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The Good Pussy Jun 2017
                   ate chlorpyrifos
                  glyphosate chlor
                  pyrifos glyphosa
                  te chlorpyrifos gl
                     g l y pho sate
                     chlor pyrifos
                     g l y p hosate
                     ch lorpyrifos
                     gly phos at e
                     ch lorpyrifo s
                     glyph o s at e
                     chlor p yrifos
           glyphos             ate chlo
       rpyrifos gly       phosate chlo
     rpyrifos glyph   osate chlorpyrif
       fos chlorpyri      fos glyphosat
          e chlorpy            rifos gly
Scott Pruitt head of the EPA under Trump refuses to ban neurotoxic pesticides like glyophosate and chlorpyrifos which is in the fertilizer Roundup.
My hart klop groen vir groei
en ander goed
en pomp van hormone
en suurtof ryke bloed
dit was liefde
met eerste oog opslag
dis net jammer my oe staar blind
teen die mes in jou hand
wat op my kaal rug wag.

Dis 'n gan an soort klop
die go-ahead van my kop
die alles sal reg wees
in jou glimlag
jou oe die mandaat
van 'n regte terg gees.

en ek gaan vir die groen
en silwer en goud,
vir al die goeie goed
vir die land sonder fout.

Maar my hart is die
Andries Hendrik Potgieter
van my boere bloed
wat waarsku teen jou
met alle moed.
My heldersiende hartklop
wat my weg probeer lei
van nog 'n ou grappie
en nog 'n bietjie seerkry.

Nou klop hy rooi
hy klop bloed
hy klop stop.

Maar soos 'n GP kar
vermy ek die tekens
in my haas vir jou mond.
Voel die lem deur my ribbes gly
dood, nog voor die grond.

en my hart, wil lag,
maar skree verwoed.
Nou kook die boerebloed!
Jou simpel, jou wetter
jou bogsnuiter kind!
Snou my hart my toe,
nou is hy stil en
gee my die silent treatment.
My bed verlang na ewewig
En kantel as ek lê, My arm kweek ń
Verlange na ń glimlag wat
Daarteen druk en Selfs nou en dan
Speels byt.
Die ysere
Koue wat
Dwing om
In my oop
Arms te
Kom rus.

My kat spin hard op my bors,
Duidelik in haar skik met die
Wete dat sy,
vir nou
Op jou geresserveerde kussing
Kan lê
En met
Sy haarself
In my

Die leemte hier is groter as net die Dubbelbed oop spasie op my
Queensize bed en die lieflike geeste wat deur my arms gly
En giggel
Want ek
Wag vir
Iets wat
Dalk nie
Kom nie

Dalk is dit beter so, want as jy my innerlike konflik ook soos ń kakofonie
Van dromme
Teen die mure van jou koglea kon voel dans, was hierdie leemte nog
Meer leeg
As ooit
En sou
My contact
List net
Soos my bed
Geraak het...

Die wind wat deur my hartskrake seifer,
Fluister jou naam
En flankeer met
My gevoelens....
Hiers ń spasie oop
Spesiaal vir jou...
Mnr _.

-ń tipofrafiese voorbeeld
Van digterlike vryheid
Verwar vir menslike
ryn Apr 2017

gly tied, moored to this bed•
ed, e-
en an-
•                       d un-                       •
•••                       man-                       •••
•••••                    ned•                    •••••
a wreck long forgotten... and ghostly
dead• anchored but afloat,
never touching the

