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 Dec 2018 Huguette
You call me lovely now
and see
what I will be
when clothed in all your love
my most beautiful me
is coming
 Dec 2018 Huguette
Crystal Freda
Your smile
can melt away
every tear.
Conquer every fear,
and will always be here.

Your smile is the best
thing God gave you.
It sticks like glue,
and helps with
all you do.

So keep smiling
even if you don't feel so.
Your smile brightens as you go,
and is making others grow.
 Dec 2018 Huguette
Fahad shah
A blink of words
That can't be said
Or even be written
She is poem of thousand words

She is fierce and gentle
All at once
She's a song
An unending song

She is a sparkle
She is a shine
She is the only thing
That i want to call mine

She is my everyday
And an everynight
She is every morning
And an every twilight

She is all i know
She is all i see
She is a sweet melody
She is an  unmatching rhythm
The world has much to offer
Little to escape

Free like a bird
In the world of words
The truth, Is light


In the eyes, Of the dark
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