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JR Rhine Jan 2016
"Y'got city hands, Mr. Hooper."

I felt his coarse hands grip mine, too;
I lived through Mr. Hooper vicariously
as I looked down at open palms
spread to the heavens,
illuminated in the flashy brilliance of the glare.

I saw wrinkled, calloused eyes peer into mine;
I stood on that rickety old dock
in my fitted and worn wool cap,
faded denim shirt matching pants
and dingy white tennis shoes.

"Y'got city hands, Mr. Hooper."

My ego crestfallen as well,
pride in my intelligence proven in the Academia
withering, as the gritty gap-toothed
leery-eyed barnacle of a sailor
peered inquisitively into my soul.

He saw the smooth hands--
ah, but the callouses engraved deep between joints
on my fingers; a musician!

His eyes grilled, "In bourgeois leisure,
smiling meekly dwelling within milquetoast afternoon hours,
from downtown haunts sweating jazz in the midnight hour,
dancing screaming cursing moaning lovingly?"
My eyes cast down again.

But I know not of the city as my abode!
I know the ****** and the farmer
more than any contributor to painted landscapes, nay;
they are my acquaintances, neighbors, cousins, brothers, and sisters!

For I have lived on the water;
I have eyed the vessels
commandeered by the gritty, grubby,
greased captains of my soul,

as I float buoyed in their wake,
eager to catch a semblance of the waters
that trail before them.

I live treading their wake,
eyes open and pencil in hand.

And lo;
I found sanctuary in the vast fields of the rustic farmer!

For I ate breakfast of the freshly-slaughtered calf;
I drank its mother's milk,
eggs fresh from the poultry den--
I squawked along with the mother hens.

I took in the bucolic smell of the country
atop the rugged tractor,
eyeing squinting
grimacing like a smile in the sun
burning burning down upon stiff backs
and leather necks--

I, the leaves of grass scattered
in the wake of the farmer,
I, the bails of hay furled tightly
sitting patiently in the once golden meadow,

I watched the tractors and their commandeers
disappear in the bombinate horizon;
the sound of insects ushering in the night sky

like unrolling the starry-eyed carpet
before the hazy late afternoon moon.

I watched, I lived,
waiting coiled in their wakes
eyes wide open and paper clenched in hand.

I lifted my eyes to once again
hear his curt admonition:

"Y'got city hands, Mr. Rhine."
To looking of the city but being of the country; wonderful tormented dichotomy.
Jobe David Jul 2013
It seems places I call home are in all different spaces
The placement is unjust, miserable in all cases
Dates I can't remember, they go by so fast
The last place I came from I lost with a crash
It all gets confusing when motives aren't clear
Far-heart intentions, my mind commandeers
Actions are pointless if my love wanders long
Gone forever searching to fit where I belong
There's nowhere for me, especially where I am
Everyday I give more *****, but less of a ****.
I hate being a product of a ****** up culture
My ***** of a life sends me back as I approach her
I hate those surrounding, surrounded by those that hate
Their ****** up decisions and distorted mind states
Opinions, I guess, from heads in the sand
When I'm in the clouds, I'm outstretching my hand
I swear if I leave, I won't ever come back
Homesick feelings are something I lack
Rather constant impulses of allowing my mind to roam
Missing love of my heart where in my heart is home
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2019
the woven intercept

the crescendo soft ascending,
commandeers our riveting,
we do not surrender, taken, nonetheless,
our deference to an elegant wand wave,
combo hopeful and all encompassing, the helplessness

both well understood

the progression higher, steady on,
a rapture going to a defined ending,
concluding voyage occluded, for now,
but the setting sun rays us a plan, a path,
teasingly, soto voce lips moving, “this way”

follow on the unsteady water

restraining resistance failing, flailing weakly,
it is both early morning and late afternoon,
the light warms, but each, a timbre different,
the pitch and intensity tho one and the same,
yet, order confused, still, we are given-in

giving in unwillingly

absolution unrequested, but awarded anyway,
shelter from the storm of safe and warm,
children begin first school day, but adults
know better, beginnings full of risks unforeseen,
the season changes, normalized, but would be refused

if we could

the waiver offered, the woven intercept read,
emotional intelligence so fragile, on and on,
sidekicks, lovers, connected by a dotted line highway,
the space between permitting anything we want,
but contradictories say, wanting everything, impossible

but the viable solution singular

how do we leave it then? we leave it thus, clarified,
separation is a kind of attachment, voidable, when,
kissing comes calling, from all around the world,
the crescendo ends, we each have read the intercept,
it concusses, interpretations differing, yet we don’t care

lying through embracing lips

our tune is a mismatched matching,
a vision ending and yet anew hatching,
this is love, understanding, undefinable, undefeated,
a changeling definition, paths possessing multi-endings,
loving is the unceasingly, desirable imperfect struggling

unique, singular just like everyone else’s

9/4/19 9:07am

(she'll know)
john oconnell Jul 2010
The heart in it's own world
is filled with rivers, mountains
and deep oceans,
currents, heights and depths
beyond comprehension.

