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Dec 2018 · 523
Dondrea Dec 2018
you are like fire
with a light capable of consuming darkness and melting gold  
you are magnificent
so profoundly brilliant that you have secrets yet to be told
you are like magic
perfect to watch but forbidden to touch
constantly giving but never enough
your demise is inevitable
how can they not see
your tears mould your body leaving me with an infinite sting
you crackle in my ear
getting louder and louder as you consume those around you
swallowing us whole and spitting out merely a silhouette of who we are
I dare not touch you
though my desires burn bright I wil not
for you are like fire
our touch will be the end of me
I will not let you burn me
my eyes sting as I watch you
I watch you dance
in a flurry of emotions I watch you reach
longing to grasp onto something
Desperate to burn and consume
I watch as your flame grows
Yor colors transforming you into someone else
 I want to touch
To feel the sting
But I will not
I will not let you touch me
for your touch will be the end of me
Dec 2018 · 439
Waiting Pt.2
Dondrea Dec 2018
When I attack she feels it
Feels it so well that she doesn't smile again
She closes herself off from those so called friends
She doesn't give her eyes a chance to twinkle
And even though she really wants to she doesn't laugh
I wont let her
I will be there when she tries
Ready to remind her of the ugliness that surrounds those dull brown eyes
I will be there when she wants to smile
Ready to fill her up with thoughts that surpass vile
I will always be there
Ready to invade her body and mind
Ready to show her that her life is also mine
She will not laugh, or smile
Because I will not let her
She is mine
Dec 2018 · 475
Waiting Pt.1
Dondrea Dec 2018
I watch and I wait
Patient and consistent in my attack
I wait until she's happy
So deep into her happiness that she can afford to laugh
I wait until her eyes twinkle again
Until she has surrounded herself with people she can actually call friends.
I wait
When I attack I make sure that she can feel it
I sink my teeth so deep into her that she can not believe it
She is taken back by the intensity of my attack
So much so that she packs up all her happiness and sends it back
She regrets her happiness
I make sure that she does
How dare she smile without me
Laugh and talk and breathe without me
She is nothing without me

— The End —