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953 · Jun 2017
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
No truer words are spoken except by children...

The boys named her Mirage
Mocked her beauty, marveled at her solidarity.

She only saw them all as a mirage
Distance, untouchable...

Mirage is a beautiful woman, as truthful as any oasis, just as giving.......... just as lonely
671 · Jul 2017
Mercury Seas
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
She stood still before it,
Shining and simmering
And she knew it well...

The place that created time
Where soul were called
And she knew the distance...

It would be set to her so profuse that her very body was her map
Her heart the fuel, endless...

No fear of loss or regret would anchor her...
She set sail on the remnants of silver waters ....
Uncharted hearts only know
619 · Jul 2017
Mighty Brother
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Oh mighty brother of the plains
Where have you gone?

Has your life been taken with such ease as a whispering breath?

Oh mighty brother of the plains
Where have you gone?

Decaped of all pride, not just to die, but cry... Oh mighty Brother.
Written when I was 15, homage to Bison, the genocide of both Natives & Bison
599 · Jul 2017
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
She woke in Oblivion...
Torn to pieces from ages of war, such that was required..

Oblivion was created to hold darkness...

She collected remnants of her scattered soul, wove them together with golden threads.  They where the last remaining parts of her that remained pure...

Chard and bound she rose through the ashes.  Her gold sparkling in the darkness refected where she stood...


She could see the Mecury Sea, familiar to her only through the truths of creation...

Her eyes had been removed and only in her mind did she see him.  His sad lonely silhouette, stood in contrast to the gleaming waves...

Her cold heart hung in her shattered ribs, began to beat.  She knew him...

"Is it he I came here for?" The thought echoed life into Oblivion.

He saw her, and in fear fled into the sea...

In Oblivion echoes don't return, and he again was lost to the world...

She pulled her armor, her weapons and those who she found, and again the God of War rose....

Falling upside down, she rose in ashes of volcanos... Her heart ablaze, deep within a single ash, only required the breath of love to ignite her...

The ashes of her darkness blew off in the passion of love and only gold threads remained.  Remnants of her earthly self called to the spirit and she began to collect herself piece by

The Gods had won the war against darkness long long ago, because of her, but her own darkness threatened creation. In a trick, such that gods know she was lured by beauty and torn into pieces.  Diminished and desolved she was spread across Oblivion.

In the time of reconciliation and rebirth she rose to bring back the lost...

He was the last warrior to be collected, as all of the legion would be required to collapse Oblivion...

He still remains there, lost in the Mercury Sea... She would leave none, and when whole will return to set to sea for one last soul...
598 · Jul 2017
Ride the Waves
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
In the labor of birth he taught her the secret of life: to ride the waves of fear and take the ebs, the crests, let go.  

She did not know the second wave of birth was yet to come.

High, strong shrills of joy echoed through the hospital, reminding the world that miracles abound.

Heart beat to heart beat they held each other bound for all time.

Both free to their singular bodies, after their nine months as one.

In the days after she reminisced about the first ultra sounds of watching his joyous twirling within. Bright with life and safe within her.

His pattern of life set to the sun quickly.  His cries of hunger were as predictable and steady as the stars crossing the 2am February skies.

All was calm in the darkness of winter. When the awe of birth settled purity shone bright, a swell arose.

The eb pulled on her.  She began to sink into darkness. Each pull telling her no measure of love could ever keep her son from hurt.

Her heart quickened, fracturing at the truth, collapsing releasing the lifetime of fear.

All she was wounded by bled into their joy.  All that she doubted since her birth crested and peaked over them. The great flood of her emotions loomed over as she held him.

She held her baby tight, heartbroken, she learned why mothers and children are smotherd and consumed in the waves of evil that await purity.

It spoke to her, she became darkness, questioning his agonies and hardships he would endure. Her spirit thin and weak, broke and all went dark.

In her last thoughts her mind looked for orientation.

She held him, looking at his light.  Bright and pure.  

"Stop shining they all see! Hide!" Her fears consumed her.

The second wave of birth, that crests in the weeks following broke. She gave up and knew she was gone.  Her own light torn into darkness.

