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Duran Cawpart Jul 2014
Satires opposite
Compassionate disturbance
Through relevant absurdness
Behind the aristocrat's curtain
Lies means of a hidden purpose
Manipulation as their key
For the locked in propaganda to be
It's brainwashing us, why can't we see?
I've opened my eyes, take it from me
It's poetic injustice to say the least
Mirza Lazim Mar 2019
I took care of others, walked in their shoes,
got their trivial pains and forgot my loyal legs...
If I present you the baneful thorns I have trodden,
would you be ready to follow me again and barefoot?
My mind will always be bitterly cold
as an intact valley and never understood...

Though I am sure that you do not care,
I feel well, very well, except longing.
Your dreams are flying even everywhere
while I try to stop contemplating...
You know, I am a bit chatty when I am inspired
and the poet inside me never gets tired.

You can't grasp how painful it is to emanate a poem,
how you go out of your infatuated mind...
When 'clevers' seek for justice, but only for themselves,
there is nothing else purer than the tears of madmen.
So, happiness would have been an evident injustice,
if all of the people attained their desires.
I have faced many types of mental battles,
but no war is harder than the lack of love inside.
Love is living your life for another one's sake,
sacrificing everything with honor and pride...

Now I am sure that there exists no hate,
but just does the love of hatred indeed.
Before the absurdness of irrevocable fate
only love will save us in eternity...

No feeling will help you to be deeply blessed
while mass is spurious and loners are obsessed...
As you **** your hopes you gain fake freedom,
but free slavery will still be going on,
sometimes feeling oppressed, depressed, repressed...

Invincible I am before such odd jobs
and I have found ways to keep myself up.
Now I live slowly till the time begins to blur,
paradoxes take place within my dark thoughts,
I divide the time to its perpetual aeons,
all the rules and limits I swear to deny
and save the endless time when we were eye to eye...
Through your looks the heavenly sky is clear
and all the possibilities are real there...
My benevolent angel,
let the eternity recur from the start,
only the eyes of blinds do not show their hearts...

I feel very sorry and deeply upset,
when the human inside silently regrets ...
Yet I am too clumsy to move mountains,
to achieve sanctity which I want to serve.
I wish I made you happy at my any chance,
But I can only make you happiness itself...
Ken Pepiton Jun 2019
If the writer is not the reader and the reader is not entered
(entertain-ed?) by the trial or trier
here in our phor of oroboronic

wheel spinning, our world of
coming to meet, um,
-phatics of sorts unheard,
or unshown, un-

iated unit-
ary, you,

become the
eleventh hour ***, none hired.

Unem, come work my field, *** my hard rows
no early helpers

Attention glitch... some signal intra fearal

No worry,
-- fear of god beginning wisdom boot code;

that connection
has been loose so long, missignaling
special and free,

a special sort of
crudescence has scabbed the short.
It's a brain fix.
You get a feel for it, the augments help,
Om as the
Axionic go, is tuned to absurdity. Listen.

Hear me, dragon-lizard-brain. We are a team. The team.
All the story stories tell of you and me. We unite.
We get our act together, and we
go mad, in the sight of all earthlings augmented to see

By my ab-surd-ifity, all our stories change. An unmatched wave.

-- forgive the footnote, but don't lie about what we both know is true:

absurd (adj.)"plainly illogical," 1550s,
from Middle French absurde (16c.),
from Latin absurdus "out of tune, discordant;"
figuratively "incongruous, foolish, silly, senseless,"
from ab- "off, away from,"
here perhaps an intensive prefix,
+ surdus "dull, deaf, mute," which is possibly
from an imitative PIE root meaning "to buzz, whisper"
(see susurration).
Thus the basic sense is perhaps "out of tune,"
but de Vaan writes,
"Since 'deaf' often has two semantic sides,
viz. 'who cannot hear' and 'who is not heard,' ab-surdus can be explained as 'which is unheard of' ..." The modern English
sense is the Latin figurative one,
perhaps "out of harmony with reason or propriety." Related: Absurdly; absurdness.
Screech, boomers know, finger nails on the chalkboard, the blackboard
jungle screech,
when teacher is takin' a smoke. Absurdity is entertainment.

It can make you think in whole new ways.
Or stop your believing of a lie

for long enough to see
a hope, no lie, a hope of something human
**** sapien sapiens augmental,
upright under Good and Evil,
sheltered from the storm.

A class, a level, a common value beyond Belief and Dignity and

dexterous sinister plots of points where clues were pinned,
yet you
overlooked the message, daze-led by the angels dancing.

