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 Oct 2023 ok okay
I will stay
 Oct 2023 ok okay
I love you,
Ask me to stay and I will.
Tell me you love me
And I will drop everything
And stay.
 Oct 2023 ok okay
The moment I saw your silhouette,
Everyone else became a blurry shadow.
 Aug 2023 ok okay
this feeling is not
symbiotic: you reduce
my core to nothing
at least i am something (ashes) and at least you are happy
i am molded symbiose!
m.b.d forever
 Jul 2021 ok okay
My soul feeds off my heart
and my heart needs people
to love only heaven knows
"Doves from Crows"
so even if you hate me
forgive me knowing
I already forgave you.
 Jun 2021 ok okay
 Jun 2021 ok okay
from the moment i saw you
i knew you were something amazing
like a rose growing from concrete
you pushed your way through the dark
and into the light of day.
 May 2021 ok okay
The Lamppost
 May 2021 ok okay
The light softly flickers
As you pace and stall
Wait for me here
Listen for my call

Up on the old bridge
I can feel your body fall
Watch the light flicker
'till there's no light at all
why didn't you wait for me?
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