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 Feb 2023 Eloisa
As a penny with a hole in it,
someone else spun a coin
that inspired my time.,
So far away from me
you're so far away.
Red, red wine
and there we go again,
You are always on my mind.
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Edmund black
Lately It’s so empty here
Where laughter’s once celebrated
Where the river’s once cried
Where the ocean’s once roared
Lately It’s so empty here
Where the sun once shined
Where the moon once seduced
Lately It’s so empty here
Where our hearts once merged
Where the rainbow’s arch
Once welcomed  our vulnerabilities.
Lately it’s so empty here,
Where hope once grew
Where love
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
my destiny with you must’ve been pre-written,
everything falls into place at a pace so lovingly,
the natural joy of creation has led to us, and us to it. 
creating these moments of bliss i often reminisce about,
no matter the memory, big or small—
it shall be remembered for the rest of my all. 
twitching with excitement for the path before us, unknown to any, 
even us,
the one thing apparent is our smiles and joy. 
euphorically gorgeous, you’re my favorite haze to get lost within. 
slowly enveloping my mind, body, and existence so benevolently,
as i with you, we practically fuse— like clouds and white smoke crossing each other’s paths. 
for half a moment we’re indistinguishable, together as one we run in complete unison;
synergy so polished and perfected i mistake us as you, or we as me. 
woe is me when that moment fully passes—
back to togethering apart, longing for your mist to kiss mine once again. 
the sensation of familiarity i feel for you hasn’t diminished since we first met, and it has me wondering.
what if we’ve met before —
in our previous life,
as previous people,
but with this same adoration?
what if everything lined up so perfectly in our previous, just like it did in this current?
i’ve always wondered what the reason for that may be;
maybe in our first incarnations,
we fell in love so flawlessly, and shared a lifetime of joy and laughter and love and peace,
we were able to do everything we set our minds toward,
our wealth was astonishing,
we traveled the world,
we completed bucket lists and had minuscule worries. 
and as we got old and gray, all we could do is look back fondly—
“but what’s ahead?” we wondered. 
what new experiences will we miss because of the limitations of our bodies?
and so it happened, our first promise,
with the intertwining of our pinkies followed by a kiss on the thumb, we push them together and close our eyes.
“we’ll always be together, even in our next lives.”
afterwards we continue the rest of our days in tranquility, 
thinking of the contract we forged as nothing more than a sweet sentiment. 
a promise that we wouldn’t know if upheld by the other or not, 
because what is life after death if not the afterlife? 
nobody knows, therefore our promise was heartfelt, but bitterly hollow, 
or so we thought. 
we didn’t consider the overseer of the contract,
the one who watches life after death bloom anew in new times,
the universe. 
the universe remembers all,
so what if it remembers the very first of our all,
and continually rebirths us and realigns our paths after an incalculable amount of times prior and after—
and watches us fall in love over and over and over again?
a primordial love that stretches out as far as the universe does, 
all happening simultaneously before or after us. 
…just a thought tho
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
My failures are the loudest silence,
I have ever sat with
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
I never sleep as well as I do here
On this lofty featherbed,
Comforted by her soft snoring
I come here to step away,
Sitting in the morning sun
With the breeze on my skin
But whole.
I have a lot of questions
About myself.
She helps me to see
My reflection.
Annual soul check in with my best friend
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Tanisha Jackland
Price tags
are for fools
laughing nonchalantly
at the dead air
the sky has fallen
for free
as if
gravity will cease
anchor you
to the Earth.

What we value most
No one can afford
you can only
know it thru a
divine spark
and touch it from
the marrow of
your bones

Perhaps if you're lucky
and true
the Sun
will reveal itself
as God.
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Bella Isaacs
Gaze at me, with you ever-so-slight smudged lipstick
Pop-punk lyrics issuing from your perfect mouth
Dark circles from the khôl and folly
Forgiveness from your youth
Torsion of perfection into a wry smile
Sober, you say, drunk, who'll walk upon my style?
Who'll dare? I dare, in laying bare, ballet hands,
The contents of my *****; You know, friends,
I may be an actress, and pretentious,
But my ability to lie's contentious.
Can I just be my perfect self, please?
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Another wave
A moment to lose
A pain to embrace
What more could I do?

I wish, I hope, I pray and I mope
Maybe it was me, maybe it was you
Maybe we just couldn't speak the truth

We were more than we could share
How long does it take to tell a tale?
Maybe I'm not worthy, maybe asking is too much
Must be best to be less
Let words be left unsaid

Silence may not be my friend
But through time until the end
It's all I have left
My arms are cold
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Carlo C Gomez
coloring inside the lines is impossibly bleak,
with a hissing noise
atomic locomotive
rounds the bend,
extrasensory perception is not
a mindless gift,
it's a train station in the clouds,
tracking all my starting points to you,
nothing in the middle,
nothing at the end.

you leave in opera
with secrets and grievances
under the radar,
and your ready-made
wings catch in the power lines,
you're coiling like smoke
in the arches of my cathedral,
a sense of elegant decay
while sweeping up the debris,
committing arson
with the paraffin of my temporal lobe.

yesterday's fairground waltzes,
ghosted lullabies,
and woodland hymnals,
set in a context not of
resolution and closure,
but of contradiction and assimilation,
break the bond,
away they float on purveyor belts,
one too many molecules,
one too many departures,
always on the surface of everything,
nothing in the middle,
nothing at the end.
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall

                                                    Attitude Check

Climb down off your white horse
And sit in the shade of the trees
To drink from your canteen
A taste of humility
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