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I can't remember life without you,
And it hasn't been very long
But something about you makes me think that I never again want to not know your name
I don't want to wake up alone
Without your chest to lean on
Without your breath to breath in
I've missed what I've never had
And I'm glad to have it back
You imagined me as a child
And a family portrait
Drawn in number 2 pencil
From a 1972 television screen
No one in the picture looks like you
No one looks like me
Strangers to the world
Erased from an electronic hologram
That remains hidden from your experiences
No matter how far you can see
You see me as them
I see me as you
You retreat, but I advance
Looking for a sign, a mere glance
There's a presence consuming your reality
This I can clearly see
I could be succumbing to insanity
But I feel your energy leaving me

Perhaps, to you, I am nothing more
Than your way out, a simple door
The desperation intoxicating the air
Wondering if you honestly care
What would happen if I left this place?
Leaving only ashes to hide in a vase

I keep running, chasing you around
Am I not making enough sound?
Maybe if I scream, yell and shout
You'll see what this is that I'm on about
I've seen through your wavering shroud
Don't you dare stand so tall and proud

I can tell, don't mistake me for a fool
This shameless act is painfully cruel
There's futility cloaking the darkness
Believed to be only harmless
You draw back each and every time
As if I have committed such a terrible crime

Is this where you draw the line?
After all the times we whispered, "Mine."
I made a promise from the start
Deep down in the depths of my ravaged heart
I refuse to leave my world behind
If all is lost, it is you I'll find

Though I suppose it's to be expected
This brittle feeling of being rejected
Every bit of helpful advice
Praying this distance will soon suffice
I will be here, waiting for you
And maybe you'll do the same for me too

Please, don't leave me here
Take me with before you disappear
If you want otherwise, it's quite alright
I'll be here contemplating amidst the night
Never forget, don't let it slip by
I'll love you far past the very day that I die
"I refuse to leave my world behind
If all is lost, it is you I'll find"
The second I wrote those beautiful words,
I began choking back burning tears.
I've been trying
To find the words to say, that'll make this go away
I've been dying
To find a better place, to sing my cares away
I've been lying
To you and to myself, to everyone else
It's okay
To not be okay somedays

And I'm not okay

I want to go back into time and change all the words that I've said
They say I'm better off but I don't know if I believe them
Well if love is what that was than I don't to love no more
Because love isn't supposed to leave you bleeding on the floor
It took a long time, and I don't know what's worse,
Not knowing who you are, or not knowing who you were

And I have realized I never even thought you were super man,

Why weren't you super man?
As you try to find the tape to draw the lines around the inside of your mind
She wasn't worth it.
Keep your mind on what is,
For it isn't broken

For you don't know what was fact and what was fiction
Because the space she occupy's is the space you live in
And it's not the same as it was
And you don't even really want it to be

So why is it that every time you close your eyes she's the one you see
No matter how hard you try you can't erase the lines of her eyes from the inside of your mind
She betrayed you

She lied

She never loved you all that time
And although she may never leave you, at least not really
You just wish you could revel in what happiness you can find
But she can't keep controlling every little contour, every sleek design
She can't keep haunting you, every time

So slide the sight of her in that white dress out of your mind one more time
For she never loved you, for all those years
Swallow your deepest fears
For your tears will do you no good in this endeavor

For you thought that at the very least she was on your team,
That she was there to stay in whatever way she felt was sane
But she knows nothing of sanity only that it's a fragile thing
So sing these words a darker shade of grey,
Because you dare not scare this one away,
Don't face the fact that you fall asleep thinking that her too will wake up every morning to a face other than yours,

Take a step and breath,
For life is worth living, breath
For you can listen to that song again, breath
For you've found something worth falling for, breath
She doesn't deserve your fears,
She doesn't deserve you
A bit off the heel and a bit off the toe,
It won't hurt very much, and they're pretty, you know.
I've got the perfect pair of shoes for you,
All you need is some fitting- an inch off or two.
A slice of skin here and a little blood there,
These are the most beautiful shoes you could wear.
Let you go? Heavens no!
I admire you so
With your perfect physique
And your delicate feet.
Oh it's only a smidgen, a droplet of blood!
Come now dear, no one's fond of a stick in the mud.
Come- rush to the ball and we'll all have such fun!
On second thought, maybe you, ah... shouldn't run...
It's worth it, though, isn't it? These beautiful shoes.
And darling, they look so exquisite on you.
There now, not so bad, and they fit perfectly,
All you needed was just a little surgery.
Now let's off to the ball and you'll dance all night long.
No silly, don't cry, you've got it all wrong!
I told you- you're beautiful just how you are,
Now come on and stop whining, you don't have to walk far.
But you see, there's no daughter, or stepmom, or shoes.
There's none of those things- there is me and there's you.
And you've got this idea of what I'm s'posed to be,
And as hard as I try, I'm not her, love, I'm me.
I'm afraid that no matter how much pain I bear,
I just don't fit in the shoes you are making me wear.
You're going to be okay
Love doesn't always feel this way
Preserve your faith
Your lungs are too **** worn down for this
You're still young,
So learn to love the life you lead even if you have to learn to love it for me
Because some day I have to believe you'll see a point in all this
So I lean in for a kiss on your sweet lips
And there's nothing better than this cause love, even when we're worlds apart
Your smile seems plastered among the stars, you're gonna go far
I just hope I get to see the day
I hope I can stand close enough to catch your sunrays
It's in you I store my faith
And I truly hope that one day you'll be able to put it there too
I truly hope that one day you'll learn to see it that way
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