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Malcolm Mar 11
Oh the Innocence  
That laugh, that wild howling in the throat of youth,
Unseen fingers scramble for the last thread of light  
Here, the angels are naked,  
no wings to catch their fall.  
The river splits,  
and chaos is born  
from the lips of the unholy, the pure.  

There be our Divinity  
slips beneath the skin like rust on gold
a fractured god,  
broken in pieces,  
spilled across the morning,  
the moon forgets its name.  
Laughing in the dust,  
twisted and torn,  
a thousand whispers claw at the sky  
but none reach.  

Imagination is the distant echo—  
a door slammed shut by a thousand hands,  
and what vision is left?  
A trembling shadow.  
What light?  
What reflection?  
It’s nothing but a crack in the glass,  
and through it, you see everything and nothing  
all at once.  

Oh but thou Morality  
it’s a rotten fruit in the mouth of the blind,  
an oath spat on the ground  
before it crumbles to dust.  
What holds us here?  
Nothing but the gnashing teeth of the broken,  
screaming freedom that never comes,  
but always dances on the edge of our minds  
like a mad bird  
torn from the sky,  
its wings flapping in the void.  

Oppression is the song they sing,  
but we?  
We are the ghosts who scream in the dark,  
again and again.  
Flesh torn and reborn.  
A shout in the streets—  
but where is the end of the road?  
No path but the storm’s eye,  
no sky but the bleeding horizon.  

Shall he call it Mysticism?  
A thousand tongues, a thousand eyes—  
but no one looks.  
The trees scream their roots into the soil,  
but who hears?  
Who listens?  
A leaf flutters in the wind,  
and the world spins—  
a thousand faces in a mirror that is shattered  
but still reflects
What do you see with blinded eyes !  

Where doth Nature find its whole,  
A scream of fire in the rain.  
Flesh in the dirt,  
bones wrapped in moss.  
Everything turns,  
and everything falls.  
Chaos is the language,  
and we are the words scattered  
across a broken page.  
No order, no truth,  
only the flood of thoughts  
rushing to drown themselves
Copyright Malcolm Gladwin
March 2025
Shattered Visions
Malcolm Mar 11
Here comes the end of the age of decodance
Echoes in the Ruins
Wild Puppets pivot in twilight past halls, their strings pulled taut by unseen hands of broken time,
Greedy profit parasites plundering pockets as stock markets socketed, mad
rockets launched while prophets pocketed coins stamped with empires' faces, unholy graces.
Glutted glitz blinds the masses, tongues twisted in gilded speech,
systems listed, teetering, twisted wristwatches ticking in sync
with synaptic sickness, digits drift, dividends split,
creditors cryptic as cynics scripted, their lies dressed in logic,
synesthetic statistics swirling in pastiche politics,
post-truth polemics lacing the air like poisoned incense.

Pious polluters preach penitence, pockets pregnant with prosperity printed,
premonitions predicted in numbers and smoke,
parasitic pyramids plotted, their apex casting shadows on placated crowds.
Automation aggrandized, algorithms agonized, their ghosts humming
through banks baptized in blood, through blockchain baptized,
through barcodes branded on hands of the willing.
Black budgets bandied, corrupt clerics convulsing on camera,
echo chambers echoed, econometrics eclipsed,
technocrats tethered to theological terrors, to visions of progress rotting in its womb.

Terror tethered to territorial temperaments, territories torched,
treaties torn in backrooms where titans are tolerated.
Tabloids titillated, surveillance sanctioned, sanctuaries seized,
syndicates strengthened as stratospheres strangled,
markets metastasized, materiality maximized,
manufactured malice, mandated madness—
and history’s ulcer bursts, bleeding bronze and silicon.

Machiavellian ministers monitor mindscapes,
scaffolded screens scream, sanctioned streams scheme,
psychosomatic psychoanalysis packaged, sterilized,
synthetic saints rise and static surges,
stimuli strangling senses, societies spaghettified,
atrophied archetypes advertised aggressively—
manicured messiahs monopolized, meaning mechanized,
megacities metastasizing, paradise plagiarized,
systems sutured, civilization severing.

Resonance rescinded, residents resigned,
vigilance vaporized, virtue venerated vacantly,
sanctions smothering sovereignty, servitude sanctioned,
sanctified slaves sleep soundlessly, dreaming in debt.
Revolutions recycled, rebels recruited, insurgencies initiated,
empires evaporating, evolution emasculated,
economics engineered, fear fetishized, faith falsified.
Discontent documented, dynasties drowning,
democracies defrauded, elections extinguished,
emperors enthroned on thrones of static and silver.

A wheel turned, rusted, crushed under its own weight.

War woven into whispers, weapons wandering,
bullets baptized in iron hymns, blood banks burgeoning.
History hemorrhaging, heroes hijacked,
propaganda proliferating in pretexts and principles perverted,
pacifism punished, plutocrats paraded, prisoners politicized.
Armistices amputated, antagonists animated,
allies assassinated, annihilation anticipated—
annexations acknowledged as activists anesthetized.
Airstrikes applauded, anarchy advocated,
conquests crystallized, constitutions collapsed,
conglomerates consuming all that was once free.

This was written before, carved in clay, burned in papyrus,
passed from the tongues of ghosts to our ears, ignored.

Power perpetuates, puppeteers perform,
pawns positioned, playbooks practiced,
plans pivoted, parables plagiarized,
prayers punctured, prophets pacified,
policy petrified, purpose perished.
Prospects poisoned, posterity pillaged,
plagues politicized, past plundered,
future forfeited, fates fragmented,
fissures festering, frameworks failing.
Fraud familiarized, fortifications fracturing,
freedom fictionalized, force formalized,
franchises fabricated, fables fossilized.

