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 Jul 2018 The Black Beast
He doesn't burn photographs
He doesn't join therapy sessions
He doesn't smoke too many cigarettes
Nor he drown himself into alcohol
He scratches his wounds daily
And never let them heal
He doesn't try to get rid of the pain
Instead he let it grow on him
He waters the seed of sorrow with his tears
He feeds it with the manure of old memories
He takes it to sleep with him
And nurtures it in himself
Till the moment when every single drop of his blood gets replaced by this pain
Until his fragile heart can bear no more
And his soul starts overflowing with emotions
That's when he dip his pen into this pain
And empty his heart on a piece of paper
He bares his soul for us to feel
He creates poetry that the world would cherish for centuries to come
That's how true poetry comes into existence
Tentacles grasping for nutrition
Soaking in everything around you.
Filled with visceral emotion overload
Angered by the world's injustices
You must then express yourself in ink

To empty.
 Apr 2018 The Black Beast
Jey Blu
sharp words
soft words
whats the difference
your gaze still cuts me like a dagger

im still trying to find myself after getting lost in your eyes
so long ago
for such a long time

you'll never know how many jagged edged pieces you left
when you tried to fix my broken heart

the sun still sets
and the birds still fly
but what's the point of it all when you're not here by my side

becoming yours was my favorite thing but also my worst regret
i just wanted to fix you and you just kept on breaking

what can i do
your eyes are an ocean
i should have known i would just drown

im left here sitting
on the wooden kitchen floor
fingers drumming
wish that we had meant more

the sky fades into orangey pink regret
the trees as oblivious to it as you were to me slowly dying

its too late to go outside
i miss you
its too late to fix this
its too late to save me
Do not cry, my dear. You see, men like him chase dimming stars, the most visible, blinking ones: flashing, burning, dying. Unstable.
But you are strong.
You are far too bright,
far too precious to be consumed.

Men like him are blinded by your light—fear it even. It pierces their void and makes them question.

So do not mimic the flashing.

Do not mimic the dying.

Do not waste your power—
your precious stardust—
on someone who does not value your light.
Keep your head up, dear. You are made of stars.
Your going to miss me
and when you do,
you'll realize that you
only have yourself to blame
& I hope that blame
hurts you
like the pain of you
hurt me
this is not writing by me
What are we supposed to learn?
Go to school and fake it till you make something.
If your life is just a burn.
Do you just learn
how to be a firefighter?

But it's too late and there's no rain.
Let me be clear I don't know about this pain
I'm just writing and this will probably never be read.
Whoever reads this just make sure you have a fire escape.

Extinguish your problems and fight the fire
But don't worry you won't need no tissues,
Those burn too.

Stay away from the fire
And don't get burned.
Cause you still have more to learn.

If you do get burned don't sweat it.
Your scars make you stronger.
That's just what you need to learn.

Don't fake it.
Do it.
Make it.
 Feb 2018 The Black Beast
I feel off
Like there is something missing
Between my skin and my soul and my heart and my teeth.
It hurts a little -
Like the cold does.

I am shivering.
My bones feel fragile -
Not like they could break but like they could just melt into nothing.
Maybe I want them to.

I am weak.
My eyes beg to not be forced
to stay open any longer
But the dark makes it hard to speak.

I don't want to talk anymore about anything to anyone.
But I am dying
of silence.
I am dying
of heartache.
I am dying
of me.
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