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B Nov 2019
She smells of apricot
and love me not.
Her branches are much too far away.
B Jan 2019
If Summer were not but a season
and instead a man.
I would beckon him closer,
put myself in his hands.
We would walk slow
silent as happiness
and from me, would grow
a terrible sprig of tenderness.
Feel his radiance right up in my bones,
lay under that sweltering shadow.
Only, come Autumn, to feel so alone.
Tamara Lynn Nov 2019
I value my sensitivity
I’m not wrong for sharing my vulnerabilities
I care with everything I’ve got
Whether you like it or not
This is who I am
Never again will I look down at myself for that
There’s so much more to me than meets the eye
Underneath the shy
I may be afraid to speak up at first
Honestly it feels more like a curse
There are layers that make up who I am
But if you decide to let me in
Take care and please show compassion
I’m trying my best to be authentic
Even at times a little bit eccentric
But at my core
I just want to implore
That you allow me to show you my passion
For everything that makes up who I am
james Nov 2019
words spoken softly
may still pierce my heart
and stain themselves crimson.

cast your carnations to brimstone
please, i reminisce upon a
voice like rushing waters;

you wield daggers that cut
not so sweet as they sound, you
sun shining in all its brilliance;

try as you might, i am frail
dont gaze upon me as though i am
seven stars in your hands;

i crumble at the whisper of a touch,
my eyes upon you, pillars of salt
the beat of my heart
a betrayal of biblical proportions

i know what comes next
"And his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance."
i wrote poetry using inktober prompts. here's day 8: frail
Andrea Oct 2019
Fake smiles
Fake happiness
Is better staying alone sometimes
Than being prisoner of their mess
Nowadays no one is truly honest.
It's like anyone is trying to hide something.
You're all scared. We are all scared.
We are terrified to show the world who we really are.
We are petrified to the idea of being vulnerable.
Justyn Huang Oct 2019
The world is a hard place
with hard people
carrying theirs around
like columns on their backs
making it even harder for
them to know
just how much the world has
broken in their rubble

And some revel in their ashes
And some build palaces
And some think it's just fantastic
And some go on helping others
knocking weight off their backs

But never let someone fall so low
that they sharpen the edges of our trash
As the world is already a hardened place
Then why should I be so?
The need for kindness, being more soft
Raven Oct 2019
They cut her wings,
every touch so rough,
bruises and scars,
that's all she's got.

She's always wandering,
walking through the snow.
She may not have anything left
but she's still got hope.

No matter what they do to her
she won't give up.
And as the pain washes over her
she smiles with tears in her eyes.

She knows one day
there will be a caring soul,
a gentle caress instead of this cruelty.
One day she'll be safe.

Until that day has come
she'll walk the icy road,
her heart so soft,
so full of love.

The softest of hearts
in a broken body.
Oh my sweet angel,
you're to pure for this world.
StoryTallinn Oct 2019
We used to go to bed listening to fairytales
Hearing about princesses and dragons
Unreachable dreams and fake heroes

We welcome warm winters only after cold summers
For I remember admiring the shiny moon
Contemplating ruins
And admiring autumn's vulnerability

Growing from bittersweetness
Accepting pain as an energy
Finding hopes in every step
Maybe now greyness is the miracle I need
AE Oct 2019
I shy away from yellow Novembers,
As I stare into the glowing sun, 
searching for some metal wings, 
ones that bring back unfamiliar winds,
 hoping that they'll take me too. 

I trace my fingers along road maps,
and chase my regrets while looking back
I dream of sunsets on snowy roads 
I run from colours that feel too old 
and search for stories that haven't been told

I've read the writings on the wall, 
it seems like I've been waiting to fall, 
but every time I dream of a new place 
I can't help but feel like I need an escape 
So I find myself on the other side,

walking down roads that never divide, 
chasing dreams I have yet to meet 
becoming someone I have yet to be
searching for fate, I walk along 
towards the yellow November trees 

alone, afar, yet somewhere close, 
hand in hand with vulnerability.
Taking a break from the “26 Letters to Time” series :)
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