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 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
Bright appearance
Blue eyes
All those little lies

Treating me like nothing
Sometimes there
Acting like you care

Maybe you do
I know you’re not here anymore
And with that let me say
I no longer mourn
silent library
those unspoken words on shelves
I ache to voice them
Garbage can summer
your breath smells of dust
sticky cola fingers and ice cream faces
mixed with orange from the wrappers of long dead lollies
hot tarmac and the heady fragrance of sun dried dog ***
hot girl you need the mouthwash of rain
and perhaps an Autumn flavoured mint
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
Pagan Paul
The acid that runs cold through my veins
wishes that it just rains and rains,
to wash away my darkest pains
and cleanse me 'til nothing remains.

Playing evil with my deepest fears,
tapping my strings all these years,
the truth unblind at last appears,
nothing is worth the salt of my tears.

Deep within my soul slowly breaks,
the toll that this reality fire takes
has scarred me with fantasy flakes,
and scorched me with so many mistakes.

Pagan Paul (April 2022)
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
There is a difference between a father,
And someone you call a "Dad",

A father being only a naming word,
Whereas a dad is a doing word,
who steps in to love, guide, teach,
pick up the the pieces,
And have you experience the beauty of your creation through his eyes
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
The clay bird said to the caged bird, "There's this burning desire to fly and soar, but my clay heart chokes on the fear of finding my shattered pieces on the ground."
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