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  Jul 2020 Mark S
Carlo C Gomez
Eternal sunset
not quite night
no longer day

Is this how life shall stay?

Orange to red
then pink to gray
the outside elements have gone away

There's a closed sign on tomorrow

Hours continuously rotate
around what's breaking
be it the news or someone's will
  Jul 2020 Mark S
Carlo C Gomez
I so dreamt


A boundless arrangement
Estranged from

The whispered waters

This sullen cathedral
In thoughts hushed

As anxious lips quenched
Their thirst

From the passionate

Trapped within
New rhapsody
  Jul 2020 Mark S
Carlo C Gomez
What is sleep?
It's 1979 again
And I'm in Atari's Astroids
Caught in the laser beam
And no matter how
Many electric sheep
I count
There's no going back
To Pillowland
Midnight City is open
So are the caffeinated veins
Running thru
My nocturnal console
Night shifts have me
Splintered in my head
Let's see how I score
On the Athens scale
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