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the powerbank's empty
bankrupt soul
heart bleeding red

corrosive feelings
dug deepest holes
filled them with lead

why no one told me
it would be that bad?
 Dec 2020 Talia
The Pen
 Dec 2020 Talia
You use me to let your frustrations out.
You use me to let your authority known.
You use me to fight battles you know you may lose.
I'm the pen, the greatest weapon you own.
 Dec 2020 Talia
 Dec 2020 Talia
I still read your eyes. they don't lie like the words you speak.
 Dec 2020 Talia
Awesome Annie
Sometimes I think his scent lingers on my skin.

Scars impossible to erase no matter how hard I scrub.

His need for me always urgent.

Firm forceful hands always taking more then I want to give.

The secret is pain can be such pleasure..

Making love to monsters in the dark.

Eyes closed and gasping.

Physical need overwhelming,
and fireworks nowhere in sight.
 Dec 2020 Talia
 Dec 2020 Talia
commitments of convenience
where one gives another,
they lack themselves

valves let loose
and the sewer pipe spews
till the sludge run down
and your streets turn brown

joining the maelstrom
 Dec 2020 Talia
Oh Keeper of the Night,
You are but a mystery
To one twilight smile upon us
and then the next not to be seen

Oh Mother of Light
to wane but never disappear
Giving us great comfort
Saying you are always there

Stars drip from your eyes
tears like crystals fall
even through your pain
you leave me here struck with awe

That through the sorrow
You give us a light
to dim while we sleep
to guide us through the night

Oh Lover of the dreamers
I long to bask in your rays
to calm my aching heart
to leave me in a daze

Oh your gentle curves
and sweet, pale complexion
Each crater and mount,
designed with perfection

Ages will pass
With different times and stories
but no matter the time or place
no man can escape your glory
 Dec 2020 Talia
brandon mater
loving you......

has taught me to love
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