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May 2018 · 202
TV May 2018
A flower's fragile gasp of ******
As it gently drinks the sun
A bee's first taste of nectar
On a cool spring morning
I'm a spring lamb
I hope I see the fall
Apr 2018 · 226
Surf's up
TV Apr 2018
Wave after wave
Blocking the horizon
Demanding your undivided attention
Demanding your undivided attention
Demanding your undivided attention
But they pass
They pass
Wave after wave
Blocking the horizon
Demanding your undivided attention
Demanding your undivided attention
Demanding your undivided attention
But they pass
They pass
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
just like you said
TV Mar 2015
The lack of emotion
in raindrops' fallings
should there be a laughter?
is there a pride
in being the last
to leave the cloud?
TV Jan 2015
I want to lay with you
and let you see my soul,
that it can recognize you as mine.
I want you to hear it
so that you would know it in a darkness.
To taste it, that it would never fully be consumed.
To touch it,
as a million gentle whispers.
To smell it, as to let it become a part of you.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
TV Oct 2014
Chocolate rabbit
With a *** habit
Dust bunny, indeed
Just imagine it
Oct 2014 · 3.7k
A furry Cliff
TV Oct 2014
The king of the castle sits,
His back paw scratching his head,
The aging cat wonders if he'll ever lose
the itch.
Then, apparently having reached a satisfactory conclusion
The furry statesmen curls up by the fire
                                             ­                              to...
                                                           ­                                                      sleep...
he purrs softly to himself:
The rumble of unfathomable ponderings.
Oct 2014 · 785
westside of eden
TV Oct 2014
It's strange, at times, I find
What books can mean to me.
My life, inside, reflected back
Almost instantly.
They rest on shelves, holding knowledge
Almost timidly.
How can it be, their wisdom rings
In eternity?
Every time I pick up east of eden, it seems like I'm reading bits of my own story. It's such an amazing book!
Sep 2014 · 2.1k
Studying Electron Density
TV Sep 2014
A wave of probability
smashing straight into me
I'll probably go insane
but remain sane simultaneously
psi, c'est la vie
My free time has been dominated by Organic chemistry studies lately. so has apparently my subconscious. This may be my most complicated poem to date, if only for the nerdiness and science involved in it.
Sep 2014 · 407
Try it
TV Sep 2014
Walk in the woods daily, taking care to greet the trees.
Stroll among them gaily, and be sure to smell the breeze.
In time, they’ll bark friendly salutations, through smiles of leafy greens
You’ll find a natural family, in this idyllic scene
Aug 2014 · 683
endless journey
TV Aug 2014
And the journey begins
From the land of 10,000 10,000 mile high clouds
Drenching jungles and shores of ancient coral gardens
Long since harvested from the sea
Where they plant the love of their country in foreigners row by row by row
Where bananas resemble mashed potatoes and are served with onions
Where people can name the entire Yankees roster and have never kicked a soccerball
And yes my feet are tired
Because flip flops, like the government, offer little support
And who knows when I'll get the last grain of sand out of my hair
Or when the ringing in my ears from trumpet blasts will finally fade
Or the taste of unavoidably ingested bug spray will finally stop burning the back of my throat
my speedo tan lines will likely be the first to go
But all the myriad lessons internalized (read: only spray yourself with bugspray out doors)
All the friends friended with zero electronic interference (like the turtle hatchling I held or the man who volunteers years of his life protecting them for results that likely won't be seen in his lifetime)
Will live inside me forever
For, ever will my journey continue
Until we meet
And I can share them all with you
We can feast on them together
And they can maybe one day help you grow
like a mangrove tree
and harbor ideas of love in your roots like baby fish
And maybe if you're lucky, even taste the bug spray for yourself
Aug 2014 · 418
TV Aug 2014
Journey to a painting
Like you're **** Van ****
Stroll along an empty beach
Like every grain of sand is yours
Practice parlaying in the native tongue
Silence and gull skwaks
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Ocean view on my island
TV Aug 2014
Blue, blue, blue
Yes, like the marble
All encompassing in every compass direction
Blue, blue
Like the med kit
It cleans and cleanses
Repairs, bandages, heals
Like ink from a pen
It clears the mind.
