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 Aug 2018 Joan
 Aug 2018 Joan
this world will corode over time
decompose in the vast space of nothingness 
but we are all immortal
our souls live forever
death is the last beginning
of something never ending
our last eartly breath
opens the portal to invinity
where we drift for eternity
 Aug 2018 Joan
Walid Abdallah
Everyone needs someone to care for
Everybody needs someone to love and adore

Everyone needs someone in joy and torture
To share their beloved in present and future

To live alone, life is so bitter
To live in love, life is much better

Come closer, much closer to me
Let's make one loving entity

Stay with me in my life
To bear pains and strife

Come closer touch my love and feel
Cure my heart wounds and heal

Make me feel alive again
You dwell my heart and brain

I see rosy dreams in your eyes
You have become my land and skies

Life will come back again to earth
And give it a new being, a new birth

Come closer, don't go away
Deep inside my hear reside and stay

You are the joy of my life and cure
The relief of my pains I never tasted before

The sun of my love to you will never set
You have enthralled my heart since we met

We can touch the sky together
Our love created flowers that don't wither

Our love makes trees swing in the wind
Carrying the longing my heart and soul send

My love runs with each drop of the falling rain
Your love runs with each drop of blood in my vein

Because of you my heart can beat again
You gave my life a meaning that no words can explain
 Aug 2018 Joan
I was hurt
It wasn't nothing new
Something I should be use to
something I should be already use too
I ignore the signs and lies
And just stare into your honey brown eyes
Mesmerized I give in
Letting your sweet kisses poison me
Oh how you've frozen me
I'm stuck on the past yet currently in the present
I'm stuck on the future with white picketed fences . . .
 Aug 2018 Joan
Break Free
 Aug 2018 Joan
i can only break free
from the cocoon i have spun
with silk from the fruits
of my dedication and labour
when the seconds on the clock
tick & tock, tick & tock,
until my anticipated wings
finally sprout with dyes so radiant
and burst me free, soaring
with an outburst so fierce
that my wings intimidate
every other caterpillar
as I have evolved
when they couldn't
 Aug 2018 Joan
Busy tree
 Aug 2018 Joan
A lonely tree
Broken, afraid, abused.
It craved comfort
And it craved love.

There, there, lonely tree,
For I will be your sun.
Shining on the ground
Helping your leaves grow.

A scared tree you are,
Filled with broken branches.
I will help you grow new ones,
Stronger than the old.

A healing tree you are,
Starting to grow new buds.
Still so fragile,
Your branches are all new.

A happy tree you are,
You dance in my rays
And they only shine for you
Grow happy tree, grow.

And a growing tree you are.
My rays bounce off you
So everyone sees your beauty
And gets shade from my rays.

A loving tree you are
Giving me purpose as the sun,
Giving you life
Is what makes me shine.

A busy tree you are,
Housing new life,
Wishing just once
For a cloud all day.

A happy sun I am.
Even when the clouds
Block my rays from you,
I know you are under there.

A cloudy sun I am.
Some days I peak through
And glimpse my happy tree,
Forgetting about my rays.

A sad sun I am.
Happy tree is there,
But happy tree, is busy tree,
And forgets about the sun.

A rainy sun I am.
Let the rain fall for days,
Only to hope my busy tree
Is growing.
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