Heart shattered, spirit broken she let go.

In her last gaze back at the world she saw his light, flickering joyous, bright and eternal.

It called to her, collected her and pulled her within his heart.

He took them through her darkness, his purity and joy, his light, holding each other as the world of darkness passed and the miracle of life eased into days and weeks and years.
I was so joyous when I learned I would become a mother.  Loved being pregnant, birth came so fluidly...

As a Native American mother, our custom required that mothers and new borns are to stay inside, thirty days.

It was in that time that bad things happen.  We cross life to bring back life, and on return I broke.

I couldn't watch the news, I couldn't taste bad food, I couldn't touch my own body, except with a scratching stick (as is custom).  And when the darkest of thoughts came, I realized why mothers **** their children. And the wave of guilt and fear broke me.

Hormonal powers are strong... humans are made in three parts- mind, body and soul...

We were reborn together in the thirty days after Feb 2001
552 · Jun 2017
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
Her darkness echoed in his mind
Lost to all beyond...
Her spell the waves that crest on his shores
Lost to all beyond...
Her cold salt whipped his body
Lost to all beyond...
Her scent claimed all thought
Lost to all beyond....
550 · Jun 2017
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
The reply was lost in strangers' faces
She closed her eyes
Graceful pedals of delicate beauty hid the storm within

She inhaled the rise of heat off the street
Glanced across the torrent in the traffic
Rose red lips of strong beauty held the winds within

"It was a rain drop."
"Yes, rain."
She told her self, stepping onto the tar under hot blue skies
545 · Jun 2017
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
What distance of measure brings me relief?
That agony can break?
For it is not time, if lifetimes' of blood and birth have found us in the now...
Nor miles, that mountains did not move...
Not even the lonely stars know such peace...
My agony the measure of distance...
My own skin a prison, my pleasure and pain...
Only in breath and bond can I have a single moment...
And I would cross it all just to touch you
510 · Jun 2017
Hold Tight
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
Creased with tears, her pillow provided coverage from torture...

Kissed by dawn she eased.

In the light of day she could keep it at bay, though her ache grew as if it too followed the sun's journey to day's end...

"Don't leave me!" her pleads called to the west, her light faded like all around her and it crept closer....

Kissed by dusk she retreated.

Curled into darkness she kept him safe within, her pillow offered coverage from torture...

Under blankets of stars serenaded by crickets her ache kindled kept alive and warm, she endured one more night...
501 · Jul 2017
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Snoring & Farting Bulldog
I'm a coward...

Snoring & Farting Bulldog
I'm a fool...

Snoring & Farting Bulldog
I know your not a man,
But you give me solace
Knowing I'm loved
501 · Jul 2017
Angel's Wings
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Say my name from distant horizons
Let the lonely miles know
Say my name in cities of light and dazzle
Let the lonely crowds know
Say my name when your heart aches
Let your agony know
Say my name when the sunrises
Let the wind know  
Say my name when I hold you tight
Held in angels wings
Say my name
489 · Jul 2017
Horse Haiku
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Hiden canyons in the midths
Riding Red in the rocks
Light flickers dusk sets
467 · Jul 2017
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Held in a moment I am Earth
Living, breathing .... Eternal

Held in a moment I am Fire
Sparking, dewdling.... Eternal

Held in a moment I am Metal
Harden, soften.... Eternal

Held in a moment I am Water
Flowing, rising... Eternal

Held in a moment I am Air
Constant, flying... Eternal

Held in your arms I am flesh
Moments Eternal
383 · Jul 2017
Dance Me
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Dance me to sleep
Where you and I are one

Dance me to dawn
To my waking ache

Without you in my day
Dance me to dreams
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
The echo of the song bounced between them as they rode in a white 82 Chevy.  She concentrated hard to hear the song.  It’s beauty whispered to her heart.  The cab of the truck made many sounds that she ignored but this melody danced into her mind.
Her father noticed her listening a little deeper so he turned up the radio to hear what was playing.  His serious gaze on the road softened to a smile.  He was familiar with the song, as it was new and the students of the high school where he worked were under the spell of the song as well.

