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CB May 2020
“So strong, so fierce, forever bright is the fire that lines my core. The burning and churning of my brain, will it end; never will come that day. Ignite my heart, set it aflame. Blood seeps from past mistakes, I feel no pain, so I ponder on the idea of going away. I scream at you, you’ll scream back, but I’ll scream louder leaving a crack. I’ll always be louder, pushing you farther and farther back. Take my reins, try and take control, I’ll forever reign in this ******* hole. Long live the past, a part of me that will forever last”
if only i could go back
Sky Apr 2016
Tell me how - no, tell me why
The passage of time proceeds to fly
past my face so I can barely taste it
Taste the smoke of the harsh rubber against
burning asphalt
Each day flies by,
well, it's no wonder I'm stuck in the past
I can't keep up with
the growing speed of time
as it flies by
Infinity flying by
I can't move forward, I'm stuck here, slow
As the world races forward,
I still sit here, times forgotten,
The world forgets who I am.
Joseph Bucci Aug 2014
Because after everything you did
All the fights
And all the insults
All the broken promises
And all the lies
All the short retorts
And all the K's
I still love you
And I don't know
How many times I asked
Where to go
When I was looking at the past

I can't look ahead
For all the times I've made mistakes
Faults so dripping red
Don't believe I have what it takes

So give me rest
When I'm just trying to survive
When I'm not my best
Let me know that I'll revive.

Why do I
Seem to do the very same things
I'd try to fly
But never with these broken wings

It was just too cold
When I started out anew
But as I grow old
I'll try to keep my eyes on You.

— The End —