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AmeriMav Apr 2019
Each day I see my lovely one
My heart ignites with stirring spark
Burst of eastern rising sun
A lighting storm in deepest dark
Intensity of Dante's fire
Whirlwind heat of my desire

My heart ignites with stirring spark
The moment that your eyes appear
Those windows of your soul so stark
That run me through like topaz spear
With golden glint, and glassy shine
They capture me, and state "You're mine!"

Burst of eastern rising sun
The way you move upon my scene
You shine o'er me til day is done
Without a single cloud between
The colors brighter in your blaze
Life is fuller in your rays

A lighting storm in deepest dark
Your brightness it inspires me
Honesty your soul's hallmark
Thoughts you share, they help me see
Acuity within you gleams
I love to hear your hopes and dreams

Intensity of Dante's fire
My blood heats up when you are near
And all my senses go haywire
When your accented voice I hear
It's possibly my favorite sound
I'm captivated and spellbound

Whirlwind heat of my desire
My treasure I have found in you
Without you life is a quagmire
Compass to my heart askew
My heart, and soul you fill with glee
You mean so very much to me
Trenta-Sei form
AmeriMav Apr 2019
Soothing strength
Superhero serenade
Waxing with whispered wavelength

Calm to comfort pointed pain
Or placate fear pervading

Singing to give gifts of grace
Your chant cheering champion
Treochair form

She says my singing is my super power
AmeriMav Apr 2019
In bluest day
Sunlight play bright
To slay shadows
Your smile glows like
Flame blows across
My heart dross skimmed
To gloss and shine
Than-bauk form
AmeriMav Apr 2019
No one can see me quite as true
A single coin we two could be
One side is me the other you

Both set on separate sides to see
We're made of same material
A single coin we two could be

Sometimes it seems ethereal
The way we both seem to emote
We're made of same material

Now true sometimes on different note
I'm still consistently amazed
The way we both seem to emote

And when an argument is raised
The way we know the other one
I'm still consistently amazed

When all is said, and all is done
No one can see me quite as true
The way we know the other one
One side is me the other you
Terzanelle form
AmeriMav Mar 2019
On the rocky shore of a calm mountain lake
A small stone smooth and simple was cast in joy
Fast upon the serene waters did it break
Sending ripples fitting to the caster's ploy
What once was still with excitement now did quake
And though the scene was changed it did not annoy
But caused a wonder, "How many waves would make?"
Much like the pleasures love to hearts can deploy

Love has struck upon the face of our hushed hearts
Like guitar strings now impassioned souls vibrate
And caught up in sensation amusement darts
Not knowing how many trembles now await
All that can be known is when the movement starts
No person, though still they try, can bliss dictate
It, the lot that must be seen by all sweethearts
Enjoy the splendor and seize uncharted fate
Strambotto form
AmeriMav Mar 2019
The beauty of the winter would not be
If not a single flake of snow did fall
Its brilliant shine doth fill the heart with glee
And every childlike eye does it enthrall

So too the beach without the ocean wave
Deserts too are filled with golden sand
The roaring surf and salty wind we crave
We love the way the sea invades the land

And what if flowers did not come with spring
No rainbow colored show upon the ground
It'd be as if the world forgot to sing
What is the worldwide dance without the sound?

Your presence fills my life with brighter hue
My world would lose its "lovely" without you
Sonnet form
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