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Madison Dec 2018
Life is like a hurricane right now
Everything is spinning so fast
And I just can’t seem to keep up
They say that it is calm
In the eye of the storm
So I’m trying my hardest to reach it
I’m tired of only seeing grays and blacks
I want to see the beautiful sky
But this storm is against that idea
Instead it throws everything it can at me
Just to keep me from seeing the sky
I already have so many wounds
I’m already so broken
I don’t know why this storm still has me
I know this is all happening for a reason
And I know I just need to wait it out
But I’m not that kind of person
I’m determined to see the sky
I’m determined to have peace once more
So I will keep fighting this storm
I will not give up
Because I am stronger than this
I will overcome anything it throws at me
And I will make it to the eye of the storm
I will have peace
Even while everything is spinning around
I will see the marvellous blue sky again
Hello from inside this storm that was released from hell.
bucky Dec 2015
he calls you wild, dionysus
he calls you sweltering and dangerous

and you know when he says it he doesn't mean beautiful or kind,
because a boy that means beautiful or kind isn't a living boy

and you both know this to be true.
he's bored with you, and you both know this to be true.

he makes you drink the wine and then he makes you laugh
or, not in that order.

you don't remember.
How doth thou wake with an aching need?
For femmes and games and **** loads of ****?
To he who dost appreciate the weight of a lass
As spindly and petite with one hell of an ***?
Dost thou think for a mo...
That the only love felt tis that of a ***
Thou wast the only one left in the bar
With an overdose of E and a fool hearty scar
Nay my dear boy as one could only believe
A fuckboi thou art, and a fuckboi thou'll be
XxX Jan 2015
There's something so powerful and beautiful in your voice.
It's like an old map that found new worlds.
Like a summer breeze with that sweet smell of your cologne.
I can't stand when I can't have you like I want you.
The look in your eyes when you talk about the things you love.
The light inside you could light the universe.
I wish only the best for you.
Now that you are no longer mine all I want is a smile from you.
Reese Mauro Oct 2014
The stars are still twinkling
The moon is still glowing
The sun is still shining
The Earth is spinning
The birds are chirping
The time is still ticking

So why am I still so sad?

— The End —