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Jun 2015 · 1.6k
Words Untold (Spanish)
Quizá nunca supe mucho al respecto.
Sólo sabía sentir, y era el sentir más genuino y puro que yo hubiera conocido. No sabía nada, tan solo un instinto que me llamaba a adentrarme en aquel desconocido mundo lleno de aquellas inefables sensaciones que no comprendo del todo.
Una locura, fue. Lo sé, y quizá lo supe siempre, pero ya no vale decir más. Loco fue ese sentimiento, que me hacía pensar noche y día en ti. Ese sentimiento que hizo que quisiera defenderte a toda costa de cualquier daño que pudiera hacerte el mundo en tu existencia, a pesar de ser siempre yo quien necesitara una mano para salir de un hoyo interminable que me arrastraba de vez en cuando. Un sentir, que se sentía rapidísimo cuando estabas cerca, y lento e interminable cuando estabas ausente. El tiempo se detenía entre abrazos y canciones, pero eso, eso era solo en mi mente. Me perdía en el sonido de tus palabras para no saber de mí jamás... Pobre ingenuidad... Tenías otros planes...

Te fuiste, aparentándo que nada jamás te importó. Mandándome a mí o a mi madre a lugares a los que no se mandan ni a los enemigos, y te alejaste a tope. Todo por una palabra. Una simple palabra.
Me dijiste tantas cosas sin un solo insulto, que terminé por casi volver a hacer la misma estupidez de antaño, cuando la gente ya no quiere nada que ver con su existencia.

Y día a día, indirectamente, me hacías sentir culpable. ¿Sabes qué hizo esta idiota? Alegrarse cuando te veía sonreir, sonreir de verdad. Quizá era el único consuelo, para el unico sentimiento perdido que había sido verdaderamente real en una corta y monótona existencia.
Un día de esos en los que realmente no soy yo, te tuve frente a frente, pero las palabras no salieron. Hice lo que pude para no llorar, ni correr hacia ti, porque no sabía qué mas hacer. Lo único que sabía era que eso no iba a pasar. Que ya nada iba a pasar.

Luego sucedió. Me sacaste de quicio. Esa llamada. Esa persona desconocida, esas palabras, y tu risita en el fondo. ¿Qué tan mal tengo que estar para alimentar esa macabra sonrisa tuya? A veces me pregunto si era en serio aquella vez que me dijiste que eras un demonio. Conociste mi enfado ese día, pero de lejitos. No iba a hacerte daño, no soy como tú.

Y al final, te apareces, diciendo estar preocupado, con un montón de cosas que reiteradamente me dijiste que olvidara. Buscándome por todos lados. Te pregunté ¿Por qué lo hiciste?

Obtuve tu silencio.

Hoy hay otro sentimiento, el mismo que cuando te alejaste. Pero este si lo puedo expresar...

Siento un vacío profundo
Un vacío infinito.
No se llena de nada
esta cada vez mas vacío
como un hada
sin alas
sin mundo
al mar de lo desconocido
Se adentra,
lo que venga
Estoy lista
Dejé atrás todo sentir
Porque tengo miedo
a sentir lo mismo.
Apr 2015 · 643
Shattered thougts
when we think about imagination,
We think about pieces of our childhood.
Leftover of the memories
They didn't wanted us to keep.
Of our buried first consciousness,
Under a pile of society
Tossed by the shovel
Of humanity.
Shattered thougts.
Because they fear the ones
That know what's really worth it.
A child wouldn't choose a car
Or a smartphone
Before their friends.
They wouldn't.
Because our math tests became easier
When "I don't know" was a valid answer.
Now it is all about competition,
Now it is all about money,
And that's what makes someone
And who's "powerful" will rule.
A kid is not afraid to fall
Because they'll stand up Again,
We have much to learn from them.
"I've been carrying a corpse for more time than I had to cry over it, and just now I have buried it. The smell of the dead is still around me, but it's just a matter of time until I wipe it off."
Not actually a poem but something I had to say.
Mar 2015 · 640
just a friend...
Counted hours
Counted days
Counted weeks
Counted months,
You dissapeared
No clue
I see you down the corridors,
But is that really you?
The one I met?
No way to know
No way.
How is that we kept walking,
Trying not to look at each other
And turning back,
Not to face us.
How did it use to be?
A 'hello' from the distance,
A hug
A talk
Another hug
Comforting each other when the other was broken
And giving a hand when the other was in trouble.
It was friendship I know
But you know that for me,
You were always more than just a friend.
And why did I say 'it was'?
Because I was stupid,
I messes things up,
And I couldn't do anymore
But crying over my pillows
Covered in blood
Wanting the pain to end
Because it hurted so much
To see you away
To see your smile faded.
To see you broken
And I'm sorry
And I really miss how it used to be
Dedicated to...him.
Feb 2015 · 557
we said what we think.
And just because it's not  the same,
or just because someone couldn't understand
We got blamed at.
We went through the path full of hatred
of an entire world.
They said "You're free."
But their offenses appear like bullets
from nowhere.
Without letting us a break.
We can't dream when sleeping,
We can't live without hiding.
Even though it is an "old joke"
it still happens
it still hurts
And we swallow our words,
pretending we are unconscious
pretending we have no opinion
and we're losing our sanity.
Maybe we already forgot.
But we still know what we're not.
This is my first poem, or the first poem I upload to the internet. It's story is a bit of just random. Today at school, in english class, a teacher I haven't even met in a school I've been for around 5 years, told us to use some verbs and write something, anything, with them. Some of those were: sleep, say, understand, to be, and some other verbs I don't remember now. I thought about what happens to many kids and teenagers, mostly in schools today. I made it in about... 10 minutes maybe?

Well, I hope you like it. :)

— The End —