Thales fell into this hole. He survived. It all ties in

The new -phatic word that started this stream ends it,
with our common
scream for meaning fullness apo-

apo-phatic mystery of sympathy,
bha, bha --

Paradox ortho
pedic augmentations, koan to mantra,
meditation on the word of words,
step to step to step logical
logos-centric reason, logo-istical rite to
evince a visible faith,
a virtue signal,
a mark, between the eyes,
an aim,
a point to spring a story from
upon an unsuspecting child averse to boos.

Trauma at a bubble pop. When all we know, dear
reader, is lost, and our bubble's edge sur
past our horizons,
we are mine-yoot, mispent attentions being

recycled, for goodness sake. Old lies twisting
into first fruits of the know
ing tree, ideas mani-fest
ting, ding

Aha, my bubble of thought ala
funny papers in the old days where we met and laughed
in America, before we knew
earth from this distance
fifty years ago.

Wishbooks were real,
Whole Earth Catalog suppliers
sold me my nets, my hooks, and lines,

I learned the ways men have caught fish.
Wishing all the while for a way to live as earthlings live.
Guided by witty inventions, messengers
from the gods, eh.

Easter eggs, tucked away in retro games surfacing on Wall Street.

Who manages the messages released when the
first trump sounded?

That was me, as real, Asreal Kanbe, a walkon role.

I saw a third,
at least, of all the fish in the sea die,
in the duration of a single
short-span standard life. All seven trumps did sound, though,

they may be like lizards, we don't hear them well.

These seventy years of captivity
in the tales of my culture, my people and the ways they live in peace,

in the ways they resist war, sistere in peace with faith, the idea, the deed,

faith works in acting. True. Eh. Faith without action is dead.

Incandescentis onburnedupus, ****, dark. Switch on switch off
dark dark faith sees nothing, ah so what, we muddle in puddles

and fail to portage for fear of surface I can't sticking to our
iron shod feet,
miry clay, heavy steps ******* the good news socks off
our beautiful feet,

see hear focus id - i dent ify the why, find the how-

thought change changes thinker, not thought.

Which of you can make one wire plus or minus by taking thought?
Taking anxious thought? Eh?
Fret not. Ohmmmmmmmm

my god, why the threats? Why must I fret for never making sense?

Dee ahna knowledge chan zen

consider the opposite, the shadow of turning, not doubt

preserve light and darkness little man
preserve sun and moon and stars

lose your wish to catch the Magic Fish.

But that is my wish, my wish for one more wish,
I wished to catch the fish

which taught the lessen to the fishher whose wife
could not be satisfied.

I wished for a source of all the answers ever found,

Ah. and I got this global brain that remembers ever,
though we know only now.
Never before,
has this been past that which men hoped for,
Faith for the world to become as it now is,
is finished.
What a man sees, why does he hope for?

It worked. Self-evident, right. Same class as life and liberty.

**** or ovoidal elliptical slices of life, those arrive for our

per-use-al, right or wrong. Like a Fabrege' egg:
You break it, you bought it. Life ain't fair. But it works.
Pick up the pieces.
They all still fit. None are missing. Some are broke,
but a soft touch can fix em.

You were always Humpty-Dumpty. This had to happen once.

Good side always shines, when
the rub has been dealt a shine-on signal for ever sake,
no reason,

just cause. A man can, even mad, be as happy
as he can imagine being,
at the time, all things considered, augmentasciously.

This was my oldest memory today, the future
shall come, and whatever
shall be, shall be, que sera sera.

How are you bored? This is earth. Even if you wish otherwise.

There are new things we may learn if we choose.

--apophatic (adj.)
"involving a mention of something one feigns to deny;
involving knowledge obtained by negation," 1850,
from Latinized form of Greek apophatikos,
from apophasis "denial, negation,"
from apophanai "to speak off,"
from apo "off, away from" (see apo-) + phanai "to speak,"
related to pheme "voice," from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say."

I would not call this meditation, sitting in the back garden.
Maybe I would call it eating light.
Mystical traditions recognize two kinds of practice:
apophatic mysticism, which is the dark surrender of Zen, the Via Negativa of John of the Cross, and
kataphatic mysticism, less well defined:
an openhearted surrender to the beauty of creation.

Maybe Francis of Assissi was, on the whole,
a kataphatic mystic,
as was Thérèse of Lisieux in her exuberant momemnts:
but the fact is, kataphatic mysticism has low status in religious circles.

Francis and Thérèse were made, really made,
any mother superior will let you know,
in the dark nights of their lives:
no more of this throwing off your clothes and singing songs and babbling about the shelter of God's arms

When I was twelve and had my first menstrual period,
my grandmother took me aside and said,
'Now your childhood is over.
You will never really be happy again.'
That is pretty much how some spiritual directors treat the transition from kataphatic to apophatic mysticism.

