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careful there
you know what comes
of touching lovely things
It's 2 am
And something familiar inside me spreads its wings
And ***** drunkenly against the windowpanes,
The ceiling fan
The moldings.
And I do not know how to tell it
There is no out.

It's you, isn't it?

No, it can't be, you can't linger like this.
Not safe-
You are not allowed
In here.
You are not allowed to snare me in beauty and complexities and answers
And make me feel.
I'm not sure you know
Your words stick around after you have gone.
They course through me, filling up my bones
And try to force their way back out through my skin
My fingertips
My lungs.
And I try
To be still.

Something about who you are upsets the balance of me
And the thing I have learned to cage stretches and begins to press out,
Having heard the echoes of permission to exist.

I've swallowed a thunderstorm like a pill
And it has seeped into every vein and capillary
And made it all chaotic and full of motion.
My skeleton hums and vibrates like a struck tuning fork.
I am aware of the power in me and it demands release
And I have no answer for it
Like always.

I have no answer for you,
Go back to sleep.
Your screams would break my bones
Your song would still my heart
Your embrace would crumble me to dust.
I have no answer for you,
For if you emerge we are both finished.

It shudders.

I shudder.

And all of me except my body rises up an inch
And crashes back down like the tide.

I think of how I always end up painting with my fingers
No matter how many brushes I have
Because I need to feel the colors.
I think of holding hands briefly
As a child
With a beautiful, silent marble statue in the museum
And enduring the rebuke for wanting to feel its skin.
I think of the moment before a kiss, when I'm so close I can feel the heat of her lips
And how I have to pause there and let that moment smolder
Even though it adds to a longing that will not diminish with contact
Only grow.

Whatever lives in here with me writhes and reaches for the inky black windows and the whitewashed fields beyond.

I think of Ellen wiping her friend's tears away with her thumb- a tenderness I'd never seen in my life until then.
I think of pressing Therese's palm to my cheek and wishing with all my heart that I could give her every breath I'd ever taken.
I think of you kissing the scars of a girl you didn't know.

The idea of it
That unnameable moment of rising
Undoes something inside me
And the house fills up from the basement to the eaves with what I can't rein in.
It consumes me, it drowns me.
I forget where the surface is.
I forget that there is a surface.
I leave the house and fill the sky,
My fingers sifting through the cold velvet of night
Desperately searching for an answer,
For an assurance that, somewhere, this longing has a limit
And will not engulf the universe with its agony of feeling,
Forever hungry to the point of pain.

I find no edge.
Is this freedom? Is this the last moment?
Is it
To hurt?

And then
Just as suddenly
It all returns to me at once
Slams into my chest
And my temples itch with electricity:
Once again I hold the tension of every wish I never dared to speak.

I turn out the light.
"She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something." - Eleanor & Park
I miss the rain.
I miss the way it sounds at night,
The hushed rhythm of it in the grass and on the roof.
Snow is so silent.
So heavy.
Rain breathes.
Standing outside in the snow feels lonely.
Standing in the rain feels like being
In the fall, when the leaves were just barely turning, I wrote you a song.
I sang to you that I'd bring you flowers at 4 in the morning
If you were ever sad.
That I'd walk to wherever you were.
When I sang it to you your eyes filled with tears
And that night you kissed me for the first time in a long time.
Months later
I brought you flowers
In the middle of the night.
You told me you were upset
And I walked to the store and got you roses.
You met me outside
Because it was cold and you didn't want me to walk so far
And on the drive to your house I watched the silvery light of the streetlights reach out to touch your face on the way by.
And that night
I proved to you that I meant every word I ever said or wrote to you
And you
Proved that you wanted me to
And that is why
I have hardly seen you since.
The sun breaks through to another day for me to see the choices I've made
It's easy to overlook the pain when there's nothing to lose and naught to gain
If my mistakes were rubber bands
I'd tie them all together and throw caution to the wind
But I never learn
No I never learn
I can't deal with the aftermath, I didn't think straight when I chose my path
They say don't dwell on the past my friend, but there's never a start and there's been no end
If my mistakes were rubber bands
I'd tie them all together and throw caution to the wind
But I never learn
No I never learn
I watched my dreams fall away from me, emotions as vague as the sky and sea
The stars break through to another night as I lie in my bed wishing I'd try
If my mistakes were rubber bands
I'd tie them all together and throw caution to the wind
But I never learn
And it never ends
No I never learn
It never ends
I wrote this to standard tuning with he use of Am, G, C , D and F. I am really open to suggestions on wording if it doesn't flow or seems to not make sense. I kept going over and over this and am still unsure how I feel about it.
Behind the light of the screen
Live many a friendship unseen
Straight up or with a twist
These bonds do exist
And I am thankful to all
In between
Thank You my poetic family. You are warmth on a cold day, a dry shoulder, a kindred spirit when i feel isolated. We share and thus we are never alone
from creation's full womb
our poetry is birthed daily
for readers world wide
Every man
I have ever
Or even
Has in some way degraded me
This is why I prefer to meet them in passing,
As shadows with hard fingers and
Or as ghosts with an extra tip
For the pretty waitress.
I cannot love
Or even
Respect them
If I really see their faces.
So I don't
If you are trying to change a; person, relationship,  or environment, and it doesn't change - leave before it changes you. Things are what they are; you have no control of that. You are what you will; you have full control of that.
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