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Coleman M Lowe Oct 2020
There I was,
in the very depths of despair.
In a place so very dark.
And I no longer cared.
I had closed my eyes,
As I said my final prayers.
I had made up my mind,
I would no longer be there,
I'd be gone,
As soon as I finished my prayer.
But when I opened my eyes,
There was an angel standing there.
She told me how much,
The Lord loved me.
And that he'd never,
Not once,
Forgotten about me
I know not her name. But the Lord sent her to me when i was ready to give up and forfeit my life while in the depths of depression. Thank you.
Coleman M Lowe Oct 2020
My heart is broken
I feel such pain
I look at my face,
It's all tear stained                              
I want to hate you,
But I never can.
No matter what,
You may have done,
I know in my heart,
You're still the one
What is it,?
That I'm to do?
To prove to you,?
That I still love you
Coleman M Lowe Oct 2020
Can you,
Protect me from my dreams?
That's all I need.
Or sometimes,
That's all it seems.
Can you,
Hold me in your arms?
And keep them at bay,
With your wily charms?
Can you,
Love me for just today?
And make my fears go away?
Coleman M Lowe Jul 2020
I have nothing to offer,
I'm sorry to say,
I have nothing left today.
I have nothing to offer
Can't you see?.
Nothing to offer,
But little old me.
No dowry.
Little hope.
Nothing to offer,
But me.
Nothing but my heart.
And I give that
For Free
Coleman M Lowe Jul 2020
Nothing is as lonesome as the night.

The stars are burning dim,
As the whippoorwill calls,
From the shadowy twilight's gloom.

A tear streaks my face,
As his call tears at my heart.
And the weight of the moonlight presses,
Me on down onto the earth.

I cry out for help,
With a voice that makes no sound.

The weight of the world,
Keeps me pressed to the ground.

The crickets chirp, and the tree frogs sing.
And above it all,
I hear ,
The whippoorwills,
Plaintive call.
nightime is a lonesome time even if you have someone much less if you are alone
Coleman M Lowe Jul 2020
Into this world world will come,
A few,
Very precious souls.
Who  will not fit
Into your cookie cutter molds.
To your ideals,
You try to make them hold.
And never realize,
They may be,
The purest form of gold
I wrote this when I watched the staff in a "mental" ward openly laugh and make fun of someone who was challenged when they attempted to make him the same as almost everyone else.I don't conform either and was quite upset by their actions and treatment of this individual. I simply say that they are "differently enabled" than others and  staff would have used resourse myuch better to find what the person was good at instead of forcing them to comply and making fun.
Coleman M Lowe Jul 2020
I once crossed a bridge,
That now is burnt.
It seems that behind,
All are hurt.
A word too quick.
Can't be taken back.
My whole world,
Goes to black.
Actions and reactions,
Done in haste.
It all seems,
Such a waste.
Regret, it rears it's ugly head,
and desires to be fed.
But regret, A bridge, can't rebuild
Not when it's very foundations are crumbled.
And covered by the embers,
That used to be a bridge.
Bridges are built on faith and trust.
The strong ones are steel,
And will withstand rust.
But thoughtless words,
Spoken in haste.
Can lay even the strongest,
Bridge to waste.
A reminder to myself, to us all that we should engage our brain before opening ones mouth.
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