Nearly drowning
in dark pools of failure,
guilt and regrets
it beats and breaths again
the joy of the  salmon's leap.

Pulsing forth
through good weather and bad;
one minute pessimism
but more often than not
the resilient common-sense of hope.

Love-shaped, vulnerable Cupid-target;
Hamlet died for you.

You are the betwixt-and-between
who commandeers the foetal spring
and death's heavily laden bed.
Shayne Campbell Dec 2014
In a land of the living, there echoed a horror beyond conception
A tale of truth do all the creatures of the day and night shun
'Tis regrettable that such a knowledge had plagued their minds
This legend of terror is it sourced from the tall mountain of demise
So towering has it forever stalked the land with its shadowy might
For the one behind the tale's inspire dwells in the titan's inside

Outside the mountain is it natural compared to what lurks in this
A hollow that seems the sleepy yet houses the sleepless malice
Prowling the pure darkness and bringing intruders their fiery grave
Eyes does it have with a gaze piercing all through the flesh in a wave
Teeth sharp as razors and huge jaws serving the entry to Hell
Its searing fire breath is Hell's weapon and wings too grand to tell

Traversing its way from legend to life is an abomination of darkness
Dwarfing the largest crocodile and appearing an equal to the godliest
It commandeers the skies it soars across and extends the land with fire
The earth shall turn from paradise to purgatory and all will be mire
This juggernaut of a demon will juggle the world in flames to no miss
Upon exiting the mountain will all perish from the beast's infernal kiss
Pétra Hexter Feb 2018
She commandeers my attention with a modest sleight of hand
The boys in the band all write ballads just for her
I ignore their tune as she slips out of the room
A creature lithe and limber has no reason to linger with a man like me
She's carving sin on the back of a bedpost
She'll show you eternity
Her eyes advise against this ill-requited course of action
As the ghost of tomorrow falters in the doorway
Pensive thoughts of uncertainty: her duplicity is second only to catastrophe
Fairylights cause retention of the shape of her thighs, too lewd to mention
Though branded in my mind is the fluttering of her linen dress that night
In her wake, she left the air charged with esoteric energy
My fingers far too clumsy, fumbled to bottle it for my own
Foolish fantasies rose to life in my mind as her hand brushed mine, and she suggested we go anywhere but home
Of crackling records in Exeter, over-watered succulents, and fresh ink on vellum; I averted my sight
Opting to stare instead at the passing streetlights, trying to hide my  blushing thoughts, though from her face it became obvious that she saw
And the secret in her smile, knew unlike I, that tonight would survive only a short while
Rhiannon Mar 2016
She doesn't read my poetry,
And throws away my stuff.
She cannot stand my music,
I think I breathe too much.

The bile I stutter from my tongue,
Is nothing compared to hers.
She's a wasp and I am stung,
But she's only using her words.

The selfishness she commandeers,
It does nothing but hurt me so.
As she cuts her skin destroying herself,
She only let's me know.
Travis Green Jan 2023
I am so into your breezy ebony majesty
I dig your delicious irresistible slickness
Your sweet regal beauty
Has me ceaselessly tripping
Feeling so bewitched by
Your commensurable sensual masculinity

I wanna examine your monumental transcendent chemistry
Taste your appealing kissable lips
Feel your breathless, brilliant heat all around me
My smooth, incredible majesticness
My smoking hot *** machine
I want every part of your exotic chocolate machoness

Feel your glowing and imposing ardency
Your self-made savory sensationalness
Sink into your creative, decadent mantuary
Where your perfect, earthy, and luxurious spectacularness
Commandeers my rare peerless sheerness

Be my clean supreme king
On a supercharged charcoal black charger
******* alive in the black velvet night
Where the bright heavenly moonlight
Rises and shines in sight
In your world of ****** attractiveness
I am down for your immaculate enrapturing splashiness
Travis Green Jan 2023
When I am with you, it's so dreamlike and out of sight
You shine like the golden, rosy, and showy sunrise
You are the glowing and growing light of my life
My favorite engaging route to take that inspires me deeply
That brightens up my lush rainbow construction

