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Jun 2015 · 349
Anna Levine Jun 2015
How can something that is so good, hurt so bad?
Why is my face covered in tears?
Who knew that the jagged ridges of your other half could still cut you?
Fitting two pieces together is not as easy as it may look.
Friction is created when two objects move against each other.
But we're supposed to be moving together.
We're supposed to be together.

How can something that is so good, hurt so bad?
Why are we different, but the same?
Who was cruel enough to put all of these obstacles between us?
What is the point of these obstacles?
Why keep our love from the world?

How can something that is so good, hurt so bad?
If there is something to prove about out love, don't the tears streaming down my face prove it?
The endless conversation about us.
Is what happens next even up to us?
Do we try to take control, or leave it to Fate to bring us together?
Can we trust Fate?
If one believes and one does not, how can Fate work in our favour?

How can something that is so good, hurt so bad?
Is it supposed to feel like this?
Would it be different if He were here?
Will I ever know what I'm doing?
Will this pain ever go away?
Do I want it to?

How can something that is so good, hurt so bad?
Will He stop loving me?
Will Fate take Him away?
Will I be alone again?
Or will I end when We do?
Apr 2015 · 672
Anna Levine Apr 2015
I love the way you tell me
That I'm beautiful
I love the way you tell me
That I'm yours
I love the way you tell me
That you don't want anyone but me

You make me happy
And everyone deserves to be happy

You say you love me
And I smile
You say you care
And I know it's true
I guess it's too bad
That I've never felt that way about you
Not even sure what this is.
Apr 2015 · 658
Burned by You
Anna Levine Apr 2015
8 years strong
Where the hell did I go wrong?
Ya seemed so simple
But when I see all these people
I know, I know, I know
That you're super ****** complicated
Falling in love with a ginger was stupid
But no, I definitely didn't mean to do it

He's on fire
Oh he's burning up this place
He's on fire
Oh you can see it on his face
And all that I
Wanna do
Is be burned by you

It's always
Been clear
To me
That you would never
Truly see
That I could be
Your one and only
And I can't
That you're really
Bout to leave

He's on fire
My world is crumbling down
Yeah, he's on fire
My heart begins to pound
Cause he's on fire
And all I need is to be
Burned by you

You look at me
With those light blue eyes
Only I can see how bright they shine
If only you'd let me harness that light

Oh he's on fire
Yeah, my heart is ashes
He's on fire
And the flames they feel so good
Cause he's on fire
And you've burned me to the ground
I never thought it'd happen
But I've finally been
Burned by you

8 years strong
This has always been so wrong
Deluding myself to believe in something
That simply wasn't there
And now that you're leaving
Maybe my burns can start to heal
A song I wrote about a boy I could never give up.
Apr 2015 · 410
Too Much Love
Anna Levine Apr 2015

I was born with so much love
So much love to give
My heart was too big
So easy to break
I look here
I look there
Trying to get rid of some of this love
That I had to spare
But no one was there
And then I met you

I was all alone
Just sitting on my bed at home
Searching through my phone
Hoping to send you my love

Why couldn't you have just loved me back?
Was it so much to ask?
Because all I wanted to do
Was hold on to you

I was all alone
Just sitting on my bed at home
Searching through my phone
Hoping to send you my love

And now I see
That you never could have loved me
And I understand
Why you can't bear to be my friend
But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop loving you

I am still all alone
Sitting on my bed at home
Searching through my phone
Just wishing that you hadn't given up on me
This was kind of a song I wrote, but I know it ***** so I'm probably not gonna use it.
Apr 2015 · 642
Stream of Consciousness
Anna Levine Apr 2015
It's like I'm trapped in my head
So many thoughts running through
Happy, sad, deep, shallow
Who the **** knows

I'm going crazy
And no one understands
No one knows how I feel
Oh please get real
You're insignificant
You don't matter in the long run

Be extraordinary
But there's not point
You can be extraordinary and still have no
one understand at all

Nothing will fix you
No one can fix you
Deal with loneliness now
Because it's your perpetual state

