
A Level of THINKING...
That's BEYOND... " TV "... !!!

Or... CHALLENGING Speech...
That's Artistically... FREE...
And Speaks... " REALITY "... !!!

UNLESS It's.. " Conceived "...
By Some... " Marketing Team "...
For Some... " CELEBRITY "...

Whose Life's...
FAR FROM............ " Average "...... !!!!!!!!

So What Does It Mean...
When People Now FOLLOW...
The Types Who... Achieve...

HIGH Levels of... " FAME "...
For NOT BEING... " Usain "... ?!!!?

Do You Get What i'm SAYING... ???

Contractually... " CHAINED "...
Like... Modern Day SLAVES... !!!

12 Years... AIN'T Enough...
To Average... My Pain... !!!!!

It's CLEAR The NEW Average...
Is SLAVING For... PAY... !!!!!!

As Well As Now PLAYING...

Or Running Some...
... Average Lines...
To Get... LAID... !!!!

These... " Average Babes "...
With Their... " Average Brains "...

Are FAR FROM..... The Average...
SEXUALLY... Nowadays... !!!!!

And Basically.... *****....
For Them To GET OFF... !?!?!

Now DON'T Get Me WRONG... !!!
But To ME That's NOT AVERAGE...

That's CRAZY And STRANGE... !!!?!!!

But That's Just MY VIEW...
I'm An... " Average Dude "...
When It Comes To *** Moves...

I DON'T NEED An *******...
To MAKE Me FEEL GOOD..... !!!!!!!!

My MEMBER Likes... " ***** "...
That's Average HARDS WOOD... !!!!!!!!

But These Days MOST *****...
Is... " Averagely Hooked "...
By Guys Who Are... "SLY"...

Or... Given To LOOK...
For... ANY OLD ****...
Who'll GIVE UP The Goods... !!!!!!!!!!

I Guess That's The END...
of This Poem That's COOKED...
A Whole LOT of... " Visions "...

From *** To BIG CROOKS...
To WINNERS Like... " Bolt "... !!!!!!

WHO... Having Won GOLD...
That HE Like The Verse...
That Comes From BIG VIRGE...

When It's WELL Observed... !!!

IS... WAY ABOVE..........

...... " Average "...... !!!!!!
It's not an awful thing, however, it's also, not a bad thing to aim high !!!
Daniel Wetter Oct 2015
I’m known to ravage my grammar,
so no one can come get my answers.

I'm damaged,
a rapping savage,
an avid addict, with habits;

in the midst of a challenge.
I pass after I puff it,

I love it,
split it
and roll it
and hit it
like the snooze button.

I’m winning
hitting homes run with
this little written, its lovely.

Sprinting to the finish,
where I diminish the lucky.

Luck is some talent but backwards,
don’t progress with your *** first.

Face first into pavement,
payment for these spitting actors.

I'm not a "goodfella"
but my dinero is stacked up.

A real hero in snake skin,
with some venom thats backed up.

This is the release of a beast,
thats been unleashed with some passion.

I gather up all my madness,
and wear it in a dope fashion!

I’m flashing
like the lights behind my car as it’s crashing.

I’m just shooting at the stars,
with a pistol and laughing.

My luck is on fumes,
God knows how long it's lasted.