Green too
In case you forgot that it is vast
Green, green
In case you didn't know
It can be many things at once
Green, blue, blue
In case you doubted that it went full circle
TV Dec 2013
Walking through a freeway tunnel,
Getting hit by all the cars,
The memories crash into me
And all I see are stars.
Walking through a freeway tunnel,
Dodging all the cars,
The memories fly past me
A life lived behind bars.
Riding through a freeway tunnel,
Passing other cars
Safety behind glass
Lives lived in jars.
Riding through a freeway tunnel,
Shooting past the walls
Pull me over pig,
You don’t have the *****.
Aug 2013 · 587
Arts and Minds
TV Aug 2013
The glory of combat
Wired in my brain
Perhaps that's why I'm conflicted
Almost militarily
Intense discipline
To maintain the level of destruction
Engulfed by friendly fire
Sick satisfaction with every ****
Producing a wry smile
All caught on film
But the replay ignored
Who wants to learn from the past?
May 2013 · 713
The blue marble
TV May 2013
You treated me like dirt
And they say that soil has a memory
That sounds deeper than it might be
Like a ditch for a mass grave
Dug to erase the trace of genocide
But soil has a memory
The earth never forgets
Or ever needs to really remember
Because soil has a memory
But the planet is mostly water
It too, has a memory
It doesn’t forget the relentless battles waged
As it has Raged Against cliff-sides large and small
Anger is a gift
And as chunks slowly drift in the sea
They forgot they were once part of cliffs
And as they sink
Though they know the centuries separated their reunion,
They realize they’ve always been the bottom of the sea
May 2013 · 525
Oh yes, subconscious?
TV May 2013
We strolled together through one
Of several of my old elementary schools
Walked, amongst the infantile emotions.
A locus of extremes
My saddest childhood memories haunt there
Being a new student in a school that rejected Me
My happiest childhood memories live there too
Riding bikes in summer day-care
We had free range of the empty campus
We used to eat our lunch
Perched, up in a tree
4 best friends
We each had our spots
Cradled by the freedom of summer
As I climbed it now
Like a sloth in the tree where it was born
To show you where I used to sit
The best of all the spots,
I came to a horrible realization,
The three had apparently grown too large,
My throne had been murdered by some *******
Cut down in the street
Le roi est mort, vive le roi.
I try to hide my welling tears.
It wasn’t even that high!
I always hated that ******* school.
Had a sad dream today. this is how it went down. it's not hard for me to interpret its meaning for myself. thanks for being obvious subconscious.
TV May 2013
Running at sunset
To escape impending darkness
Hopes of relief tied in like my laces
But Pausing
for a moment
To appreciate the sun’s final show of brilliance
Before I can only see it in the mirror
Like roadkill that we sped past in the desert
TV Apr 2013
Rounding life’s corners on my Bigwheel
Smile splashed across my face
Eyes illuminated with glossy tears from shear speed and joy
Not considering the path ahead or the road behind
Simply now, simply sublime
Regaining control after speeding too quickly
A brief lapse in judgment nearly bringing cataclysmic spills
Up on two wheels for a moment
But now firmly planted, gripping the road
Only speed limit is desire
People see my style as I pass
Like I was from Ipanema
And I can hear my theme music blast as I fly by onlookers
Giving me a rhythm to peddle to
Getting funky on these streets
And bystanders become bydancers
Unavoidable, infectious pandemonium
People woop and get down and *****
To fill that former droning, stale silence
I feel like me again
Which is really the only way to feel
Because why should you feel like someone else?
