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Zywa Jul 2023
Every day I pass

the forest, it's hard to see --

that we're transforming.
For Florentin

Collection "Migration"
frankie Jun 2023

close the door.
headlights too.
it's dark at this time of year.
to think, that to live is to be lost.
north, east,
orientation is confident;
with a destination, bold.

roads are busy.
other drivers, bold themselves.
to go and stop.
those stopped are not those going;
a permutation of an uncertainty,
decision one of a thousand.

a left at the light means The Waiting Game,
a test of patience.
enough to pander one's position on a map.
relative to home, not very far.
a few minutes,
the answer.

the eternal search for an answer,
emulated and abstracted in a metal box,
the pilots so sure of their actions.
they're sinking so far in to the game now that
their origin's memory is too obscure,
to see the irony is to think too much.

open the door.
tired hands and feet inherit a mission--
next objective, in this much time.
a stone path is a suggestion,
it'll do.
who is to argue with the ground underfoot?
skilled men though they found the answer on their search
and were so kind as to lead the next.
wrong as they were, it's the thought that counts.

of course the mistake is made in kind,
a pilot's success and the search complete.
a sigh.
and the resigned optimism that perhaps instead
a bit of reconnaissance is enough for now.
maybe to find oneself here is success.
would they buy that?

relative to home, not very close.
a more abstract train-of-thought-type piece. not super crazy about it, but i liked the style
Carlo C Gomez Jun 2023
I'm waterproof positive:
This may be John Hawkins's ship
But I've no idea why that matters.

This is disease infested waters,
And piracy is highly contagious,
I should know.

I grew up on the same street as money,
But he migrated to Los Angeles,
Where there was greater curb appeal.

This life is a house of stairs,
And no one walks
The plank better than me.

But all too soon
This old vessel is firewood
And tread board.

It might be the new world,
But the pilgrims are covered
In Spanish moss,
Mixed warning signs on their hats.

We pirates are forgetful escapists,
Doing high wire acts at sea,
To harbor regret is to mutiny
In thy heart,
I should know.
But I don't.

Seems my mind has gone
And given me the slip,
Meet me for a pint
At the Crooked Wig
And we'll talk shop...

Been sitting in my drafts for 2 years. Thought I would free it...
Robin Carretti Jun 2023
Over the top to sail lips float
Oversweet travel in any sort
Two lips sway back and forth
Have lips we travel
Unravel-Hot lips Brazil
       *       *       *       *
Sugary-Syrupy the sky like
Our lips high
canopy travel shaky
Lips met her rivalry
Lips together acceptable

We travel up
Lips frown to fall
color* rich* never* to* be* frugal
First class lips diamond- coral

Forever my lips half open  
Traveling closed lips
       *       *       *
She walks and trips

Museum art
*       *       *       *
Our lips never part
Everyone needs a vacation even if we cannot smile to remember things raise your glass let your lips travel
Grace Jun 2023
We are on a plane. We are on a plane and flying fast enough to cross the world in days. We are crossing the world in small increments. Every minute is one hour closer to home. Every minute is one hour, and every 24 hours is 365 days.

What difference does one year make?  One year later, I am wearing new clothes. One year later, I am singing fresh songs. I am in the air with nothing but white clouds and blue skies ahead.
Alex McQuate May 2023
Think of the *****,
The hobo,
The Great American Travlin' Man,
Seeing the sights,
The great spans of this weird and wonderful county,
Taking in places that will never be seen by you or me.

We look down upon them,
Or with indifference,
Content with our homes, cars, and jobs,
But consider this you,
With these things would we really be considered free?

Chained by loans,
By the banks,
By a mortgage or three?
Who's more at liberty,
Us or the ***** travlin' the street?
Benjamin Tod- Ballad of Spider John
I saw a glimpse
of what our
heaven could be
Owen Cafe Mar 2023
It's funny when you feel like you're holding hands but you know your arms would wrap the world to do so.

When your kissing without touching lips, you feel the warmth when the only thing next to you is a memory.

It’s funny how I melt in your eyes that I can't see and run my fingers through your hair if only the resemblance of the wind that surrounds you.

It's funny that it feels so ineffably together apart.

Sometimes the together aparts just to light flame so you know it's there. Not a lighthouse or a forest fire, not a comet or a firework.

Something close. Something you hold and nurture. Something that’s right next to you, even though you can't touch it… not fully.

Like a candle and wine.

Something I can’t pull my eyes from. Something that isn’t more than it needs to be and covers me in goosebumps like the first time we kissed.

It's funny how you can fall from such a distance that you never even left your home.
The ever always ended continue
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