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 Mar 2019 Lucy Mohr
memoona kazmi
i know this hurts,
but i guess i'll hold onto your memories forever
 Mar 2019 Lucy Mohr

You're more beautiful
And more outstanding and bright
Than you'll ever know.

You're worth more than you'll know. Just a reminder.
 Jul 2018 Lucy Mohr
a mcvicar
lipstick on my fingers
i hate my own decision
but i'm like whatever
why must time progress??
i need to take a rest
each falt'ring sentence brings
me closer to my death
God made Adam
And thought
Ugh!  I can do better than this!
God did not make Eve as a
She was an upgrade
I miss you
I wish you
Were not
Exactly you
I wish you could be
A better version
Of almost exactly you
That Boy
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