Functionaries fuming, fantasies franchised,
fraternal fractures festering in silence,
facades fortified, follies festered,
futures famished, faith forfeited, factions fighting.
Fission festering, fire final
until nothing remains.

What is left? Only echoes in the ruins.
Copyright Malcolm Gladwin
March 2025
Eschaton’s Banquet

**This is a poem you need to read carefully to really understand the meaning**  it's an elephant 🐘 and you need to eat it slowly
Every art is a form
of a prophecy,
foresight of the future
next great event
of skies and to be
celebrated in the time
of man and in man
The time become
since and untill as
in heart overcomes
the world by love
the hatred and truth
the fear a proof to be
the son of the father
one and same and with
also every and all that
accepts him as his to be
Or to be not. You are free.

Must seem as mad
and craze the sure
By which to voice do
The impossible which
By what else than happy
To nest might be and
By measured as building
a bridge for those that
cant see the other bank.
We were born to know
we are and not knowing
what. As the road keeps through where we step
as by every decision of
we become our decision
as decisions we. Art can
not be taught only learned ones deserved and earned
the trust to honor to do what good work named what did
All to come to be just as you
To sound it a definition to
Limit the expressed limited
As we are free by imagination
In will and to serve the lord
Of lords and king of kings
How can you be of help be
To answer in each and all!

And yet so is by being less
and not more as the gold
is boiled to shape a chain
or whatever form of lock
to try to imprison luck to
as evil the lord while the
good like eldorado on the
first grace of light plants as
bread crumbs to rivers to will
of fate of good fated to find.
Once lost needs that need
far less so much more way to find to satisfy what hunger
or thirst as man and not beggar to ask in right if god in land known so the water worthy of hands used to be crossed to prayer and stomach fed on words of still and having nowhere to go walking as
light as the feather in friendly wind get no further in life and close to be what end to begin at death with walk every step be blessed and known dear in heart to what made the rain the lion and sun and time, as generous glorious powerful and endless enemy or friend of hope and merci the truth its justice to art romance in heart the law said poetic for beautiful for honest therefore right.

As our poor prayers heared.
Samuel Feb 15
Always assumed to be the villain,
Lingering in the shadows of a crooked path.
Am I misunderstood? Or is it just my destiny—
To be the star of my own one-man show? Isn’t it funny?

The irony is, promises were made.
Friendships did indeed fade.
But I am here, still at the restaurant,
Sitting in the corner I haunt.

A ghost of Christmas past,
Watching time slip through the cracks.
Thinking of the roads I never took,
And the weight of the past on my back.

Is redemption just a wishful dream?
Or a fate already cast?
I sit at the restaurant and I wonder-
When The Prophecy changes at last.
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
And so it is, how it starts, for once forever to be one in four,
Instead of two in three. Nothing
To prove the wise and learned
That knows the books but knows
Not me. Has answers without ever asking. Tell them they are told: 'wait and see.' But the ones
Simple in heart to rejoice: 'your sins are forgiven." Because his love is great. Greater than the world. Tell it: 'you were saved.' So fear never more again worry, because of the man as it was the day before for the yesterday to come, by man's i love, love is yours. You were saved of the night, so from now on and from on forever more dress in white, for you are dressing up for heavens. Dare to believe as if knew, since i know you are going to. Turn your face to the sun in soon to tell, in words be kind yet true, that is all i am asking for me to be in you delighted: i am.
Olivia Jane Nov 2024
I find myself dreaming even when I am awake.
In these dreams I am praying for Heaven's sake,
"Come quickly!" I cry "You must come and see!"
For instead of just one there are three!
Three young boys, all crying and full of goo,
They have come, my messengers, they have come.
It has not yet come to pass, this fate my dreaming makes...
But if it does, soon you will see in judgement Christ has come.
But if it doesn't, and I do not see those three same eyes staring back at me...
I must, as all before me, go to sleep in prayer for eternity.
Ylzm Oct 2024
David repented and seventy thousand fell
Jerusalem's execution stayed for God relented
And where the Angel stood the Temple arose
Anti-David hardened and strengthened
The war entrenched and more enemies joined
Captives remained and fires uncontrollably raged
Surely this time it'll be more than three years
And enemies indestructible more wicked shall be
And Jerusalem's destruction, once more, unstayed
Kris Fireheart Sep 2024
There's an emotion,
It's deep inside;
I think it's buried
Somewhere I can hide.

For plenty of action,
There's no satisfaction;
No want, nor a prayer
Has brought me inaction;

Still I fill my cup,
And I drink from it deeply,
For nothing but sleep
And a fragile peace keep me,

From doing the things that
I see in my dreams;
Acknowledging that
I'm the monster I seem;

With a shrug of a shoulder,
I'll say that it's over,
I'll tell myself I can lament
In a dream,

Yet something so violent,
As real as it seems,
Leaves me with a silence
As I intervene...
I am not a good man.  Let's start with that.  I also have a lot of prophetic dreams. It apparently runs in my family; my great- uncle,  my grandma's younger brother, is an actual Buddha. My great-grandfather apparently was beaten with a broom by his wife for telling her that my grandmother was going to be the first of our family to leave Vietnam during the war.  I've written about these kinda of dreams before; but now I'm just gonna say ***** it and go personal. This is what I do to deal with mine.
Ylzm Aug 2024
For millennia awaited when appeared crucified
For millennia warned when appeared worshipped
The voice of history, prophetic truths, if perceived
Past and Future, symmetrical, and mutually imaged
A thing and an anti-thing, similar but opposed
Not repeatable science nor philosophical dialecticism
But a reversal of time, a humanly difficult reality
As we look only ahead as we walk the same way
Forward and backward, each way different to the eyes
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