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I splash my face with chilled water,
Hoping the shock will freeze you out of my heart.
I take scalding showers,
To try and burn your touch from my body,
Where I can still feel your hands linger.
I drag the razor along my legs where you once kissed,
Shaving away pieces of you, letting the metal bite into my skin,
Hoping I can bleed you out of my soul.
  Jul 2015 Water In My Veins
A dream, that's what you are
What a wonderful dream you are
You've given me an immense amount
of joy and ecstasy in such a short time

But you disappeared as soon as you happened
I forgot you as soon as I woke up
But it wasn't my intention to forget you
The worst thing is I didn't even know who you are
I'm empty.
  Jul 2015 Water In My Veins
Evening breeze,
Everyone is now at peace,
Your name popped,
My heart suddenly stopped.

I miss you,
I really do,
I force myself to be busy,
But my mind is going crazy.

You're my happiness,
I always forget what is stress,
But now smiles turn to frowns,
Mind cries and heart drowns,

Maybe it's meant to be,
Maybe we're too blinded to see.
I'm the guitar and you're the strings,
Without you i'll be a **useless thing.
Last night
I dreamt you came back
You waved cheerfully through a window
Came out to greet me
And we embraced
I can still feel the fabric of your sweater
You were wearing black and white as usual
But something was different
I think it was the lack of sadness
In my dream you were happy
In my dream you came back to me
I woke up hours before I usually do from this dream just to miss you and wish you were here still, but you're not. The sad thing is that when I picked up my phone to try to find someone I could speak to I found no one.
How strange to think
That those who use to hang on your every word
Now sit silently waiting for your words to cease

Once upon a time
There was someone who cared
They sat on the edge of their seat
Riveted by the pictures your words painted
But in this moment
They sit in awe of someone else’s tall tales
While you type away behind a screen
Sending your creations out into the world
Praying for someone to notice
That silent plea within

Once upon a time
There lived a girl who’s every breath
Bled with words and emotions
Her heart was present in everything she said
Those around her held their own breath
Not to harm hers
Now she sits alone in a dimly lit room
Her breath going unnoticed
No longer will anyone hold their breath
To see hers

Once upon a time
In a dusty old room
Many years left untouched
Someone found a old collection of writings
Curious they began to read
What was dated before they were born
Soon they held their breath in anticipation
For the words plainly written before them
Held their attention so dearly
It caressed their imagination
And soon they could hear
A sweet voice speaking
The words with such passion
That their mind couldn’t be brought back to reality
They submerged themselves
In the writings of someone long silent now

Once upon a time
A long forgotten voice
Drifted through time
To breath life into
Someone new
I wish you were still here to hear what I've written this week
I know I should find someone new
But its so hard to find someone
Worthy of replacing you
We formed a non-suicide pact
in jesting voices,
vowed to save ourselves
as soon as we'd been superheros and saved
the world.

We meant every ******* word.
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