Now I laugh at the fact,
at the thought that i ever had it!
Verses for sale by owner!
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
Call it inception.
All this time, I've been getting brainwashed,
by ideas that are not mine.
What is perfection?
Honey they shrunk my mind.
How much longer can I take this.
I'm just glitch in the matrix.
This ain't a city of God, there's too much greed for glory.
Little kids are playing with guns,
How bout that for a toy story.
Need to make a great escape into space like Interstellar.
Surrounded by the Devil's doubles, trying to be a goodfella.
I know these material things are not relevant.
All we need is love to survive like the fifth element.
People wasting their lives, because they love to gossip,
And they have the nerve to underestimate me like a hobbit.
Feel like an alien but who's intruding,
Trapped in a show like my name is Truman.
And now they want to put a chip inside a human.
It's like 1984 getting watched by tele-screens.
It's judgment day, witness the war against machines.
But I'm fighting back, I'm a man on fire, you can't move me.
This world is fake like one big set,
I swear life is like a movie.
Kevin Collington May 2017
Time to wake up and smell the roses
Time to become real and stop posing
How is the fake 100 and the real on 0
So many people sold their soul they should rename themseleves Dinero
Only difference is Robert was a goodfella
While Kelly knew an Robert who would **** on a dream chaser
Woke up feeling renewed like movie
Until i realized like Trump nothing you say Against me shall move me
My office space is filled with memories unhinged
Remembering the space and time injected by syringe
Even if I do believe in government reform
I still wouldn't sell my soul even if there's a million sitting right beside the form
The Devil hates truth but loves music
Kind of weird considering the fact that in heaven he was in charge of music
So the next time you decide to ***** and complain about the future
Just theres always somebody waiting for you with a 2 to- (gunshot, shell drops)
Buried in an avalanche you
might see on "Hoarders buried alive"
back and foreground
white sheet with limited pay per view,
nonetheless sky scraping heap

(Uriah not kid) nsync with a 'U'-
shaped tube anchored securely thru
solid wood - sporting
towering, leaning, bulging, et cetera slew,
sans huge sized mounds,

this goodfella cockily rue
stirs memories while
almond joying sifting,
(comprising ream mains of outdated queue
vee cee paraphernalia, bank statements, old

fair maidens faded letters, phew
against unrequited lovely lasses
kissed by either gentile or Jew
us gal, during young manhood
confession stated, aye did accrue

now (said besmirched Casanova
wannabe across floor I did strew
said, no longer promising princess,
whose once tenderly fresh rose buds
exuded profusely courtesy ingénue

argh..., how frivolous to argue
with cowardly former self, hence
into the maw of das spouse (Sibyl)
she more than enthusiastically
masticates regarding unblossomed

(romantic opportunity) yours truly blew,
when flickr ring spark flame snuffed out
before profound love chanced to hint
of compatibility, ah... nary a blues clue
maybe best not to fantasize

going down nostalgia avenue,
but cast attention upon motley crew,
no matter I traversed
boulevard of broken dreams
(but oh this...pray lemme tell you

more on this cool spring green day)
ornamented with boughs of churrigueresque
mother nature's divinely wrought
sensational beauty procreative forces construe,
yanking fanciful thoughts back to feeding

pulpy material pages of me child's worldview
scribbled squiggly blurred lines
no doubt gifted artistic prodigies shew
did evince talent this papa doth truly value,
yet an excess of near identical curlique

leaves little breathing room, plus report
cards shows innovative smarts,
frequent affirmations this dada paid due
tee, which gushing praise
my girls never taxed for, yet both knew

this aging baby boomer father decries
being swamped with exorbitant clutter
hence effort now made to save whar grew,
some artistic embellishment and/or

intellectual award, the majority hesitantly fed
into jaw of thee missus the human flew
where hard copy quickly incinerated inducing
me to sneeze atchew!
googling inept kickstarted lame outré jaunty hokum

(alternately titled:
Random screenshot within me noggin
instantaneously transforming,
née devolving into gobbledygook.)

I got born with poker faced physiognomy,
no matter yours truly doth not play cards
though self same person impractical joker
shuffles thru life without (think silent owl)
gives no hoot, though reckons Halloween
mask permanently affixed bonafide tragic/
comic features ofttimes resignation chiefly

communicated, one luckless boyish looking
goodfella, (a veritable greybeard, albeit or
kissed striated uber wordsmith yawping zee
lot misanthrope) chronologically edging two
ward the edge of night concerning mortality,
meanwhile fudging primitive protoplasmic
prurient predilection emblematic of proud
primate, i.e. **** sapiens 1% Neanderthal.

At birth, yours truly a tangle of arms & legs
scrawny bundle of lovely bones linkedin as
hypothetical extinct creature halfway in
evolutionary line between modern human
beings and their anthropoid progenitors, an
atavistic penchant to scurry along on all his

four indistinguishable limbs rooting around
for grubs using quasi snout (visualize) multi
sensory proboscis (adorned with coiled cilia)
evolved for touching, tasting, snorting, and
(sniffing out) smelling faintest molecular jot.