She lingered in the song as her father turned it up.  A dance began in her mind and then her father’s voice interrupted.  
Her father was the world to her.  They had gone many miles together in that truck hunting, fishing and night time outings to learn the stars.  She was his shadow.

“Every breath you take. Every move you make.  Every bond you break, every step you take.” He said, “Mariah, listen.”

“Every game  you play, every night you stay I’ll be watching you.”  He continued, as he drove.

“See them, the two fighters?  Feel their contempt? ‘Every single day, every game you play.” He repeated as his face again hardened.

The dance stopped in her mind, she looked deep and saw the fighters.  Remembering the smell of the wrestlers that he coached, finding the taste of hate that he had brought back from the jungle.  Her thoughts found his rage in his face when nothing was perfect.  Yes, she saw them.

“Yes.” She said as her voice cut the song out of the air.
Her eyes turned to him as the song resonated between them.

“Oh can’t you see? You belong to me. And my poor heart aches with every step you take.” He continued.

“Feel the hate? ‘Baby Baby Please’ to crush his face and let me win, I will overcome him.  ‘My poor heart ache with each step you take’, that I did not beat you.”  His face began to soften with the thought of violence.

The song sank deep into her heart in that moment.  She looked out the window.  They were at the high school.  She could see the teens that were in love.  Their lost gazes into one another, their body language, and she again heard the song.  

Darkness entered her mind and again in the rhythm came the warriors, forever dancing in their passion of hate.  She quickly withdrew as she followed her father into his office, hiding from the teen’s affection, hiding from the song.
356 · Jul 2017
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
"Pass me to the light of day, Son."

In last moments of this life, with all farewells, salutations and redemptions resolved...

I would tell my son, look for me in dawn... I have told god, let me live the next lifetime as dawn, 24 hours... I want to see and touch it all...
347 · Jun 2017
He Left
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
Her flesh knew only pain, the day after...

He left

Her soul bled love, the day after...

He left

Her heart wept with innocence, the day after...

He left
Years of heart break, self hate and the creation of a shallow teen soul, lost when her dad left...
340 · Jul 2017
Gems of my Heart
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Rivers of opal within secret caverns...
Emerald cottonwood groves set near silver shores...
Turquoise skies breathed across desert's gold canyons...
Ruby lips warm kissed by the sun...
Sapphire night set as we held each other, under diamond skies...
332 · Jun 2017
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
I would envy your shadow
unseen like me
forever bound

Would I trade envy for a knife?
To be free....or.....

Become a shadow, never to touch you forever bound
329 · Jul 2017
Fighter's Creed
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
If you have fight in you,
fight for love.
You'll never lose.
302 · Jul 2017
Restless Embers
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
It is easy to fell burn...
As the embers cool,
The cold sets in

A memory comes
Like a soft kiss and kindles
I again build up and it passes
Its growing from the ashes that hurts...
299 · Jul 2019
Mariah Cuch Jul 2019
Reflected in your face
I found solace
Tear worn weathered creases
Pools of pain from eyes that didn’t fade

Resonated from your voice
I found solace
Deep and ancient as the deserts of your home so far away

Radiance from your soul
I found solace
275 · Jul 2017
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Days can pass with out a blink
Behind brown eyes is my oasis
Blue waters of the mind
I drift through our oasis
Dancing to the currents
That bring our song
266 · May 2019
one & zero
Mariah Cuch May 2019
Binary, all creation is binary.
Set from beginning of one and zero.
One the singer.
Zero the song.
First singer, bore light and dark.
First song, the song of creation.
Manilla Road Day 3
266 · Jun 2017
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
Melt me to puddles...

Not masses of chocolate dripping with lust not steaming sweat....

***** filthy puddles that leave me crusted with earth, crumble and peal from you...

Loved and thrown with cheers and craved on hot summer days...
263 · Jul 2017
Hirosima Epoch
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
The epoch of humanity ended, torn from a single atom.

In the burning moments the pendulum of creation stopped.

