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Michelle Lauren Jun 2015
Change your pants, change your shirt, look presentable! That's all I ****** ever hear from you! I'm not good enough and I will never be good enough for you. No I'm not your prissy princess, no I didn't graduate, no I don't have a job. I'm done saying sorry, because I'm not. This is me, so deal with it. You don't have a ***** ***** *** daughter that wears pink and curls her hair with fake fingernails and smile. You have me and if you don't like it, than i won't have to be your daughter, OK! I'm my moms daughter who excepts me for who I am and not what I wear. So you know what? *******! ******* to the way you want me to be! ******* to the way you never had me! And ******* for trying your hardest to change me, it's not going to happen!
I was an angry teen haha December 24, 2007
Shannon Nov 2018
It has become customary to press a blade to the inside of my left wrist when she tells me I am worthless.

I ache for the blood to seep from my damaged skin, pumped through my body from my damaged heart.

I sit in silence and wait; for him to come in and comfort me, to show me care and compassion, but he doesn’t.
Not anymore.

It’s hours.

I made a plan in seventh grade that the anklet would stop the burn of silver.

Anklets break.
Promises break.
It all becomes okay.

After the death of my grandmother, the last time I thought I would do it, I found a red string.

Tied it around my ankle.

Promised myself I would never do it whilst it was on.

But bad days exist.
And so do scissors.

And everlasting stress that never leaves and an easy way to feel without feeling.

Blood bubbles when it seeps through the gaps in your skin.

And it hurts but what hurts more is the ache in your chest when she tells you
you're stupid
             you don't respect me
                        you owe use
                                    we own you
                                                I want to hit you
                                                            c­hange your attitude, girl
                                                            ­            Watch out
                                                             ­                       Obey me
                                                              ­                                                             I AM YOUR MOTHER  

as if mother, was a synonym for god.

Guilt and hurt and god how did I end up here again?

It's knowing the answer.

Its knowing blame is bad and modesty is good and pain is for the ones who love but love is for the ones who are free from pain.

It's having to keep silent because asking for support is like giving her another bullet
            another thing to say
                        another reason to want to die

And when you pick your own crying body up off the floor, bruises from biting and pinching and hitting and clumps of hair and tissues of blood,

It's being alone.  

Its the eerie silence that follows.

It's concealer on wrists. It's looking down to avoid eye contact. Its wishing someone would ******* notice.

it's structured loneliness.

it's the skills you had to learn all alone.

It's fighting for breath, not knowing whether to stop or breathe.

It's about helping others

                                                               ­         before ever helping yourself

It's being called worthless at the bottom of bad days

It's your own problems magnified because you don't hide them well enough

                                    It's hurting
                                                                ­       and I want it to stop

I write as the blade is pressed to my wrist once again.
Love, is like a clock.
My first love ended with four knocks.
His soul transfers.
Yet, he still knows all the answers.
He saves me time after time.
His blue box is a sign.
Though you don't know if it's true.
You, may have just seen Doctor Who.
Ignorant you are to make fun of his bowtie.
All his tales are true, never lies.
Everyone wants to know what he used to be.
But all he replies is follow me.
Through the vortex, time passes fast.
And this journey to the end of my life, will always last.
The Doctor, never excepts a word in return.
With every trip, the more I learn.
The galaxy is unknown to me and you.
But is explored by Doctor Who.
Protecting our world and lands a far.
The Doctor is my wish from a shooting star.
You can see him, if you just think.
And remember, just not to blink.
Angels, lurk behind turned backs.
Their hands, covering their faces, ashamed of what they lack.
Creatures from all across the land.
I see double, standing side by side on the sand.
Monsters are real he says...
As he puts on his fez.
The padorica has been unlocked.
And then closed and stopped.
The Doctor, the protecter of galaxies.
Is the only person I wish to see.
On my doorstep in the middle of the night.
To travel through time, and save the light.
Bob Sterry Jul 2014
Like an old cushion
Whose stuffing you removed
Excepts its me
Just a few ***** of fluff
Clinging to the inside corners
Comprising my soul
Forced up against the stitching
Very Old Stitching
Ready to break and cast
The remainder of me out
But for the moment
For a long moment
The half empty pillow of me
Still offers a cozy worn velour exterior
To those who like that sort of thing.
Its that empty feeling
Jack Dalton Jan 2014
My golden brass
Did you hear a silver tone.
One day I remembered the sound we made.
Oh boy with thirteen trys
I played the song of things.
The sound was a still like a drop of rain.
Great full Holst composed his eyes in vain.
And now im chopping my lips with my dreaded lay over.
Five years ago and now im searching the twenties
For old photographs  about the way I played.
My heart stops and excepts the choices I made.
Because the future now the preseant is grey like a grave.
I still dream of film and simpler days.
Like it was still ambitious
When I see trombones sliding and clarinets deciding
What reed made the sound of jazz.
Jedd Ong May 2015
There is a Seymour in all of us - not more a fragile name but perhaps not less. We are all equally cut, strings loosened past our own internal metronomes, flashing bits of poetry past those who will listen. Or rather, those who must listen - the longer no one does the faster these strings within us snap piece-by-piece. Soon we will become balloons that float away and pop. We, leaving Earth for space. Note that poetry is not just the meter that stirs heat and snaps foot-beats within our tongues - but the needles that ***** them too.

