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  May 2020 Bebe
Max Neumann
writing poetry on your skin
your fantasies are our ink
Today is a good day.
  May 2020 Bebe
when I first met you
you were nothing but another face
not until it became my favorite

i can still remember the day
i've seen you in the hallway
thinking what i would want to say

it's you that i really adore
and still wanting for more
how I wish I was the one you're looking for
  May 2020 Bebe
Mrs Anybody
i am
losing sleep
i rather
dream of you
also check out my other poems!  :)
  May 2020 Bebe
Chloe Haas
sometimes I imagine this body
cloaked in cation tape carved like a noose,
sometimes I still see his handprints on my chest,
sometimes I get this sense of fear
that he is still watching me,
and sometimes I still think I am there.
  May 2020 Bebe
Leielani E
White body kills Black body
But no body saw a thing.
Every body has an opinion
But no body has the truth.
White body thought that it could
Beat the blackness out of Black body
But Black body stayed black.
Black body cried out,
"Some body! Please! Help!
This violates ****** rights!"
But still, no body heard a thing.
White body has weapons
It inherited from its ancestors:
            White Privilege
            Justice System
Black body had a weapon too:
White body stays free, remorseless
While Black body lies in the ground.
White body's name is America.
Black body's name was Black Body.
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