Ladies of Hawaii
Once in a blue moon
I see a wishing star
Once in a blue moon
We get an opportunity
Once in a blue moon
I make lasting bonds
Here we got a chance
To decide
We get friends each day
But the question is;
Who is going to be there for you?
Voices whisper
From the heart they say
Make bonds that can’t break
Have crazy friends
Have funny friends
Have real friends
Like the moon, Betty smiles
Like the sun, Patience sparkles
Like the stars, Maryann twinkles
Like the sky, Karen is bright
Like the rain, Celsia is cool
Like the cloud, Josi is crystal
And I the wind
To my dorm mates, I dedicate this
Hawaii we named it
Through adversities, we fall
Through accomplishments, we rise
We stand tall
We stand strong
We stand proud
We’ve moved forward
We’ve achieved all
To them to Hawaii girls
You make my day.