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 Aug 2020 laura
Spriha Kant
Shedding tears and laughing in her memories is a movie watched on loop by me.

Story of granny about the deceased shining as a star is the force driving me into asking all stars the reason for her deviation from the path of her promise of never leaving me alone.

Silences are her replies if she really exists in any of the stars.
Silhouttes of dark circles under my eyes is the waiting for her reply.

Her betrayal is a fire and I'm its victim.
©Spriha Kant
 Aug 2020 laura
Spriha Kant
What if the character of Snow White was as black as ebony ?

What if the heart of Snow White was as cold as snow ?

What if the nature of Snow White was red in tooth and claw ?

With her hair as black as ebony , lips as red as rose and skin as white as snow , would Snow White still be then called as
beautiful as the light of the day and fairest of all ?
One of the poems written during my initial days in school
Old vibes !
 Aug 2020 laura
atticus wilson
You remember two years ago?
That movie day we planned
The one that quickly changed from day to week to month?
The one we planned to do that summer
Before the dreams
Before the ugliness
When we were just three misfits that fit together
Firedrill karaoke singers
The summer yoga masters
When did it all fall apart?
When did we go our separate ways?
We used to be so close, so why did we drift apart?
What ever happened to our movie day?
 Aug 2020 laura
jeffrey conyers
God, somewhere you exist for me to know?
Whether in scriptures?
Whether by the sun and moon daily glow.

The power of your creation is constantly seen.
From the planted green of the scenery.

The wonder of your amazing power is acknowledged through your healing powers.
As invisible as you will forever remain.
Somewhere you exist for me to know.

Some will question your existence.
But the word points out no one ever seen you.
So we imagine.
Similar to all the great things you created in Genesis.

We can read the word-somewhere you exist for me to know.
Some can spread the word-somewhere you exist for me to know.

Then you here, you're there, you're everywhere for me to know.
 Aug 2020 laura
Qualyxian Quest
And finally number 10, the B52 of farts:

The kind that carry a load.  :)
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