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Deep sea fishing
To reel in
Capturing my hopes and dreams
 Oct 2018 sheila sharpe
Whether rich or poor
Black, white, brown or rainbow
Business owner, employee or jobless
Home owner, tenant or homeless
Male or female
Christian, Muslim, pagan or atheist
Gay, lesbian, bisexual or straight
Smart or stupid
Healthy or sick
Fat, muscular or slim  
Convict, ex-con or free
We are all Equal
We are all Human
If you can cry under water
Would your tears float?
Will it make a sound?
Would anyone know?
Would anyone hear?
Would anyone care?
Would you dive in and comfort them?
Drowning in your our tears
Shedding your emotions into a pool of fears...
the greatest motivator,
I've been slacking again.
Why is it that petals fall from the rose,
Leaving only thorns upon the stem?
And why do lilies bend low to the ground?
It's so out of character for them

Well, roses know when love has deceived,
The petals they let fall are their tears;
Strangely, flowers can sense love's fickle ways,
In their own way, they vent mortal fears

And when lilies are seen bending their heads,
You can be sure they're in deep despair;
Love has once again shattered someone's heart,
Setting dreams adrift on sullied air

But Love will not be held accountable,
A free spirit -- thus it must remain,
Bringing unbelievable happiness,
Or rendering unbearable pain

And so I just glue the petals back on,
(The rose thinks my tears are morning's dew);
While I run a wire through the lily's stem,
I lift its head, and say "This love is true"

O, I'm aware such folly has its price --
Pretense stains life in a somber hue;
But when Love dons a dark, deceitful robe,
Just what is a broken heart to do?

So I start each day with my hope renewed,
Yet, anticipating old sorrow;
Full well I know as long as this life lasts,
A new love will find me tomorrow

And my life goes on - it's a brand new day,
Another rose is starting to bloom,
As I wait for petals to fall -- and they will,
I'll plant more lilies -- just in case -- if there's room
The ocean calls for my departure
don't mourn these waves
I was destined to return just like King Arthur

Scribbled words on our skin
invisible ink tells of prophecies
and all the lives that have not been

Pulled the sword from the stone
Naive to think that we'd be crowned
but rather released an angry storm

These stories speak of hate and resentment
it flows much more effortlessly
so much pain in trying to be sentient

Still I will not give in to bitterness
I wait for the storm to pass
to return to sea and drown in bliss
We are all silhouettes
Wrapped in the tapestry
Of a blooming night
Outlines etched messily
Into a cotton wool sky
Beautifully imperfect
A stray wisp illuminates
Sings sweet like our
Honey bee laughs
We smile, always
Endlessly sunshine yellow
For here we are youth
Wild like dandelions
Rebelling against being
A common flower
We paint the word ****
In shining glitter
Send it to outer space in
A paper airplane
Then dance on crazily
Like the night is infinite
Dreaming for a forever
Something a bit different
 Oct 2018 sheila sharpe
she was the maker, he was her muse
a creative girl with everything to lose

she colored her canvas with her bleeding heart
she loved him and watched her world fall apart

she got her heart broken but kept a blank face
knowing that there are some mistakes you can't erase

she gave up her art, a lover betrayed
her pure white mind turned a darker shade.
And then there were seven.
Lab coat on
I stand in a cold morgue
Scalpel in one hand
My heart in the other.

Hands tremble
Making the first incision
Cutting through the sweet memories
And stripping it from the bitterness
you left behind

It lays open
Displayed on a silver tray
Tied down by your half truths
And compassionate lies
Held down by the “I love you”
And trapped by your “Don’t go”

A beaten heart
That no longer beats
No longer pumps love
But instead is filled with tears
And regrets

It has lost its color
A vibrant red
was turned into
a Coal-black
As dark as the bruises
You left behind

And without pulse
I still live
With nothing on my sleeve
And an empty hole
on my chest.
Blackbird sing, a horizon all your own,
A morning with no veil, dew fading as the
Sun, on *******, whisks it away to wonder
Of a home,
no rest, but hours to mourn;
The oak tree and the poplar waltz,
But not together, the reach of arms beg to love,
Toward each other, toward the sky, but prayers
Follow the breeze to the sea,
and drown
Blackbird dream, the day is rising,
the mystery of dawn replaced with horns and screams louder than your questions,
What you've seen from your branch
and felt on your floor can't follow you,
A time for each breath dies in each note,
Bearing the vision of your field,
but flying away to forget without
writing down the words.
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