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Dnlbllrd Jul 2020
In this very red room, I will hide with pride
Tried to answer my queries, As I cried
Scribbling in my life diaries, Which I relied
With theories, my mind provide, I'm terrified

In this tiny red room, I shut myself up
I badly hate this world, I'm gonna blow up
Anxiety filled my brain, Can I give up?
Pills can no longer hold up, I'm *****'d up

Eyithen Jan 2019
Its feels as though I am constantly being shut down.
The worst part is that I don't think they realize they are doing it,
And even worse than that?
It come's from someone who doesn't mean to,
And you wonder why I am holed up in my room all day?
It's not because I'm lazy or antisocial.
It's because I don't have the energy to put up with their scrutiny.
Greyson Fay Feb 2015
I hate your hugs.
Because when im okay all day long.
Feeling so proud of myself.
Evading my own terrors.
You bring them back.
Why does nothing help anymore?
Why do I feel so sad?
Am I so unfixable?

— The End —