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josh wilbanks Jun 2017
We were a dandilion
Together we grew
Seperated by the wind
To begin our new lives

Clumps together
They fell in patches
Yet i sit alone
No where to call home
I just graduated and its so ******* depressing
Muck monster Mar 2016
Dandilions swept by the summer breeze
And sore past the crashing shore
Stretching to yonder horizon peaks
Far from whispering hymns
Beyond the isle of mundane tales

Oh how i wish my heart was as light
To then be carried by flirting gusts
Escorting me with arbitrary candor
Further from these infertile soils

Maybe, with luck, to the smoldering sea of dark
Where shimmering eyes of light are housed
Tins Nox Dec 2011
She is a Flower.
Not as pretty or as loved
As the fairytale Rose.
Nor as ugly or avoided
As the invasive Dandilion.
Yet, she is not as average
As the Daisy or the Tulip.

She is brilliantly subtle.
Unlike the Rose, who's achievements
And beauty have been boasted for ages.
Nor the Dandilions, who have nothing
But false promises to offer.
Yet, still unlike the Daisies and Tulips,
Who offer only fake love and false beauty.

She is a solitary friend.
Whereas the obnoxious Rose chooses only
Those who fit the likes of itself.
And the Dandilion only attracts those
Who are not annoyed by its attitude.
Even still, there are those affected by the Daisy's lies,
And the Tulips, who do little behind masks.

She surrounds herself with the Dandilions,
To make up for her ability to be a Rose,
But inability to care.
The Tulips and Daisies learn to outshine
The presence that has always glowed within.
She grows in shadows,
Struggling for light,
And nobody notices the jewel of the flower that she is.
Because the Roses, and the Dandilions, and the Tulips
Grow like weeds around her
So she loses sight of what she could be.

She is a Flower.
A dying species.
Love her, nuture her, and help her to grow.
There are only a few that will ever know
What she looks like
When she blooms.

Be one.
Addison René Dec 2014
boys with lanky limbs
and ****** up feelings

boys who whisper dandilion wishes
and then rip out your capilliaries:
one after the other

boys who outline the roadmap
of your body with their fingertips
boys who demolish your soul
with their lips

boys who say i love you
and mean it
Georgina Ann Jul 2011
I've died a million times.
Like mercury.
But you know I'm not dead.
You know where I've been.

You watched me while
I blew bubbles
and smoke rings.
You knew.
I was strung out on old stars.

You saw my dandilion addiction,
my sugar sickness.

You followed me when I lay down
in magic poppy fields.
You traced me while I slept.

I made everyone else believe
the vinyl storm swallowed me whole.

But you knew I was still here-
swallowing strawberry pills
and dropping kiwi acid,
under the crust of the horizon.
Eve Apr 2015
boys with gangling limbs
and ****** up feelings

boys who whisper dandilion wishes
and then rip out your heart:
one after the another after another

boys who outline the roadmap
of your body with their fingertips
boys who demolish your soul
with their lips

boys who say i love you
and mean it
Earthchild Feb 2014
Think about it this way
You're complaining of not having a valentines today

Some children dont have a mother on Mothers day
No one to teach their child to bake
No one to braid the 6 year old girls hair
No one to give dandilion bouquets to.

A child who doesnt have a father to love on Fathers day
No one to teach them how to play baseball
To ride a bike,
No one to teach him or her to pitch a tent

A child sits in a foster home on Christmas or even on Thanksgiving
His or her only wish is to have a loving family
Have a chance to believe in magic
Have a home
A big feast displayed out infront of them.

Or maybe someone sits crying on Remeberance day,
because they lost their husband, dad, mom or big brother
You cant get back someone who is gone
A child may not have even met a past family member.

Look at it realistically.
Sorry it ***** but I had to rant.
Michael John Aug 2018

when my love away
darken the  day

while her gone
bland the sun

in her absence
a total eclipse

if she leave
light´ s weave

a black sign
a white cry

pitch mine
tone alone..


but when she come home
a bright aire or song

play to my mind
in a clear stream

of sweet blind

a fine wine
of dandilion

seen colour

that dissipate cloud..
and lo the sun!
Stu Harley Sep 2014
The soul
is a
burst apart
in every direction
drift silently
through the
whisper of
the wind
RosesAndAngels May 2016
jelly on toast I'm fine as dandilion
Heeep us
We are the sin of the bun
sin a bun
My bun
my ***
Help us all
beez in a fine *** trap
Killin for mongril
My **** is the flame of your fire pit
I am on drugs
what kind of drugs
Just livi
Livi is my soul fam
In zero ways
I love japan
But I can not go
I ma so a sorry
She is using my make up brushes on her FEEETTETETE
why is livi using make up brushes on her feetes
what the fuckie
I need jesus
u have jesus
I need jesus one on one
This entire thing is bologna
Liz Anne Oct 2011
If I could tell you anything
I'd say call me
Let me take your hand
When things go wrong
Smile for the good days
Long gone now
Like a dandilion in the grass
I'll be there
To brighten the day
I hope you will always see
The luck in a lost penny
Like me
Stu Harley Dec 2013
what is the soul
the warm embrace of
amazing grace
the scent of dawn
the breath of God
the wings of a
monarch buterfly
set free
from the cocoon
a wild dandilion
explodes in ecstacy
from a gentle breeze
now dawn
we welcome
the spirit of a song
alexandra Apr 2017
I hope you are happy.
from the bottom of my cold heart that you tried to crack.
Let's take it back to the days filled with conversations
everything and nothing
sleepovers and truth or dare
curling hair and asking where
where was the future taking us?
surely, we didn't think it was here
you broke me in a way you'll never see
because the sores in my mouth that I carved expertly
are scarred over
but I can still taste their blood
I can still feel the word ring in my ears for all to hear
I was
I am
I cut my mouth open with fangs that sprouted from my gums
the bathroom door met my fists in a most cordial meeting
it was just a word
five letters arranged in a particular way
but it came from your mouth
the mouth that used to grin at my jokes and laugh every time I spoke
the teeth braces spent years trying to fix and no matter how many
gallons of soda you drank
they still managed to mature into pearls
pearls are beautiful but now I can see the sharpness to their shine
it cut me
and others are deceived by their glimmer
you tried to cut me down and congratulations you did
but even a dandilion can survive a few hits
Stu Harley Aug 2014
poetry is
a dandilion
that take
its flight
from a
gentle breeze
o Lord
when we
see the
ymmiJ Jul 2022
exploiting cracks
sidewalk dandilion
a bright spot

— The End —