i s a b e l l a Feb 2016
B iting down on
I ce cold
S ilence
E ager to
X - claim the truth
U gly as it may be
A ll I want is
L ove
The Good Pussy Jan 2017
                bigly bigly big
               bigly bigly bigly
              bigly  bigly  bigly
­                biglybiglybigly
         biglybigly      bigly bigly
     bigly biglybigl ybiglybiglyb
      bigly bigly bi   gly  bigly  bi
         bigly bigly      biglybigly
Jaimee Michelle Dec 2013
Rowan Deysel Aug 2019
Op hierdie aarde, groen en blou
Met torings wat die lug uit grou
In elke huis waar mens dalk bly
Sal ek nooit weer iemand kry soos jy
In wye winkels en krom kerke
In nommers en vergete merke
Waar ryk sweef en arm lei
Sal ek nooit weer iemand kry soos jy
In stede, woude, see en woestyn
In alles, geen, grof en fyn
In luuks, skaars, bont en plein
Sal ek nooit weer iemand kry soos jy
In winter, lente, somer, herfs
Met albei vuur en skadu bederf
Waar ook al maan en son mag skyn
Sal ek nooit weer iemand kry soos jy
Waar sterre sing en sonne lag
Omring met komberse van die nag
Waar ou gode en planete gly
Sal ek nooit weer iemand kry soos jy
In ou legendes en sprokies verhale
In dooie sang en in lewende tale
In woorde wat die hart oop sny
Sal ek nooit weer iemand kry soos jy
In gister se groot verlate vlug
In môre se onmeetbare sug
In die nou wat ons so graag vermy
Sal ek nooit weer iemand kry soos jy
In slaap te dig en drome swart
In die wandel en wonder van die hart
In seer, troos, kwaad en bly
Sal ek nooit weer iemand kry soos jy
Siska Gregory Jul 2017
So loop ek deur die strate van Paris en voel dadelik tuis;
Tuis soos in n vreemde wereld wat juis net vir my gemaak is.
Die outydse geboue wat vertel van jare terug, die noue strate wat ver af le amper verby more, die klasieke fietse met klokkies wat "trieng" in die verby gaan na ander plekke, ook die french brode wat jou vertel van vandag en die krag van twee hande wat gebruik is om die smaak in jou gedagtes te laat verdwaal, om n storie te vertel.
So loop ek deur die strate van Paris en voel dadelik bly;
Bly soos n kind wat haarself bevind in n lewe vol nuwe dinge, vol nuwe betekenisse soos n nuwe paar oe wat oop gaan om te sien en dan te verstaan.
Maar die lewe gaan aan met n lank terug en n more wat kom of n vandag wat verby gly na n elke dag;
Wat my vertel van n lewe van geluk en plesier om te geniet vandag, elke dag.
Edna Sweetlove Nov 2014
O* dear Lord and Father of Mankind

We humbly beg you to smash ***-sinners
Heavily in the face and lower regions too,
And also be sure to graciously give
Them a good old botty-poking with a red-hot poker,

And don't bother with using K-Y Jelly.

Can't you see in the dawn's early light
Ugly ***-sinners creeping home?
Not content with adultery, oh no,
The swine ******* frequently!

Yet the good Lord will not be mocked,
Oh no, never, ever will he be mocked!
Until you filthy ***-sinners grovel in the dust

And repent your evil ***-sins.
Remember that Hell's punishments await:
Eternal agony and a plague of boils on your genitals.
Anita Jul 2021
My liefste mens
My beminde

Jy is n meesterstuk.
Jy is digkuns, jy is melodie
Jy is ink en papier en woorde
Jy is n kaleidoskoop in anatomie.

Jou mond is my kompas
As my kop verdwaal
Gerroes en deur die wind verweer
Kan jou sagte woorde my veilig laat huistoe terugkeer.
Jou hare, watervalle oor die skatkamers
Waar ek my geheime neerle
Van fluisters in die donker
Tot hardop liefde opse.

Dat ek myself aan jou mag gee
My swaar, my lig, my heimwee
My gister, my more, my vandag.
My geslote deure, my trane, my glimlag.

Jou hande is sleutels wat my kamers oopsluit
En oor my gly soos water oor rante
Om hoeke om draaie
My sirkels, my vierkante
My donker steugies en oop plaaspaaie.

Jou oe is die verlede, die toekoms en nou
En as jy lag sien ek padkaarte in hulle oopvou
Wat lei na orals en nerens
Na die sterre
En na onthou.