Discover who you are
Don't go too far
Your thoughts will protect you
But they're the things that make me blue

Nothing makes sense
Everything will make sense
Someday they say
But if I wait for that day
And I hope and pray
Will the orchestra really start to play
The clear notes that can explain away
All of the problems that plague me today

I hate myself
Could I be more selfish
Could I be more of a hypocrite
Criticising others like taking a hit
Getting high off of bullying others
I sit here looking at my little brother
He thinks he knows all
Well so do I
I wonder what he thinks
As he watches me cry

Is life one fluid movement?
Or some sort of line graph
I do know that life is full of judgment
And to always try to laugh

I think it's moments like these
Where I don't know if I'm ecstatic or depressed
That my mind is truly at its best

My brain's a train
And my fingers run alongside
I'm trying to get these thoughts from in to the outside
But they go too fast
Now they're in the past
I can't think straight
I wish I could make them wait
Just some thoughts that I had, late at night.
May 2014 · 805
Anna Levine May 2014
Obedience and defiance are so **** cliché
It reminds me of something all our teachers like to say


What box??
Have I gone blind?
Did my originality get forgotten, all alone and left behind


It's not a bad thing not to see
The 'box' is something used to control both you and me
Apr 2014 · 255
Anna Levine Apr 2014
the pain behind your eyes is deep
but not so deep that it can't be healed
if only you'd let me in

it's obvious
you think no one could understand
but i do
more than you will ever know
let me heal your wounds with words
you're going to fall apart soon
but you really don't have to
Apr 2014 · 253
Anna Levine Apr 2014
you may forget for a moment
a moment
but it always
will come back to haunt you
         like a tidal wave
it comes crashing down
      the memories filled with disappointment and longing
     all you want is one more moment
just one more is all it would take
       but life is unforgiving
there's no moment for you to take
Apr 2014 · 368
Anna Levine Apr 2014
all I ever do any more is fall down
we're all crumbling inside, always
   one step forward two steps back
one step forward two steps back
two steps back
the sound of chiseling away the stone that you've used to build your walls
the walls that were supposed to protect you
these walls you've worked so hard to build to withstand the storm
   and yet there will always be something strong enough to tear them down just around the corner
one step forward

two steps back
Apr 2014 · 430
Anna Levine Apr 2014
you're a tumour in the pit of my stomach
so small and benign at first
but you grew
and grew
until you reached my heart
you encompassed me with your poison and wouldn't leave me be
so I had to cut you out completely
because right now I have to worry about me
Apr 2014 · 335
Weight, part III
Anna Levine Apr 2014
why are we sad when people die

they move on to their next life
wherever that may be

we are the ones that stay behind

those that die don't take their weight with them
no, no they must leave it behind for their loved ones to shoulder on top of their own

a burden beyond compare

people who are surrounded by death carry the most weight
they have carried on the lives of all those who died in front of them

never to get rid of this weight
until we pass it on to the next
moving on from this life
Apr 2014 · 350
Weight, part II
Anna Levine Apr 2014
oh, no
the weight she bear is not that of the entire world
but that of her own
everyone carries the weight of their world on their shoulders
we can share our weight with others
but both have to wish for it or the weight of one's burden may crush the other
if one can see the weight of another beginning to crush them
they will not worsen their burden by dumping their own on top
her surroundings are so fragile
everyone around her could be pulverised by just one more pound
so she keeps it to herself
shuts her mouth
puts her sorrows deep inside
inside the safe
under lock and key
so that no one ever has to bear her
Apr 2014 · 279
Weight, part I
Anna Levine Apr 2014
she can always feel the weight
there's so much, not even the strongest can keep it up
she is atlas, holding the sky up with only her own shoulders
it is suffocating her, this weight
it drains her ambition, her creativity, her will to live
her will to love
the weight of the world is on her shoulders, and every day it gets a little heavier
she can't hold it much longer
the girl holding up the world just might break
and shatter into millions of pieces
but someone will always have to pick up those pieces
they will be added to that weight
the weight that someone else will have to carry

— The End —