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I'm gonna get me a record player,
So I can throw on jazz vinyls,
Classical symphonies, modernistic musics, raptastic tracks-ish.

So I can hear those low notes blow,
Those high notes reach, whistle, then pop,
So I can listen to all 'em tunes,
That got me thinking about you non-stop.
(Some peaceful vintage music)
Khoisan Jan 19
Words don't come easy

music is the food of love

play mystic for me

crackling champagne crispy sounds

I fell in love on Simone.
If music is the food of love play on
katarina Jan 3
I love the static after a vinyl had finished
I love how she spins on a slant
And moves like the ocean
How it plays and asks nothing in return
Although I will never be able to wrap my head around how indents create sound
I will love her with my whole heart
Until she it too exhausted to play
And even then I will cherish
The love she gave me
Poetry about music
Nigdaw Jul 2024
I'm listening to records
not heard for thirty years
I've carried this collection
gathering dust on my shelves
needle scrapes across vinyl
music to my ears
an old friend not seen
for a while, but it
feels like yesterday
my kids look on in awe
even with their MP4
as I spin the black circle
I'll make collectors of them all
and I'm not old just retro
and it's still rock 'n' roll
Nigdaw Jun 2021
needle idling
leading in
taking flight
across the groove
crackling into life
unchanged since 1889
black disc spinning
revealing secrets
from the darkness of vinyl
rumble of base
crash of high hat
lyrical weavings
entwined around
a density of sound
unmatched by digital cleanliness
the smell of aging cardboard
with artwork
fit for a gallery
First album made in 1889.
Leone Lamp Apr 2021
My turntable doesn't have an auto stop
Or an arm that returns when the disc is up
So I have to be alert, conscious, and in tune
Less that scratchy white noise fills up the room

If I'm busy with chores, or out in the yard
A trench slowly forms,
Vinyl's soft, diamond's hard
But when I pay attention, I inherently know
Two songs left to go, one more...
Get up, flip and flow

My player might not be smart,
doesn't know when to stop
But it's got me programmed,
whether I like it or not.
Time to get up and flip the record...
scatterbrained Mar 2021
spun like a vinyl
you’re the needle laid on top
I’m titled for you
Samantha Dietz Nov 2020
Aerosmith on vinyl
Your hand on my throat
Listen to Toys In The Attic
I'll be your toy, Make me choke
Kiss me ever so softly
While your lips tell me jokes
Send chills down my spine
When I smell your cologne

Show me your favorite songs
Tell me your crazy stories
I want to know who you are
I just want you to adore me
Look through my eyes to my soul
Hands all over my body
Steal the air from my lungs
I swear you're killing me softly
Monday, November 23rd, 2020
Diljeev Jul 2020
The record player plays
the Vinyl of November,
the forthcoming of winter
and the apparent
festival of lights
amidst all the glow
a light shinier than the rest
radiated by this woman
draped in customary pink,
smiled like the light of a candle
lighting up the room.
A different match however
lighting up this candle,
unsettling it was to see and it still is,
but the beauty always lied
in one's being amidst the light
of this ever lit up candle.
The vinyl stops abruptly
bringing me back
to the cold dark room
as cold and as dark
as the reality has been,
neither a candle nor
a match to be seen.
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