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Michael Stefan Feb 2020
They all gnashed their teeth and snarled
Fed by evening news of sensational delights
This meal divides them, one squad against another
Their cackling splits the peaceful night

Their spittle soaks the blood-drenched ground
Yellow eyes gaze with maniacal rage
Single-minded to scavenge and consume
As writers fill teleprompters' page

Logic lost in frenzied carnage
Horrid breath from yellowed teeth
As these jackals howl, "feed us more!"
Caverns filled with bones of human grief

We the people of a more perfect union
Trapped between beasts set to conquer
My country 'tis of empty-headed politics
As You, I, We become the monster
Clay Face Feb 2020
There’s nothing to interpret in defiance.
Once you find a set, put place, position and stand.
Work up the vitality to speak in brutality!
There’s no point to declare without defense.

I want to **** in the wind, because *******.
Replace my mind with a button.
Press it, I’ll regurgitate your rhetoric.
I bet you get off to that, stripping autonomy.
Just tickles your ******. Makes you giddy.

I’d starve myself.
But I would eat a bullet if you had your way.

Without a situation, your just without motivation.
Writing in clear ink,
paralyzed in double think.

There’s nothing to interpret in defiance.
A set, put place, stand, or position.
Dissent should never be conveyed,
unclear, blurry, or in repent!

Opinion shouldn’t be followed by different!
Just stand in on stage, speaking sense!
Those that matter will respect,
others will fall to the aspect...
tmartin Feb 2020
escape with yourself
your demons
and carry with- your gods
Excerpts from Pillows & Records “Memories of an old friend” by tma_rtin
Cynthia Jean Feb 2020
Don't believe everything
you hear.
People are being
by the tellers
of tales.
History teaches us
"if a lie is repeated
often enough,
people will believe it."
Let us have
ears to hear,
and eyes that see.
May our ears  and eyes
be open
to the truth.
Not just the tellers
but provable facts.
We must each make an honest
for the truth.
let someone else
do your
May we all

Cynthia Jean
February 8, 2020
kain Feb 2020
I don't mind the way things are
I have some new friends
We're smiling again
Things are better for me
Life keeps moving
Staying isn't so bad after all.
J Ray Feb 2020
You might see him wear his hat in the store downtown
He might need a cane or a walker to help him get around
He might need a hand or two to get out of his car
Don’t mind the look in his eyes or ask about his scar
He remembers it all sometimes on a dark and lonely night
When he and his buddies brought the dogs to the fight
Wipes a tear from his eyes for the pain, death, and loss
In a country so far away on a river that they had to cross
They watch as Americans burn the flag they wouldn’t drop
All that hate and discontent they wish would only stop
But that has never stopped them from fighting for me and you
They left their home and family to protect the red white and blue
None of us will never know the pain from the life he had to choose
That’s something we will never know just by watching the news
When you thank a veteran for protecting your freedom and rights
Think about the war in his mind, the one that he still fights
Think about the ones that left home, never to return
Think about the life they lost and the fires that still burn
Rise up from your knees and stand tall and proud
You don’t have to be afraid to recite the anthem out loud
You live in a country that’s been tried and true
Because a veteran bleeds red, white and blue....

United we stand and divided we fall..and if we fall then God help us all
Hope that this poem will make people stop and think, even if people least think of the freedoms we take for granted everyday that others an only dream of experiencing...and then think of the willing sacrifice that others experienced to protect those freedoms. Please comment and critique is always welcome
Tea Feb 2020
I keep asking myself why...
Is it because he is too shy?
Why did he let me go?
Maybe because he doesn't know what to do?
And what should I do now?
Am I supposed to continue to crawl low?
Am I supposed to fly high?
Maybe I should take off to the sky?
Then I'd find another place to start anew...
But I am bound to stay where my heart grew...
Otherwise, I'll wither to my core...
No love means nothing to live for...
I'm just alive because God loves me...
Without Him, I won't be able to see...

I wish to tell Gabriel how I feel...
But I never get to see him for real...
Only God can provide a way...
I might talk face-to-face to Gabriel any day...
My heart cries with every message he sends...
And I don't think it will be soon before it mends...

He says he's heartbroken...
I know it is because I sent back the love token...
The little key is also back in the giver's hands...
I know his gifts have more values than magical wands...
But those two items were eating on me...

My tears don't match the sea...
But I couldn't keep them any longer...
Now I'm here, left to ponder...
Thinking about the past...
Thinking how long will the love, that has been left, last...
I don't want to give him another scar...
I don't wish to start another war...
I just want him to move on and get over it all...
Or regret and fix before we fall...
It's everything or nothing...
Right now, we are in the middle of everything...
I'm unsure about what I should do...
I wonder who am I talking to?
Is there really someone wasting precious time?
Reading my every word and rhyme?
Tea Jan 2020
My heart is sore...
I can't anymore...
Another painful hit...
Another dark pit...
But someone still has my trust...
He knows how to heal my heart's crust...
Time will pass by...
And both my heart and eyes will cry...
I'm tired of being pushed around...
Now I'm thrown to the ground...
I'm feeling very low...
Luckily, I'm free now...
I know that someone will help me out...
I don't even need to shout...
He is now the One I'm living for...
Only He has all the keys to every door...
I still love Gabriel...
But somehow I feel like he has said farewell...
He hasn't turned his back on me...
But he won't see...
Blind are his eyes...
And I don't believe in lies...
I wish I could do something for Gabriel...
But I'm stuck inside the loneliness cell...
The familiar walls become more clear...
But I have nothing to fear...
Even though I'm holding back tears...
I know I'm gonna change in the following months and years...
Gabriel will change too...
I wonder what should I do...
My future looks musical...
But I can always fall...
I fell so many times...
Too many to say in my rhymes...
Juno Jan 2020
I’m fine during the daytime;
The problems come at night.
My thoughts come out to haunt me
Sometimes they make me cry in fright.

I lie awake for hours
My face is wet with tears.
Sleep seems so far away,
Though my nightmares seem so near.

I didn’t sign up for this;
Crying myself to sleep.
Who could’ve known that now it is
A burden to be able to think?
I often have trouble sleeping because at night, there’s nothing to do and my thoughts catch up to me.
K Balachandran Jan 2020
I bat both eyelids.
She attributes motive and winks.
The right moment to think!
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