Held for decades in the darkest moments of all that was.

The seed of creation required fire and destruction.

For in all creation, it was humans who could hold both, darkness and light, give soul to creation. That was the anomaly the single opportunity.

No other races of beings held such potential, such risk.

Just as the splitting of the atom, the harnessing of the single point of creation.  Only man kind could seed evil, bringing it to the relms of matter.

Pendulum held, in the darkness evil arises and released on to the holy planet, Earth.

For one purpose, for one function... a trick, to end all imbalance, the next epoch of humanity and creation swings from the darkest hours.

Hold tight, burn to the truth of being and see that creation knows your agonies, your living nightmares raging across our Mother Earth, the legions of god are amongst you and no darkness will remain, when we are born.

Arisen of all sacrifice, all creation watching and knowing the truth of creation will bloom.

Soul seed, wake.
262 · Jul 2017
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
The beauty of the world is continual
Neither darkness nor light stops the dance
The beauty of the world maybe subliminal
Neither cares nor waits to the end of the trance
June 28, 2016
261 · Jun 2017
It's Easy to Dance....Fall
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
Fall... give earth to dust
Gravity my clay
Fall... give fire to flame
Light my wings
Fall... give rhythm to wave
Breath my trance
Fall... give blood to ash
255 · Jun 2017
Drunken Butterflies
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
Her body stopped fighting
Her heart became willing
To feel again

Drunk butterflies

Her ache pulled him in deep
Her heart warm with his heat
To feel again

Drunk butterflies

Her hunger fed with passion
Her heart race to exhaustion
To feel no more

Drunk butterflies

Drunken with your seed
251 · May 2019
Mariah Cuch May 2019
Wake my embers
Set the waves of my soul to song
That the fire rises

Wake my embers
Set the storm of my heart to song
That the fire rises

Wake my embers
Set the pulse of my blood to boil
That together we rise
247 · Jun 2017
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
The General rarely stood still
Sworn to be unloved

The Geshia the artist to all
Sworn to be unloved

One loyal to one
One loyal to all

When the armor and mask fell
They swore to always love

At dawn she left with her mask
And the General weapt in his armor

Forever unloved forever loved
239 · Jul 2017
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
I loved the way he let his days go,
I loved the way he touched me,
His face would soften when he looked at me
His scent, his hands, his voice
Tucked away in my heart I hold him
233 · Jun 2017
My God
Mariah Cuch Jun 2017
223 · Jul 2017
Made me Whole
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
I would beg darkness to crush me...

Except your love made me whole

I would beg hate to rage through me...

Except that your love made me hold

I would beg heaven to save me...

Except I knew heaven when you held me
199 · Jul 2017
Prayer Song
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Wake to the morning star
Set to the evening star
Live under the sun
In beauty I rise
189 · May 2019
Mariah Cuch May 2019
I wore sadness like perfume.
It’s false shadow of the memory of you, hung stale.

It’s presence seeped deep within, hidden in familiarity to my fractures, which called to it.

Mountains of granite knew such forces, drawn from within, resistant to very nature of being.

Servant to the promise of pressure only love could provide, I broke.

Shattered to memory as your fragrance returned to you, only grasped in last moments.

Again, I was naked as birth and only lingered my own familiar scent.
Mariah Cuch May 2019
His joy bound into this word under July stars.
Born of joy and light that even the grey skies opened to welcome him.

Thirty nine years long his path, the last seven, pain and exhaustion.  His last light flickered out with a tangerine spark and a flash of electric blue butterflies

"I will find your words, your people and your path.  No deed of your life unfolded.  Forever my brother, go it's okay."

Unbound I stood under florescent hospital light, again a weeping child who had welcomed her baby brother with joy, weeping with fare-well.  Facing the Manila Road one path complete and one the life yet lived.
Continuing my brother's path, again returning to writing and following his example:  Day 1, May 1st, 2019:  THE MANILA ROAD    
151 · Jan 2018
Mariah Cuch Jan 2018
Crickets serindae sunset
Snipes waddle dusk
Fireflies wake to stary night

— The End —