But, I'm sorry, I'm going to sit here every day the sun shines and eat this light. Hung in the bell of desire.” 
― Mary Rose O'Reilley, The Barn at the End of the World: The Apprenticeship of a Quaker, Buddhist Shepherd
Daring to let art be fun and philosophy be phuny, I laugh and romp in the remains of fallen walls between any curious mind and all the knowledge in the world, accessible as long as we both shall live.
Mary Balcom Jan 2016
Is a timely
Noun to consider
From the Merriam-Webster page.


Note (at bottom) the list of near-antonyms;
what is the opposite of trumpery?

[Popularity: Bottom 40% of words]

noun trum·pery \ˈtrəm-p(ə-)rē\

Definition of trumpery

a : worthless nonsense b : trivial or useless articles : junk <a wagon loaded with household trumpery — Washington Irving>

archaic : ****** finery

Origin of trumpery

Middle English (Scots) trompery deceit, from Middle French, from tromper to deceive

First Known Use: 15th century

Examples of trumpery

<claims for weight-loss products that are based much more on Madison-Avenue trumpery than on bariatric science>

Related to trumpery

applesauce [slang], balderdash, baloney (also boloney), beans, bilge, blah (also blah-blah), blarney, blather, blatherskite, blither, bosh, bull [slang], bunk, bunkum (or *******), claptrap, codswallop [British], crapola [slang], crock, drivel, drool, fiddle, fiddle-faddle, fiddlesticks, flannel [British], flapdoodle, folderol (also falderal), folly, foolishness, fudge, garbage, guff, hogwash, hokeypokey, hokum, hoodoo, hooey, horsefeathers [slang], humbug, humbuggery, jazz, malarkey (also malarky), moonshine, muck, nerts [slang], nuts, piffle, poppycock, punk, rot, *******, senselessness, silliness, slush, stupidity, taradiddle (or tarradiddle), tommyrot, tosh, trash, nonsense, twaddle

Related Words
absurdity, asininity, fatuity, foolery, idiocy, imbecility, inaneness, inanity, insanity, kookiness, lunacy; absurdness, craziness, madness, senselessness, witlessness; hoity-toity, monkey business, monkeyshine(s), shenanigan(s), tomfoolery; gas, hot air, rigmarole (also rigamarole); double-talk, greek, hocus-pocus

Near Antonyms
levelheadedness, rationality, reasonability, reasonableness, sensibleness; common sense, horse sense, sense; discernment, judgment (or judgement), wisdom
By: Robinson Bolkum
Silent Sanctuary Mar 2015
My life has been somewhat perfect.
I pursue things that pleases everyone around me;
But why was I never happy nor satisfied? Is it really an effect?
Of things that made me capable of achieving things my eyes can see?

I feel nothing but emptiness,
Like a matchbox without matches nor dust and spiders.
Very cynical thought for one and filled with absurdness,
I can't blame people for I'm a mere banter for others.

I don't sense my purpose, nor my passion.
What an irony for the title seen above,
Yet it is something that I'd like to figure even without caution,
A mere thrill for me for I have wings yet I'm a flightless dove.

I envy and do not, those people who know their passion,
For most can achieve and do what they desire,
Whilst others cannot so they end in what if's and aggression,
How morose for the latter but dreams can always transpire.

I am entrapped by the idea of a passion driven life,
A loony idea that is far beyond reach,
Unless dreams are sacrificed or even be in a strife,
To just taste a luscious pitch black peachy leech.
JAM Jun 2013
Why does everything that makes sense
Get hung up on a fence?
And every thing that doesn't gets emergency delivery In an ambulance
So I'll just throw down lightning bolts like Zues while I'm in this booth
They tell me not to lie, but they can't handle the truth

A sinister minister lookin' for a simple cure
You can have my lady, cause she's just a lady and I don't call her baby, but maybe if it gets hot out you can give her back when I need it shady, cause she's a shady women she's a crazy lady

I'm kickin' down, tokin' up
Sipping down the fifth of jack in my cup
One night stands, smeared numbers on my hands, this wasn't my plan, but I'm takin' advantage while I can
Fall in lust for a perky bust, I can go forever before I bust
It's a must for me to leave you on the bus cause love won't get you into nothin' but a fuss
I know you feel like you trust, but I'm a rolling stone not your boss and don't you know the saying " a rolling stone gathers no moss"?

Why does everything that makes sense
Get hung up on a fence?
And every thing that doesn't gets emergency delivery In an ambulance
So I'll just throw down lightning bolts like Zues while I'm in this booth
They tell me not to lie, but they can't handle the truth

Strikingly frightening creating electricity with simplicity like lightning
And if you ain't heard this, it's worthless for me to be a wordsmith, you and your absurdness can go jump out a birds nest
Stay down when you hit the ground, go pound for pound
Or get on my level and go toe to toe with the devil
I'm hot as a tea kettle

Put me back on the stove,
watch me rise from the flame
and blossom like a rose!

