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 Sep 2020 Nalinee
Good enough
 Sep 2020 Nalinee
Not everything needs a poem
itโ€™s already

good enough.
 Sep 2020 Nalinee
Norman Crane
From the eleventh floor
the world looks small
and possible

The cars
     black and white
     parked perpendicular
          to the curb
          to each other
are keys
     ebony and ivory
I reach out
through the window
and play the street like a piano
 Sep 2020 Nalinee
โ€œSocial media is taking over our lives,โ€
she tweeted angrily.

Last of its remains, hung
The yellow leaf
precariously strung on the the tender yellowed stem
As the yellow copper pod flowers
Came down along with the rains
On the vibrant green leaves
And fell on the pavement clean

When you set them free
It sets you free

In a cage
The bird knows its resting spot
Free, it has many
On the tree

There is no better place
To allay your fears
Other than your own head
At rest
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