In these poems are buried stick figures and falsified diary entries - excepts of a language wrought from our own souls. Today I wore a baseball mitt scribbled with bright green verse as to not get lost running around the diamonds. We are all, in our own way, misunderstood and that’s where I feel Seymour’s got something over us. The innate, misread poetry of our collective consciousness is pervasive in his entire life. Maybe this is less of an introduction. Less of a poem even, than a eulogy for Seymour Glass - the most delicate man who ever lived.

He threw a stone at the one girl he truly loved, as we drew stick figures.
Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters can be found here: It's not necessarily a poem, but I hope it's poetic enough to pass as one. It's been tough.
lotus lord Jan 2015
To me I could care less if I'm popular or not
But to more high school kids it means the the world

To me I could care less about what's the newest trend for clothes
But to high school kids it means life

To me being popular is nothing because I would rather know I fit in a group who excepts for me

To me the newest trend is nothing because I'm thank full for what I have

To me being myself  is the most important not something I'm not
As soon as I open my eyes in the morning,
I immediately worry about what others think.
They expect beauty.
They expect intelligence,
They expect success.

I will look at myself for hours at a time.
Just to figure out which ****** expression,
Which angle,
Which tilt of my head,
Is good enough.
I layer on makeup to be what society thinks Is flawless,
I will wear the clothes society excepts
I will do what society defines as "proper"
When will I be good enough
Casperlvesyou Jul 2013
The perfect person is someone who excepts everyone for who they are.
peytonBWise Sep 2019
I have this thing
This thing that I do
It's no big deal
It's just this thing that I do

I took three steps
That's one less than four
Even though four is not a bad number
It is too close to the ones that are
Three and eight are the best
Followed by twelve and twenty-four
And all the numbers of seven
Well not the numbers with five
Those send shivers down my spine

Even numbers are better than odds
Excepts two
Which combined with three is five
I said odds are worse
But thirteen is pretty great
As long as it doesn't mix
With the ones that I hate
And eight is Ok
But sometimes it makes me think
That eight is too close to nine
And to make nine you must have five
So sometimes I don't think
That eight is so Ok

This is the thing
This thing that I do
I know this behavior is strange
But this is just the thing that I do
Please help me
I hate this
Ariel Taverner May 2015
It's fascinating isn't it?
How we can be on an eight hour trip
And we see nothing outside
Excepts the outside inside our phones
Spot the irony
Quiet Idealist Sep 2014
I paint flowers
So they do not die.
But die they do
As die all does.

In the heat of summer
Or heat of flame;
In leafy green
Or paper’s ash.

Nothing remains
Excepts remains
Of what was
Now something else.

Die they do
As die all does.
But nothing dies
What does it mean to "die" when all the atoms that compose you are entirely recycled, living on throughout the universe forever?
Md Iqbal Hossen Jun 2018
They came to your home to see you.
You worn a blue sari
Kept your eyes like a deer's eyes.
You did't comb your hair,
Though it was not need to be.
You were simply gorgeous.
So, comb was vain to your beauty.
You used props, lipstick, and so many things on thy face.
They surprised,especially your fiance.
He was not accustomed with your such appearance.
He knew you are pretty than queen Sheba
More destructive than Helen
More Affectionate than Mighty Aphrodite
And more prosperous than Athena.
In spite of all, you took props excepts comb of your hair.
Everyone praised you a lot.
No one could understand your claptrap but he
He smiled at you
And you returned it with a wink.

