What is it called
When you look at someone
Who've you've been told
Is the enemy
And you see your mirror image?
What is it called
When you finally read about a man
Who your mother calls a traitor
And your father doesn't speak about
And you realize:
"He's exactly like me"?
What is it called
When you want to say it aloud
You want to join the fight
And discover and shout and protest and create
But you can't
Because your father would be fired
And your mother would disown you?
What is that called?
I've been reading about Edward Snowden and Aaron Swartz, and all I can think when I look at the descriptions of their lives is "holy crap, they're like male, good at programming versions of me".
The problem?
My dad works for homeland security and my mother is staunchly against these two.