Mutations begat courtesy
in vitro fertilization gone awry
amateur Doctor Frankenstein wannabe
horror, he did decry
innocuous experiment genetically
designing generic guy
wrested out bubbling test tube,

manifested nsync with no lie
feted date regarding celebrated
jumping frog of Calaveras
County - chosen birthday
one primate roaming July 2nd, 2020
approximately CCXLIV orbitz
after initial 1776 fourth of July

ushering, igniting, exploding
contentious, prodigious, riotous
racial quandary paramount
issue conscientious Earthlings contend
obliged regarding minecrafted
dissension front and center
across spectrum of humanity

necessary burning issue ****
sapiens unavoidable progressive
equality mandate to occupy
even attention of Holden Caulfield
made household name
courtesy J(erome) D(avid)
Salinger's Catcher in the rye.

No matter yours truly peculiar
looking packaged, oddly
pickled, and puckered, thus
token scapegoat (no kidding),
this ole buck (bully me)

shunned, ostracized, penalized...,
(when just good little boy,
nor baad *** man) never privy
to good luck, cuz I always feel
(felt) excluded, intimidated,

and marginalized (yes in part
resembling a being from an
alien nation (and/or
outer limits thereof)

preferring the twilight zone,
especially when dark shadows
crawl along edge of night,
where nocturnal ghastly
emanations issue forth.

Mine easily becoming hypnotized
allows, enables, and provides
ingress for spectral constituent
shape shifting material
courtesy Matthew Scott Harris,
which disembodied ethereal flotsam
phantasmagorical spirited phenomenon
coalesces around me

gently cocooning, engulfing,
and fabricating yours truly,
whereby I become
transmogrified into an unfurled
magic Harris Tweed Scottish
welcome mat flying
to and fro, hither and yon.
Until the grim reaper
whisks yours truly away
common joe just biden his time
chronologically old fogey
(albeit boyish looking goodfella)
at moon shadows he doth bay

meanwhile stricken with
dripping wet sweaty palms,
perhaps attired with
trademark Harris tweed
this August twelfth
two thousand twenty dog day,

viz just the mere thought
to seek part time employment -
cuz I wanna supplement
(social security disability) income
perhaps out of desperation
selling myself short on eBay

unless an anonymous reader
espies adept ace at foreplay
i.e. whereby his linkedin word choice
oft times evokes double entendre
essentially this poetaster
at large concocts gourmet

reasonably rhyming literary cuisine -
thus hip hip hooray
invariably an anonymous
respondent will inveigh
against playful badinage,
and/or perchance some grumpy

humorless cat (woman)
originally whose nine lives spent
housed within San Jose
will take objection with base (sic)
lame ribaldry (mine) laughable
courtesy none other than kkk,

(kooky, klutzy, and kitschy tendency)
who though reformed Caucasian Jew
**** sitter me laughingstock, nevertheless
(modesty notwithstanding)
he brews the best latte
this side of Schwenksville, Pennsylvania,

where whiplashing, madding, and
clamoring crowd fuels melee
along Perkiomen trail
over hills and across Atlantic Ocean
eventually leads to Norway,
which namesake river from “Pakihmomink,”
or “where the cranberries grow.”

Rather than get further
bogged down with inane zeal
I best steer clear of poetic poppycock
courtesy imaginary wheel

thus the following pablum I unveil
nsync with titled malady all to real,
which plight involves hyperhidrosis
quite a debilitating ordeal,

especially when thinking
to pursue gainful employment
emphatically steadfast
and honest think (me) leal
course this humble communicates
(hyperbolically) embodiment ideal
if seeking to gain insight how I feel
about myself, a tense body
inept to cartwheel.
Potential cause célèbre dermatological solution
to stem palmar hyperhidrosis,
which medical break thru a last ditch effort
if Glycopyrrolate ineffective
to stave off sweaty hands.

Venerable Doctor Harold Milstein
an acclaimed dermatologist
possesses over 45 years
experience with Dermatologic Care,
Cosmetic Dermatology, and
Mohs Surgery than other specialists in his area.

Since adolescence (mine)
yours truly disabled
by aforementioned physiological symptoms,
just recently sought treatment
concerning above identified malady
with same specialist

who removed prominent benign moles
(mostly peppered shoulders to lower back,
whereby spouse used
colored indelible marker
to play connect the dots).