Apr 2013 · 685
TV Apr 2013
One morning as I wandered
through a less familiar part of town
Body portraying mind state
I stopped at a bench to overlook the sea
And contemplate my current predicament
on the wrong side of town
with no form of communication.
without a plan I had a seat
near to a rather grungy fellow
you could tell he’d been some places
but now here he was
on the wrong side of fate and fortunes.
we exchanged greetings that were
as pale as the sky that day.
the morning sun stung my eyes
when he finally whispered that
he had seen some dolphins just yesterday
we sat in silence, just we two
me and this man I hardly knew
before departing, I saw it clear
rolled down his cheek, a single tear
a tacit thank you from this out cast
it seems we communicated at last
This is a true story. It was a very humanizing (that's the best word i can think of to describe it) experience. the title is a word i found that roughly translated means, an expressive, meaningful silence
Apr 2013 · 375
A bit of JM
TV Apr 2013
Had to use self ****
Rule had to ******* **** to use
Ten word poems ******* rule
So I haven't done a ton of exploring on this site but I did find one writer that I liked quite a bit. This was inspired by him and his apparent loathe for 10 word poems and love of haiku (and somewhat obscene word choice/topic choice). it's a 10 word haiku "tribute" of sorts to John Moffat.
Mar 2013 · 664
not so long ago just yet
TV Mar 2013
I sought a healing sanctuary,
just to take a stroll.
And near this berm, I took a turn,
down a grassy knoll.
at its base, inscribed in white
a sign profoundly true.
With one quick read, I saw the creed
Pertained to me and you.
Didactic text from this Buddhist,
The 14th Dali Lama.
When you’re caused harm, don’t be alarmed
Internalize the trauma.
I left a heart-shaped rock as homage
To shed my heart of stone.
And to pay my debt not to forget
Took a picture with my phone.
Now I have this picture always
To begin the hard process
Of letting go, albeit slow
And no longer bear these crosses.
true story
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
Only human?
TV Mar 2013
Do you ever wish…
to just say “hello”
to the world?
Reassure someone, everyone, ANYone
That YOU still exist.
That your DNA is still a twist.
That the ends of it have not come unraveled.
To shout from some part of your being.
"Hey *******, I'm not dead yet!"
We sometimes try.
Even perhaps just from our digital self,
because it’s the one people have less trouble connecting with,
the one where they can choose not to see the parts they don’t like,
Because everyone looks the same in a tiny picture.
And those pictures and profiles are not racial
Or insulting to anyone’s existence
Because those things are banned
Like “offensive” and “inappropriate” books.
And these profiles, ostensibly, they’re identical.
Which removes the need for real thoughts.
For scary thoughts,
Different Thoughts.
And so we’re indifferent.  
And we remain so with comfort and ease
From our beds, couches, recliners.

From coffee shops Where we take pictures of the nice flower the guy behind the counter drew in our latte’s foam, and click, click, click to “share” the memento with our 1,738 friends. Instead of taking a risk and actually sharing a moment with a stranger.

Even a moment of silence.

Perhaps even especially, because the very thought of sitting in silence, together or completely alone terrifies us. Like going to take a seat and accidentally sitting on a broken bottle.
So we try to break the silence as fast as we can and we barricade ourselves behind Apple logos. Pretending that we could never make a difference.
Even though we carry more computing power in our pockets than any of the scientists who put a man on the moon could dream of having instantaneous access to.
We’ve grown so much and so great. That we even scare ourselves.
But I know a secret
Whispered on the outernet
If you listen, you can hear it.
It says, reach out to someone. Connect. Make yourself vulnerable
This is how you become truly powerful
Only when you’re stripped of all your veils
Can your spirit soar with another’s.

And that my friends, is the nonsexual part of ***.
You see,
The Idea of DNA exchange can be more important than many of times it’s actually happened.
So let us not relegate ourselves to the shelves of history
to be filed under “waste”
but instead knock over all the shelves, trying to get to that really interesting looking book that’s way up at the top.
Then the world will really know you’re there
and you won’t even need to say “hello.”

