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 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
vanilla and cream
with a drip of sweet honey
be ready to lick
Honey Bunny Ice Cream
Get your head out of the gutter!
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
a butterfly kiss
two Eskimos rub their noses
the French do it best
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
I loved you
And I love you still
I will not beg you
But I will wait for you
To see if you live up to your promises
Yes, the ones you've been making
None fulfilling
I gave you multiple chances
Yet you demand more
Am out  of your league but my silence will break,
Once you prove your promises true
I do confess, I loved you and I still do
But I want those words to be real

From you...

Happy 2018 :)
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
In my shoes
I walk alone
Laces loose
I step on stones

Wicked days
Time is short
Unpredictable ways
I hope its not

With heavy heart
Days look grey
Breaking in parts
I kneel to pray

A happy feel
I smile today
Walking on heels
I waited for this day

 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
When the leaves will fall
You would miss me
When the cold will crawl
You would wish for me

When tears will fill your eyes
You would long for me
When you breakdown with cries
You would wish for me

When you watch the stars at night
You would think of me
When you sitting at a height
You would wish for me

When your tears will finally dry
You would intend to forget me
When you drink and cry
You would only wish for me

Or maybe not...
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
The tray was empty
The cups half empty
He made his entry
All eyes on him
I stood there staring
The guy walked in
Our eyes met
But I quickly looked away
How can he be here
My boss, now I fear
He sat right infront of me
I stood still, his gaze fixed on me
Without hesitation I asked
"What would you like to have, "Sir"?
The moment I spoke, I knew what he thought
I left their table, full of other guests
And began to serve the rest
I could feel his gaze staring on my moves
I just hoped am not barred off my jobs
This was my part-time job
As I worked full time secretary for this mob
Yes, a business meet at this restaurant
I had no option, but to have two jobs
Life alone support was too much of a sob...

The clock ticked 12am
I quickly changed to leave
But, surprised was I
He was still gazing at me, why?
I ignored him and moved out to catch a cab
He followed, with stern voice he called me
"Wait!, I will drop you" was all he said
I know by the look he was somewhat mad
He drove slow and stopped half way
I didn't know what to say
Then he started, asking why I had to work there
When I had a polished job with him near
I told him, the reasons
He said, I didn't have to work here
He said he didn't like people holding my hand
He said that made him mad
I was beginning to feel sad
He assured to increase my pay
But warned only to work during the day
I thanked him, but he looked upset
He dropped me off and waited
Until I got in through the door
It was almost 2am now....

A bright day, I let my hair sway
In the office, the next day
Loaded with work, I began to lay
The files in order for my boss to say
Still in fear, brushing off the tear
I heard him bang the phone from the rear
He's still mad, of last night scenes
The entire day he was so mean
After work, he asked me to stay back
To tidy up the file rack
But I knew there was something he wanted to say
There was no doubt he was absolute dashing
One would dream to have him
He stopped my work, held my hand
And started his talk which seemed not to end
I was much too surprised when he proposed
That left me in state of a joke
But he said again, he wanted me to be with him
All time, by his side, ever since his wife died
I was first he never lied
Thus, my new life started...
he was my life,
he was my guide...
he was my love, with whom I now reside

-The End-

...they lived happily, there after...

Story poem. Totally fictional. Spilling imaginations.
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
The hands that petted my head
Is now sick and laying in bed
This makes me weak and sad
Cause I don't have my dad
He left us to join Gods army above
While we treasure his memory and love
This moment as my relatives choose to move aside
It's an assurance that they gave, but lied
That's okay, I've learnt to be strong
And proved others that they were wrong
It's this life that we pay with our deeds
To the plants that bore this fruit
Bearing three previous seeds
The middle one is I, almost timid and shy
The first is a beauty but she's not with us, why?
The last is an explosive, flame him and you die
But don't be scared his a charming lovable guy
Enter my world and with love you shall fly
With my precious dog  greeting in a bow tie...

A senti write I guess, goes on with the mood.
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
The wind pours the sorries
Of my wandering past
Gently brushing away my worries
As I ran fast
Into the dense forest
Where solitude is in abundance
So I can finally put my thoughts to rest
Atleast for once
The tears drop on dead leaves
As I lay down on the ground
No one ever believes
I hope I am never found
For trust is all I did
Making sure I was heard
Hearing people bid
On me, made me really scared
I am a poor village girl
Away from the metro life
Here people gather and sell
Today, I am standing on a knife
I am a human, am I not
Weak and fragile, innocent and naive
I have never fought
But today, I am featured on what I can give
My mouth is taped
But my eyes screams and speaks
I heard women are bought and *****
God, save me from these freaks
A fight broke off surprisingly
And a stampede quickly stormed around
People killing mercilessly
So much blood on the ground
I ran, ran as fast as a deer
In the night, out of everyone's sight
Trembling with fear
Until I reached a height
What happened next, I had no clue
Fluttering my eyes after hours
All I could see was blue
And rays of sunshine showers
A hand so gentle touched my face
An old lady, with a generous smile
Safe was I, from the bid race
Yes I ran quite a mile
I just wish other girls are safe like me
From the ruthless monstrous beings
But I am glad, I am alive to see
My fluttering new wings...

A fictional write. Spilling imagination. But I felt some truth while writing, like in some countries, this may be happening with a very horrific ending. "New Fluttering Wings" means a new beginning to life :)
 Jan 2018 G Rog Rogers
The lights are dim
And I'm with him
He cuddles me like a bear
And messes up my hair
He kisses my hand
While sitting on the sand
The warmth of the sunset
Drawing us near
Our hearts are melting, without any fear
He talks softly in my ear
That he will always be with me either far or near
Sipping the red wine
Enjoying our lovely dine
He looks me in my eyes
While he talks about lies
I admire his looks as the time flies
We kiss goodbye as the night is deep
He gives me his heart to love and keep
A tear of joy rolled to drop
He quickly kissed it so to stop
I love you that's what I said
He hugged me with all he had
As we departed with a sweet kiss
My heart aches, for him I miss...

Totally fiction write.
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