Initially yours truly underwent
regarding mole removal,
(albeit surgical excision)
herewith another free plug

courtesy Marlene J. Mash Associates
545 West Germantown Pike #100,
Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania 19462
approximately two dozens
earth orbitz round the sun ago.

State of the art biomedical, gastrointestinal
pharmacological, et cetera treatments
to allow, enable, and provide
relief from significant health issues
that plagued one mortal man

who feels grateful (before being dead)
Medicare picks up tab
what would otherwise be exorbitant costs
if yours truly (me)
lacked health insurance.

After very recent passing of dear ole dad
he provided more than basic needs,
when this here reasonably rhyming
gadabout goodfella just a lad
though yes..., when I happened

to slough off responsibility,
he (and mama, she be gone
to netherlands for ages)
father quick to exhibit anger mad

as a raging bull,
but in all respects
our well being (his dependents in general,
plus Georgie the
mixed breed Boxer/Dalmation
and Twinkles the cat
gave top notch priority
to kit and caboodle.
which prime mate affectionately called buttock blaster
alimentary explosion ofttimes causes global disaster
upon such gaseous debacle run for your life ever faster!

Yours truly (humorously dry husband)
can definitively attest,
she (thee missus) nixed, ordained,
inured, espoused blessed
discrete frolicsome liaisons regarding
shenanigans Mister Phil Ander
deviously, knowingly, and stealthily wrested.

***** deed done dirt cheap
trick discovered visa vis
super tramping bleep
mother 62311518 claimed,
he drove while sound asleep.

Risque somnambulant tryst
viz escapade constituting naked ape
morphed into nightmare,
when noose hung around nape
verboten fruit heed vape.

Gamesome cocksure attitude
severely irked first born
of his hereditary brood
pricked temptation concerning wedded dude
frenetic altercation begot feud
miscreant dalliance whipsawed and hewed
antics buzz-feeding carnal groove

portrayed (by "mother") as indecent and lewd
spelling downfall impossible mission daughters
envisioned their impeccable father ****
obviously he elicited false pretensions being a *****
no moral compass shamefacedly *******
licentious transgression abominable however viewed.

The motto carpe diem liberally
translated carte blanche
get thee (yours truly)
to a nunnery sporting about
envisioned foreplay gallivanting without doubt
cavalier attitude hashtagged

yours truly as one preeminent lout
gathering rosebuds while ye may
rather than pout
adapting what me worry playbook page
linkedin to Alfred E. Neuman mad scout
infidelity Casanova wannabe doth tout
plenty of fish aside from American trout.

The aforementioned merely signifies fantastical zeal
sisters of mercy appeasing cogitating human
emulating generic garden variety common wheel
ordinary goodfella well spoken
giving his exemplary poetic spiel

reeling off inane prurient fantasy newsreel
no rhyme nor reason expressing salacious he'll
be coming round the mountain
to quench ****** thirst,
where celibacy finds mine flesh to ail.

Metaphorical libidinal longings I elevate
vis a vis authoring, crafting, entertaining...
juvenile scribblings dat ain't so great
analogous to ****** satisfaction,
employing English language
métier write engenders
yours truly to salivate

subsequently to the electronic
circular filing cabinet
readers moost likely relegate
regarding hormonal secretions I sublimate
thru writing prevaricated risqué tête-à-tête
hooping syllabification harmonious
synchronization doth undulate.
Affixed with appellation Boyce Brandon Harris,
who helped beget thyself and mine two siblings,
and equally out of the question
to avoid remembering our (said) papa
with advent of father's day 2021.

Averse toward crass commercialization
purportedly touting the hardy laurels
regarding male parental figure(s)
allowing, enabling and providing
unconditional kudos to each and every
virile, retractile, and ******
opportunistic marriageable goodfella
poised to strike twenty four seven
three hundred sixty five days per anum.

Though less personal than celebrating
anniversary of birth
said modification acknowledging
universal acknowledgement of daddy
once accorded as
stereotypical "bread winner"
touted all across the Earth
buzzfeeding countless cooing mouths
linkedin whose gesticulating
baby fingers and toes
animated with mirth.

