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Alex Aug 2018
UFOs and alien dreams
They stood around me as I screamed
They shone a light into my face
And declared ME from outer space
Einstein-Rosen Bridge

"A wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends, each at separate points in spacetime (i.e., different locations and/or different points of time), or by a transcendental bijection of the spacetime continuum." -Wikipedia


A metallic or translucent disk with
little people, gray skin, large eyes
also translucent or ephemeral and
moving within a fixed space.

Ask yourself;

"What do people from the future look like?"

"What would someone see if they looked through the other end of your tunnel?"

Think about it;

"In the future our Sun becomes destabilized altering the physics of our local space therefore an Einstein-Rosen Bridge is possible once the star begins to collapse."

Our Sun is dying

We are studying the past...
                                                               not physically here,
craft move erratically
                                                           because they are not physical.

The other end of the bridge.
                                              They are us.

The tunnel moves, jostles
as physics, space-time, change.
Who watches The Watchers?

Physical beings cannot
                                                      travel through time,
Can they see through it?
                                  Can you?

You're traveling through time right now,
in your mind,  
                                                     with your imagination.

What does the other end of your tunnel look like?

UFO's solved
Alan S Bailey Feb 2016
There are thousands of cars everywhere, parked,
Some to the sides, others facing each other,
The outside a gloomy dark grey haze,
The sun casting a pale empty light over the
Desolate, bleak landscape of sand far away.
Hundreds of empty cars, an end-days scene,
This dark tunnel unbelievable as can be,
I'm looking for a cause of all this I'm seeing,
Suddenly these angry glossy eyes of "the thin one"
Right before me, in an instant I see him staring back
At me, like a preying mantis? It's something unreal.
*But this is how I found out about them in my dream.
Jacob Cuadro Aug 2015
Secrets, secrets in the bright sky,
Wondering if your ever true or just a lie ?

Little lights in the night can they be stars or spaceships,
How long are you green fella gonna stay for this trip ?

U.F.O passing by as they whirled,
Probably waiting patiently to take over this world.

Absorbing the information about the human races and our planet earth,
Traveling around the galaxies for generations to see if this was wait the worth.

When are you going to invade ?
Because the human races is destroying each others and were starting to fade.

If you don’t like our planet and if you are really true,
All I can say is please take me with you.

**By Jacob Cuadro
We will never know in till they show up oh how I wonder.
Reimar Mar 2015
I wish I was an unidentified
Flying object
I would fly under the radar
I would fly under the radar
I would fly under
The radar

You would be walking in your sleep
Stepping out into the street
I’d shoot my tractor beam
I would **** you in
I would ****
You in
ghostsonpaper Feb 2015
after all her anxious scribbling
while chasing late night demons dreaming
she looks at the sky.
now it's so hard not to cry.
heavily sighing, but why?
is it even worth trying? oh I...
I don't know, I think I'll
save my tears for someone worth my time.
your pretty face isn't one that ever crossed my troubled mind.
when our flaws were all undone
in this battle no one has won.
and the mess we made
lies in scattered pieces on the floor.
you know I've always played it safe
too afraid of all the words I really want to say.
because I know aliens are real
so I'll never wish on shooting stars.
I can fly away in my ufo
while you drive off in your car.
heavily sighing, but why?
is it even worth trying? oh I...
and I don't mind
saying I'm a little cray from time to time.
you aren't the reason for all my sleepless nights.
but when our flaws have come undone
in this mess we have become
our hearts now shattered, lie in pieces on the floor.
oh I, I think I'll
save my tears for someone worth my time.
your pretty face isn't one that ever crossed my troubled mind.
now our flaws are so undone.
oh, what a mess we have become.
has nothing else mattered?
we can't pretend quite like before.
my heart just shattered, is it still beating?
because I swear I'm barely breathing anymore.
"because aliens are real and I only wish upon ufos" -miquela  (the quote and inspiration that started this♡)
TheSilentWarrior Jan 2015
White and bright,
hovering over me tonight.
The grass prickling on my bare skin,
as I lay hopeless.

Shines in my eyes, and
burns on my left arm side.
The pain is unbearable, as the
feeling was real.

The light dims as the saucer
My eyes watched with curiosity,
and wonder.

It hovers above me,
as my body was paralyzed from
to bottom.

It flies away until it is
few inches away from I.
Transforming into a
Christmas decoration, tonight.

Walking up a flight of stairs,
unsure what is ahead.
I see a familiar face,
a face that resembles me.

My care taker, my mother.
Sadden and dark, as we meet eye to eye.
"You were gone for many years, and your
grandparents blamed it on me."

Her words struck me, as if millions
of bombs went off in my heart.
Her voice was scratchy and her tone was dry,
my heart was pounding as if
it was the dawn of time.

"What do you mean? That I was gone?I have
been here ever since I've become."
Her stare was cold but hurt, yet I was confused.
Was I really here? or the mysterious light abduct me?
I had a strange dream that felt completely real,
the light burnt my eyes and a burning sensation appeared
on my left arm.
I woke up with pain on that side and woke up scared.
The part where my mum says I was gone for years (10 yrs) was probably a sign of the future ahead of I.

But I believe I was abducted...I believe in UFO's and Aliens.
No judging.
Emmalee Oct 2014
You're like an alien to me,
Distant but in the same galaxy.
You come and go as you please,
Leaving markings on my ground.
You pull me into your UFO -
Torture me as an experiment.
But I am still so completely
Drawn to the idea of you.
I want to discover you
And see inside of you
For the first time.
I want to know what
You have to offer
On a planet far away.
I wonder -
Could your world be
A perfect match to mine?
Or are we too distant and different
To be side by side
Without judgement or confusion,
Without hatred or being pushed away.
Or would we be a perfectly imperfect,
******* up and unaccepted
Match in this galaxy?
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