I wanna wander away into your sensual tender infinity
Kiss you impassionedly, caress you everywhere
Eyes to eyes, lips against lips, flesh against flesh
Love me forever and a day, hard and deep
In your superheated sweetness and litastically magical heat

Drift into your translucent soothing dreamland
Traverse the radical paths of your majestic thugness
My main metallic man, you are all I need
All I wish to get lost in, to explore your extraordinariness
Stare at your ****** attractiveness
In the sheer shimmering mirrors of my submerged mind

Your tasty stimulating manliness commandeers my queerness
Makes me succumb to your buoyant flamboyant gorgeous
Feel-good flourishing freshness
Your evocative enthralling artisticness
Has me so high and stupefied

I don’t wanna be without your desirableness
I wanna be lost in your amazingly ample waves
Of jammin’ intoxicating enchantingness
Swim in your romantic oceanic sea
Of extreme licentious dreams
To poets far & fat: Inject meat into your couplets for Pete's sake! To focus on wintry climes & autumn leaves smacks of chronic testosterone deficiency as half of Mankind succumbs to starvation & dysentery; as 40% of Mesopotamia is uninhabitable thanks to "depleted" uranium; as Fukushima threatens a China syndrome; as Kenyan Obama commandeers the middle class.
Travis Green Aug 2023
My heart and soul belong to him
My radiant valiant sensation
My cherished debonair splash
I treasure his vivacity and spectacularity
His passion-filled swagger and mantasticness

His macho voice allures me
His beardazzling beauty
Captures my imagination
I love the way he stirs my world
Commandeers my queerness

Loves me ever so deeply
Feels me with savory bliss
Makes me wanna kiss his irresistible lips
So susceptible to his incredible
Freshness and delectableness

Taste him like a round flavory steak
Walking on air, worshiping his muscularity
Admiring the cottony cumulus clouds
I am so nuts about his hot stuff
The taste of his handsomeness in my mouth

He leaves me breathless
So obsessed with his heavenliness
Swimming in his splendiferous sea
Of temptingly succulent supremeness
His masculinity is like dreamy ballads
That illuminate the space all around me

He takes me in his captivating arms
Enveloped in the heat
Of his smoking hot sexaliciousness
Feel him plunge deep into my velvet tunnel
Of steamy sensual dreams
With his thick meat stick

Bang my beguiling backside
Let his fervent heat surge through me
Entwined in his spellbindingly striking sightliness
How he puts it on me
Flaunts the unstoppable power
Of his bold mind-blowing flyness
Leave me drenched in *****
12/06/2020 03:41 PM.

Imagine a long and winding line
all the way to Jabip
upon the handle of small grocery cart
envision mine white knuckle grip,
as the misses commandeers
moseying up and down every single aisle,
whereby an electrocardiogram
would indicate spiky sinusoidal blip.

I experience social anxiety
and feel like screaming aloud,
particularly when series
of unfortunate events
finds your truly
within onrushing madding crowd.

Unfortunately courtesy divine comedy
one erstwhile indiscriminately
cast out obsolete player
creator endowed him
with his trademark shaky spear.

One hapless generic garden variety guy
plagued with panic attacks
accursed lifetime providence
hellacious interminable suffering
until permanent escape
quasi vacation deliverance regarding...,
when grim reaper doth
cometh and taketh me away.

Oh savior enshroud impotent mortal man
at long last terminating suffering
welcoming me into portal
I willingly surrender
and welcome release...
beckoning death be not proud.

Impossible mission to describe
how fast paced life in general
generates utter confusion
analogous to floundering trout
besieges mine mental redoubt
mental helter skelter all about
as if mine entire body electric

forced, kickstarted, subjugated...
to perform (yes folks) hokey pokey
mental gears and cogs
snapping, crackling, popping
inside tumbler like noggin
purportedly linkedin hashtagged
with schizoid personality disorder.

Onset of emotional paralysis
stops me dead in my figurative track
metaphorically wishing me to skuttle
back into hermetically sealed manhole
invisible among interleaved bract
where within mine secret cubby hole

I play knick knack paddywhack...
to idle away leisure time
as well as solve crossword puzzles
meditate (on the gift of a watermelon pickle)
while listening to natural soundtrack,
and self hypnotize courtesy biofeedback.

— The End —