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 Mar 2019 Lot
 Mar 2019 Lot
Hide it
Dress it up
Frost it with sugar
Wrap it up with a bow

But when you look underneath

We’re all jmulbed                              mesSes
We lie,,,       hUrt.?,              wounD/

                 SomETimEs      for FUN!

SomETIMes bEcaUse wE’ve                  

                  been </broKen> so loNG#

We don’t know
what else to do.
Maybe it’s normal to feel like a mess
 Mar 2019 Lot
Phil Dodsworth
 Mar 2019 Lot
Phil Dodsworth
Burnt my toast

Stubbed my toe

Why do the Gods

Mock me so?
 Mar 2019 Lot
Ray Dunn
Is it
Too much to ask

That I
Will be allowed to soar

Legs balanced
On translucent platforms

For once in my life

My feet
Will be punching streaks of gold

I would run
So far down the river

That flows
Miles above our heads

But alas
I must lay down

And melt
Into the crowd
Idk what this is I’m very very tired!!
 Mar 2019 Lot
Gaby Comprés
 Mar 2019 Lot
Gaby Comprés
sometimes it rains,
and if you’re quiet,
you can hear the trees give thanks.
sometimes the children laugh,
and everything is yellow.
sometimes a friend writes you a poem,
sometimes you wake up and there is already coffee waiting for you,
& the words ‘thank you’
are the first to touch your lips.
this is how joy shows up in the heart,
an unexpected guest,
but welcome nonetheless.
 Mar 2019 Lot
Jennifer West
Tell me
 Mar 2019 Lot
Jennifer West
Tell me I'm not going crazy
Tell me I'm not going mad
When I see a sadistic smile
Through those poisen eyes

Please tell me I'm wrong
Because I don't want to believe
All there is to you
Is nothing but lies

Don't dry my tears
And go to kiss me goodnight
I can't
Give this goodbye
 Mar 2019 Lot
Phil Dodsworth
I am in the valley of despair

My ship is sinking

The Gods mock me

My dreams are dying

Even my imaginary friends hate me
 Mar 2019 Lot
Vinnie Brown
 Mar 2019 Lot
Vinnie Brown
And I am a showcase of emotion
Unprovokingly shining like a sun
Cast away in the middle of the night
Afflicted with envy and jealousy
Dreading dark waters
Afraid of the waves
Lapping at my hopes
 Mar 2019 Lot
 Mar 2019 Lot
Going to school
reading, studying, breaking

"You're so stupid"

Hanging with fake friends
Smiling, laughing, hating

"You're so antisocial"

Getting ready
clothes, makeup, shame

"You're not pretty"
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