the creatures of nature, can sure be a jovial crew
the creatures of nature, can sure be a jovial crew
listening to them I often do, within this piece I'll explain to you
listening to them I often do, within this piece I'll explain to you
within this piece I'll explain to you, the creatures of nature
can sure be a jovial crew, listening to them I often do
birds sing mirthfully neath the sun, their choruses lift the heart
birds sing mirthfully neath the sun, their choruses lift the heart
in a rousing chord cicadas thrum, such a delight they all are
in a rousing chord cicadas thrum, such a delight they all are
such a delight they all are, their choruses lift the heart
birds sing mirthfully neath the sun, in a rousing chord cicadas thrum
the next time you're outside, tune into the natural world
the next time you're outside, tune into the natural world
you'll hear a happy zeal, a resonant gleefulness
you'll hear a happy zeal, a resonant gleefulness
the next time you're outside, you'll hear a happy zeal
a resonant gleefulness, tune into the natural world
their choruses lift the heart, a resonant gleefulness
birds singing mirthfully neath the sun, you'll hear a happy zeal
within this piece I'll explain to you, tune into the natural world
the next time you're outside, in a rousing chord cicadas thrum
such a delight they all are, listening to them I often do
the creatures of nature, can sure be a jovial crew