Jou bors is my vesting.
My kaggel, my lig, my beskerming
Waar ek veilig my hart kan hou
Om saam met jou dans
Op die ritme van vetrou.

My liefste mens, my beminde
Jy is sterre oe en oop-oog droom
Jou glimlag breek, vee weg en maak skoon.
Jy maak die storm in my rustig.
Jy is die vrede na die reen...
Jy is my virewig
wash it wash out wash it wash out
let it turn
hoot and a holler
bottled up all day
and like bubbly bottles burst
take my toll
fierce, almost fictional
but never hostile
transcend your barriers and let your impulses take you towards the next side of the room
and then back again
its over and over and over
hear the trumpet whail its sorrow
circling, round, round, round
love, a mist, love to die for
unseen unconditionl surrender
e,njoy a gin and tonic, and ,dress that ,was fash,ionable at ,som, e point b,ut is in deeper,ate ne,ed of ,recur ,,, , , , rence
the glasses are thick and so is t he smoke that lingers above conv,eras,--------tions and weaves be d,, tween the textu--------res of the deep green trees and their abundant philosophical relatab======le language and you fall into their ro000000000ots, you drUUUUUug their holes and youuuuuu lOOOOOve the earth the same way you love a compliment
Ahhh yeahhh!!!,you're looking the best you have in your life
there is a melody somewhere in the background but your attention is on the person in from of you, the enthusiasm in their voice, and how quickly you are able to agree with them
anticipate like disneyt, tpoets businesses, bartenders, bar menders, cleansers inspectors interpreters judgmenters allocate the spenders reaching out for new vendeor whose the best the lesser??
its warm man, you have a smoke?
swomen, lights, some monument sky high lithe buddah lights little u[p with orange with luck on straight spinnings what was that? take another drink, hey whats your name? I'm from california you like surfing politics I odn'tk know I need to meet my friend
fix fix fix do I need to finish that paper? fixixixifiixx what will my mother say????
you met another guy who is dancing with a girl and he is cool and he is gesturing towards you with his glass of champagne and you
tilt up ystaree he cbottole of beer, but his kindness lingers as you stare into your glass andI smile when? wrong time go away fog forward gly He cracks a really funny joke about your smile
The movie, the movie, those time when I am removed from things and the

My mind balloons and its... delicious
Contact me, I love new friends =)
Gabriel Jun 2019
F-or the father who left us empty
U-gly is a man that breaks his vows
C-ared less for the best yet cared more for the mistress
K-issed my mother on the cheek you let her hang on the cross          ............just for you to satisfy your lust

Y-our lies echoed on the family table , denying every sin
O-pened roads that will lead to burnt bridges
U-nderstanding the lie to never noticed the truth

My father, this is my message to you
Odd Odyssey Poet Apr 2022
Please pardon me; when I say, "it's all of me, all of me."
That's just the pride that swallows me; every time you love on
me, hug on me, each time we're cuddling, and snuggling. The
pretty scars look so ugh-gly; and that's not what I want my love
to be; honestly.

Making me wonder, "what the F," of the effort I'm taking; no
mistaking the fools of swine eating bacon. That's the charity
of clarity; giving your heart to all of the crowds, of all those
boys you met around. You've been around. Chasing circles
of where to be; as it seems. Dogs chasing tails; till it gets stuck
in your teeth. There's no peace, but the piece of sorrow; when your feelings were deceased. Diseased by the love sickness; as random kisses was the weakness to your knees.

I'm begging you please,

to stop pretending; that you're not trying to save up your worth
overspending; never-ending story of the people having the seconds of love's sequel. I'm a prequel to thought. What words are in the courts. All the illegal things that we bought; while breaking a few laws. I'm now allergic to a thought, of you giving me goosebumps in my pores.

I paused...

So you could stop playing my heart. Love loves to play with my

I paused...

Love loves to play with my heart.  Tell me when does it stop?
Lost Poet Apr 2016
U gly
N uisance
W orthless
A shamed
N o one
T ired
E mpty
D istant

— The End —