As the war was winding down
it was decided to bomb Dresden
It had no industry and had no military target.
the bombing was vengeance
Ten thousand people were killed that night
mostly burnt to death as the attack created a firestorm.
This was ******.
The killers got medals.
With the war on the thought was a dead German
is a good German.
I think this outrage prolonged the war.
It took years before the atrocities saw the light of day,
excepts India and Kenya, few knew Britain
could be party off mass ******.
The Albinos has been revelry to many carnages and
gotten away with it.
It is time for an apology to Dresden and her people.
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
I keep looking at the words
On my walls
But I can't read them
Not in the sentences they are formed
I can't come to terms with my history
I keep thinking about
What they all meant at one time
My journal from the ceiling
To the floor from the window to door
Wall to wall
Why did I write this all
Names of people I hope to never forget
Lyrics from songs I felt could tell you
Who I am
Poems and things
Well they can't tell you who you are
That can't be described
Because who you are changes
Like a shore line after every high tide
Some people will like your shore
No matter what your low tide
Some times it takes more time to
Find person who
Excepts the outcome of your storms
Because they will be able to collect the
Pretty things
Like your shells, sea glass, and rocks
And will hold on to them and show you
All the beautifull things you uncover
Just wait you will know when they come
When the do
They'll see your earth as an adventure
The X on the map that lead them to
You and alternate map they get to explore
Skyy Blu May 2020
It's not everyday you meet someone, who sees you beyond your flaws, and still stay with you-- open their wings to you. Who, Excepts you as you are and strengthen  you when--- you are weak!
Poly Via Feb 2022
Solemnly sitting there in silence wonder why she’s hurting
Never crossing his mind of the paths she has been forced to take as a young one
In this unjust world
He has heard the stories
But never being through the trauma he can’t recall nor recite her tales
Leaving her lips to his ears
Defiled by people who were sworn to protect her
She has been beaten in relationships
With meaningless words
Countless actions
She has been cheated, lied,
Betrayed by her betroth, partner…her person
Still knowing all he knew of her story past
With all that knowledge
She has entrusted him with.
He carelessly let tears stream down her cheek
That he once made smile.
Alone in pitch darkness
As quietly as she possibly could keep the sound
Of her heart breaking.
She wonders and excepts.
Was it for good measure? Does her pain feel good enough for him yet?
Sadly, it must.
He once gazed into her eyes passionately.
Filled with hope and promise.
Some time ago, in her eyes
He was love, kindness.
Her impossible dream come true.
Finally able to breathe
He was her trust in its entirety
His kisses where falsely forever more
Where once he made her finally
See beauty in her own self
Only to turn
Seeing but fault through the same eyes
Words that she’ll never be left unsaid
Nor forgotten
An endless cycle showing her
her place in the world.
First one I’ve written without crying the whole time and still just as therapeutic. ❤️
Conall May 2018
The light was fading and so was hope
Encased and locked up
It was now or it was never
And I didn’t agree with the latter

So hurl and gauntlets and off I set
Across field and hedge to them I must get
Encased and locked up
Feel of exitment,trill of right doing

Wrapped with wire , they could not ever leave
Set back , gather clippers to hide up my sleeve
Snap ! And he’s free , sky high magpie
But she ? Still , Encased and locked up

Clatter and pull and struggle
Ferocious fluttering of feathers
He watches from a solemn shed
Like a mourning widow

Time passes like the night breeze
He excepts ones faith so to does she
A sudden rise and dissapereance
Yet she stands still and stays

Encased and locked up.
David Hilburn Aug 2020
Haunt of a fire
Set to charisma
Silence excepts indigency, an ire
Somewhere, forte is a class above

Destined meanings
So around, for a very
Intoned stoic, a heart of gleaning's
Has voiced our feeling, to carry

The price of compare
Sense in a taste, so long
Shown become, become share

Since we are...
Chosen to cope, lest of bother
More of a vanity, than war
We are the hope we utter

Life to a limit
With a callous guard, selection
Of a warmth and poise, ours to whit?
Can the eyes of did, have our soul, to the ends of an intuition?
preservationman Aug 2024
Jack being thinking
Understanding would be missing
Thinks that
Brings no fact
Mathematical approach with no Subtract
Says words
Has no meaning
Questions life
Excepts no advice
A world his own
Loss in his own thoughts
Observes, but what does he really see?
His life is suddenly on a pause
He is the cause
The name Jack Be
He is something to see
Genuine maybe
Melanie Jackson Sep 2020
C H A P T E R 1
we start by introducing a woman
shes battered and bruised
but her eyes are bright
her face still damp with tears
as she runs into an apartment
and a man gives her a room
because he pities the young girl
C H A P T E R 2
the girl cleans up in a half bath
she smiles at her reflection sinisterly
and the reader begins to see that shes not what she seems
she offers to make him food
he smiles and excepts
noticing that after she cleaned up was quite beautiful
she cooked at the stove
and as she put a soup in a bowl
she poured a large amounts of arson
C H A P T E R 3
the man eats and is jovial
she also smiles watching him
watching as he laps up the drops of her soup
we begin to see a memory of hers
a man perhaps her father an empty bottle in his hand
his face is contorted with uncontrolled anger
he hits her until shes unconscious
he then proceeds to **** her
as she falls in and out of consciousness
C H A P T E R 4
we see the man falling very sick
he stumbles to his room sweat beads on his face
he excuses himself to bed and smiles at her
she smiles back but her face isnt a normal smile
he lies in his bed sweating crying
his heart begins to slow as she walks into the room
she watches until his last breath
as he begged her to call for help
C H A P T E R 5
she cleans the entire house
and takes his car to the river
he is sitting in the back eyes open wide
and still glistening with drops of old sweat
she drives up the dock
putting all the windows down
she hits the gas and lodges it down with a brick
like a seal on this mans fate
as she swims out of the window
C H A P T E R 6
seven bodies at the bottom of the river
each with a brick on the petal
each man killed with arson
each with a small heart carved on there wrist
she was a killer and the scene ends
with her ending yet another mans life
on the last page of the story
our novel asks you a question
was her killing justified
could she say she was a product of her surroundings
was the blame on her father
who showed her that men were untrustworthy
or perhaps her mother who was never there
not even to comfort her as she cried to sleep
or do you believe that she was just a

— The End —