Special occasions accentuating
family in general or parent in particular
unleash floodgates of sorrow
demarcating onset of initial grief
(October 7th, 2020
regarding death of beloved father),
yet these unexpected melancholy bursts
punctuating the absence of
dad also generate
instances for original
poetic/ literary creativity
or reference (albeit self plagiarism)

Boyce Brandon Harris – Bright Brooklyn Bruiser
(alternately titled: Zayda born April 9th, 1929).

E'er since birth,
his daring didst not abate
the penultimate most spectacular
concrete incontestable product
constituting biological offspring
developing, fashioning,
and incubating chromosomal gene nee us,
he unwittingly didst create

encoded whence he got conceived
approximately begat circa
July nineteen twenty eight,
and hence upon April ninth

two thousand and eighteen
cometh denoting exceptional great
ness among kith and kin innate
awareness to take stock and celebrate,
how a series of fortunate events
commencing with a date
to Harriet Kuritsky
(at that time, yet to pledge her troth)

accepting storied handsome fellow,
whose constitution sturdy as "forest" timber
(definition of groom) to be lawfully wedded wife...
until death do them part)
unwittingly marriage didst emancipate
my mother, who met a awful, cruel
and terminal undeserving fate,
which tortured demise, the grim reaper

gladly, gleefully, and glibly
held her steadfast
thru death decreed grate
a permanent life sentence,
she vehemently did hate
and fiercely fought tooth and nail
(unimaginable to me,
thee sole son), how
agonizingly bitterly clearly irate

such suffering wrenched, wrought, wrung
August marriage permanently
cleft by malicious, nefarious,
and opprobrious tongue
no heroic measures, only lamentation slung
upon the livingsocial clinging,
where grief rung

every last ounce,
though thru each passing year
thy mum gone seventeen orbitz
round the sun, that shear
ring raw emotion
still persists in concert with lear
ring grimace of deathly hallows, 'ere
obstinate heart ache lessened now
since papa found bliss
in which to steer the prow
of his four score and eleven
aged ship of state row
wing (or more or less peacefully drifting)
berthed in consonant with vow
wills - a staunch spirit didst wow!
Finally after twenty two plus
years of marriage,
a husband (namely yours truly -
hitherto known as Matthew Scott Harris)
exhibits glint of care and concern
toward his significant other,
which wife bemoaned
absent expressions of love
particularly before the
honeymoon even occurred.

I readily admit shying away
from emotional intimacy,
especially toward the gal
whose pledge I trothed
July twenty fifth nineteen ninety six,
yet even formative years (mine)
scant overtures displayed toward
me father, mother, plus
older and younger sister
(neither non twisted).

A strong suspicion predominates
neurological, psychological,
and social perturbations
commingled while said christened goodfella
developed in utero, whereat genetic quarks
sparked, manifested, and engendered
unforeseen grievous hardship

severely, inexplicably, and figuratively
dislocated, truncated, and uprooted
his promising, (albeit
short lived) blissful boyhood,
which happy go lucky preschool years
abruptly analogously came to crashing halt
soon after setting foot into first grade.

Impossible mission
to tease out telltale explanation(s)
only thru courtesy 20/20 hindsight
can hypothesis be formulated
regarding congenital
chromosomal cellular discrepancy
birthing what appeared a healthy baby
though prone to wailing
without rhyme nor reason,
especially if held
by any person except mother.

At a tender age behavioral blitzkrieg
rent asunder tenuous connections
shattering nascent aggregation
to allow, enable, and provide
healthy interpersonal development
unbeknownst what molecular processes
kickstarted, pronounced, triggered...
wayward son to recoil against humanity
(think how like magnetic poles
repel each other).

Most all mein kampf
scant communication brokered
never establishing linkedin bonds,
nor fostering emotional intimacy
despite witnessing overt caring
among parents who begat me
or siblings, who exuded
natural propensity to comfort each other.

Something so primal as to elicit
heartfelt sympathy I lacked
which aloofness generated offensiveness
essentially buttressed (with flying colors)
hermetically sealed existence (mine)
nsync livingsocial within alien nation.

— The End —