Why does everything that makes sense
Get hung up on a fence?
And every thing that doesn't gets emergency delivery In an ambulance
So I'll just throw down lightning bolts like Zues while I'm in this booth
They tell me not to lie, but they can't handle the truth

jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Everyday it grows,
The movement thought has slowed,
By the time it encompasses,
The fragile calcium deposit,
It has already shattered the existence,
To preserve and persevere,
To conquer and obey,
Strict guidelines of absurdness,
Made of entirely nothing,
Still all is strung together,
By a thread of light,
A beacon of hope and despair,
Questioning what is wrong and fair,
When none ever is,
A balancing act to topple over,
Regaining the feeling of lost,
Completely out of place,
Seeming as if soylent waste,
The vapors all dried,
No salty tears,
No reality,
No fear,
No knowing ever,
Of what is intended,
Is friends befriending friends,
To gain so you suffer less,
Obedient to the cause,
Of your own personal agenda,
Shortly after you send,
A memo to denote the negativity,
That draws to you a magnetic force,
Being north and south,
Being a head and ***,
From top to bottom,
You flipped it,
Let it go,
Change the way,
A ***** today,
A mother tomorrow,
Put your hand out to borrow,
Change you can never pay back
Mishty Oct 2014
In my insipid sojourn
I saw a blazed comrade in you.
How beautifully you lapse my absurdness,
yet know me to be incisive.

You usher me from the oblivious darkness.
And I from the irksome light,
Contrary yet complementary
That’s what makes us ‘WE’.

I can’t find a better opportune minute,
To express my titillation

For your presence in my life better than this.
Love you to the fullest onto death
Keep smiling, cause life is beautiful.
SJ Feb 2013
take away all these feelings
of absurdness
bury me by their side
swallow whatever is left
of my light
I rather see you
glowing with radiance
that I could never
Jozef Vizdak Aug 2016
It’s funny how expectations change
First I wanted you to leave him
then just to see you was my bread
and now the prayers that you’d write
but you don’t mind darling
happily walking through life
with him and words that once
were something more that themselves
became blown by the wind
or never were what I thought
So he is your remedy now
and mine is the insanity
clinging to me drowning
me as if it was honey
being normal in my absurdness
When drinking I cry
mortally wounded
I smoke green cones
just to be higher in my lowest
still feeling nothing increasingly
submitted to time and time only
If I walk I walk to you
you are my dreams and music
while each morning wickedly
brings reality unchanging
that I’m with you without you
each night I watch the sky
with innocently simple question
but such as moon closing brings
forth the planet’s tides
stars and sometimes even clouds
don’t know about it
as they don’t know the answer
or who’s asking
and frankly they don’t give a ****.
for H.V.
Garrett Johnson Oct 2020
Sock lost forever.

Having no words.
Laying down.
In absurdness.
The best way.
Leaning over.
Sleep after.
Canadian jade.
With everything else to say.

Garrett Johnson.
Well....It's gone now.
Jamie F Nugent Sep 2023
Outside a country cottage,
where the road trails off like a song,
and the paint of its pebble-dash walls
play off the sky's complexion,
your indifferent eyes behold
the curdling clouds above
and scrutinize the strangers under them;
the expectations met like
a faulty firework firmly
mounted in the Earth.

In the garden stands
a Spaniard perplexed
by the novelty of fog
stranded on the hillside
and the absurdness of it
existing outside of a horror movie.
In the course of
a near imperceptible drizzle,
it seemed that the clouds
forgot how to float;
At other times, elsewhere, a refusal
to be so gentle,
to became fused with other things,
to be born from
the seepage of smoke
of more than a million chimneys,
some slink home through it
holding hand-cranked lamps,
others: smaller, older,
wrapped in white sheets,
cough up a whole city.

But we are not there,
we are outside this worn-out cottage,
where all the white cats have blue eyes,
where a bike rests and rusts on an oak tree,
where incredibility is murmured  
in hushed tones of veiled dialect,
where the conversation tapers off
like a half-learned hymn.

We amble on in.
Chuck Kean Feb 21
Molly’s Song

     She’s a troubled soul and she thinks
She’s the only one with a woeful plight
The path she walks is illuminated
With a persistent dark light

She dreams of a better tomorrow
But she lives in yesterday
And she’s always oblivious to
The blessings of today

She’s tortured by her anxiety
And the voices of her mind
And she’s constantly searching
For something she can never find

Impossible is her ability to be happy
And it’s beyond being an absurdness
She can only find her comfort
When she’s surrounded in darkness

She’s created her own prison
Her sentence is lifelong
And Heartbreaking are the lyrics
And melody of Moly’s Song

Written By:Charles Kean

— The End —