And who knows, maybe the janitor is actually a really cool dude.
i realize it's slightly ironic to be posting something like this on the internet but I use this more to keep my writing all in an easy to access, single place. or as they say, I didn't come here to impress none of you ******* hahaha
Mar 2013 · 594
asymmetry has two m's
TV Mar 2013
I have not Titaniced into obscurity,
My sinking is common knowledge
And Lo! I am master of now’s reality
Fighting off complacency constantly.
I change the light bulb so I can see at night
Obliterate the darkness with my light,
I reserve it for some future date.
I scrawl tales of my castles made of sand
So that they can safely wash into an ocean of remembrance.
I shoot the waves of my brain through amber grain
Till children sing songs of my glory.
Shake, shake, shake the etch-a-sketch until it breaks
And transform it into a sculpture, immutable.
And at last I shift from you’s to I’s
The vowels of independence
Shaking shackles lose
Freed of my gorgeous noose
But why despite the mortal danger
Do I still wish to
Out with you?
TV Mar 2013
I have seen the sun rise on the horizon
the same sun I've seen rise on in your eyes again
Spelling demise for that common friend
Goodbye loneliness, hello warming trend,
Your golden gazers shine a light to see
Illuminating the jungle that's alive in me
And I bloom...
Awaiting their cartography.
TV Feb 2013
Breathe in my inspiration.
Draw it deep into your cavernous lungs.
Let it linger and hang, like a bat might.
Let it creep out slowly, cat-like.
Taste its richness as you exhale,
Like a post-****** cigarette
Savor the bliss.
Then pass the flavor as a favor,
By exchanging a kiss.
Feb 2013 · 1.7k
Mexican Bandits
TV Feb 2013
White Gods, for brown people
Selling salvation beneath a church steeple
They say to seek Jesus, for he is the one
Cheaper than bullets, far less than a gun
Your eternal soul is all you must give
And together forever, in heaven you'll live
Feb 2013 · 548
Temple four inspiration
TV Feb 2013
Atop ancient mounds, the thrones of kings
The sounds abound, resound and ring-
A jungle stirs to life.
From amidst the mist, two monkeys call
Their vociferous cries, a defensive wall-
Signs of future strife.
As fogs roll back, and time rolls on
The moon away, at last it's gone-
The sun chases after his wife.
Wrote this and another while watching the sunrise from the top of the tallest pyramid in the Maya world in Tikal
Nov 2012 · 2.3k
Desert Flower
TV Nov 2012
Strangely timed
like a midnight rose
but this baby's breath breathes life
vibrant, visceral, vivacious
a requirement in this environment
for corporeal sustenance
maintaining and sustaining subsequent substances
and for which
no substitute exists.
nor should one.
for if this is that
without which
anguish persists permeating the vastness
clearly packing voidish absence
reminding that reciprocity not animosity
makes connectivity the activity
then why bother with formality?
or try to deny reality?
Grateful nostrils more easily discern
Scents that sting and scents that burn
Aided by proximity to incense intense senses
lives sweeten with flowers' presence
sweet airs and flowery essence
but there's hesitance in this instance
careful to engage or allow mental enrapture
one must gauge potential fracture
for roses have thorns
And I fear morning glory's scorn
despite wonders of its consumption born
that of which misgivings warn.
But know this
Golden lotus:
Let us lattice.
Let us, lotus,
Don't pass thus.
i think if you read it aloud, it has more effect. i played with sounds a lot more than imagery which is strange for me
Mar 2012 · 871
A lone tree
TV Mar 2012
nearto man-made edifice.
I'm not sure the species.
Surely not an Elder
Although quite unaccompanied, far from a minor;
Traveling the 4th dimension in quiet, desolate solitude.
Perhaps once,
it had relatives closeby
It's di ff icu   lt to judge  d  i s  t   a n   c      e
or SIzE BY it.
It seems peaceful, for a possible invader
Although, it's difficult to battle solo...
Maybe it's the last survivor.
A ghost
of epic clashes past.
It speaks only with the wind
Lullabies in an ancient tongue.
With no one to converse with
speaking is like a stranger in a foreign land
Like this tree; in a foreign time.
A grey hair in an otherwise perfectly dark mane.

— The End —