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America    I am potty trained and have had all my necessary shots.


matilda shaye Nov 2014
sext: wrap me in the blanket that's in the back seat of your car, call her while I'm staring into space, tell her you love her out of no where
sext: uuuuuuuuhhhhh......I don't want to move in with you
sext: I love you but I'm moving a thousand miles away
sext: I love you so I'm moving a thousand miles away
sext: I'm moving a thousand miles away BECAUSE I love you
sext: I want to bite off your tongue
sext: really bad
sext: you shouldn't have told her you love her when I was already off the ledge
sext: I'll bite your lip, it'll bleed, red will pour down your mouth and your clothes and your horns will poke through and BOOM! satan
sext: baby baby BABY you turn me on
sext: especially when your actions completely correlate with what I was always told not to do
sext: I was told not to do you, but, well....ok we were supposed to hangout at a park like this is a ******* indie movie but this cop told me that park was closed? I didn't know parks ******* close? so we met in a parking lot and you mentioned how your roommate wasn't home and la la la la LAAAAA, we ended up on your living room floor and the carpet was covered in my black lace
sext: I'm wearing high heels, tall ones. I'm 5' 11 1/2", you're, ummm...something. someone. oh yeah, I'm in love with you. well, I dunno about that anymore what's love? I defined it and it said "sext: an intense feeling of deep attachment". ah, ok, got it. I now understand you, love. this was supposed to be **** ya no, like me running down the back your legs in my red high heels, sending chills through your veins and breaking all of your bones. ****** ****, right? **** I ruined it when I brought up love  
sext: uh, it's been 3 days since we've talked. I know you said like 3 months ago that we needed to "draw new lines for each other" and "figure out how to have self control and not pounce the other when we're alone and I play smashing pumpkins" but we've ****** like what, 40 times since? and you told me you loved me and begged me not to leave soooooooo....? those lines need to be erased buddy boy
sext: uhg. you don't get it. I'm tired.  got so drunk I could barely stand last night. slept for fourty minutes. then worked a thirteen hour shift. I'm sorry. give me a kiss. no? but this is supposed to be a sext?
sext: nothing you say is equivalent to a sext these days
sext: take your clothes off
sext: take your clothes off
sext: then take mine off
sext: then take mine off
sext: you wear mine, I wear yours
sext: jk babe the clothes are off we're ******* ******
i haven't been much good at rhyming
i know it's all about the timing
and i never can seem to get that right
but here i am, just trying in spite
...of it all...
see, that's what i mean
i can't seem to keep a good rhyming scheme
try as i may and try as i might
i can't always get the words i want right
but here i am, i'm on a roll
so let me try to express how i ... feel?
no, ******, that's not even close
let me try again...
but here i am, i'm on a roll
i hope this poem doesn't take its toll
on our relationship, or anything
i'm just trying to say what i mean
and write a cute rhyming poem for you
but i can tell it sounds like poo.
hah! that was a joke! oh wait...
maybe the word "poo" is't appropriate
for a valentine's day poem, you see
so now i should just...

ok this is ridiculous, i'm done with the rhyming.
but here was my try at a rhyming poem.
it ******.
but i can't seem to even begin to write something that rhymes without it sounding cheezy and stupid anyway.
oh well, i tried.

uhh, I love you!
5 o'clock
Jacob Smith  Sep 2015
Jacob Smith Sep 2015
Goodnight, sleep tight.
Don't worry, you'll be alright.
It's just a little storm outside,
your safe in here, no need to cry.
I'm right here, I'll never leave you.
I'll always be here when you need me to.
no matter how bad the storm may be,
It'll always be you and me.
Sleep well, sweet dreams;
Yes, I promise I won't leave.
I'll stay with you throughout the night,
and wake you up at morning light.
honey, there's no need to frown.
look, see? I'm laying down.
uhg, sweety don't hug so tight!
I promise you you'll be alright.
I love you too, my little angel
I'll keep you safe from this world of danger.
hush now, and close your eyes
no dear, this isn't goodbye.
I'll see you as soon as morning comes,
and we'll both wake up to the morning sun.
Goodnight, my little dove
your the sum of all that I love.