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Chelsea Jul 2014
I am the moon
Illuminating the darkness which paralyzes my trust.
At night is when I feel both familiar and yet not at all--
I could disappear. Evaporate.
I could Exhale slowly and become a living eclipse.
Am I the moon?

I am the owl
Sighing into the breeze with a long, aged heaviness.
Do you know how many lives I’ve lived?
I exist beyond illusion. Wait for me on the other side.
Tree limbs like train stations. Infinite platforms.
Am I the owl?

I am the farmhouse
Staring into the cul-de-sac with calm, focused intent.
Memories of nothing and pictures of no one come very strangely to mind.
I miss standing here alone. I miss the apathetic.
I used to feel only me.
Am I the farmhouse?

I am the wooden spoon
Stirring the *** filled with ancestor’s palates.
An unforgivable connection found deep in salt and simmer,
I taste a feeling I cannot find in another.
I wonder if I could hold a house together.
Am I the wooden spoon?
Not entirely sure this is finished yet...
I am the raven,
I eat the dead,
I am the raven,
I remember all things,
I am the raven,
I build all,
I am the raven,
I know all things.

I am the otter,
In rivers and creeks I swim,
I am the otter,
I eat and I play,
I am the otter,
On slopes I slide,
Joy is mine,
In the mountain streams,
I own the rivers,
I feed on their fish.

I am the snake,
The serpent I am,
Between and through move I,
On belly I crawl,
Gold are my scales,
Glacier blue and silver,
All colours they change,
First one then the other,
I taste the air with my tongue,
Through my belly,
I listen to all,
Far craftier than all,
The beast of the field am I.

I am the fox,
The vixon am I,
Crafty and wise,
And hard to catch,
In the ground I live,
Cross the fields I race,
Quick and fast,
I take what I want,
Nothing is safe,
If it I desire,
A vixon am I,
Fleet foot and large tail,
Back and forth it moves,
Grace and escasy,
All come to me,
All I desire.

I am hawk,
I soar and I fly,
Above the plains,
All things I see,
None see what I see,
From up above,
Down I soar,
To **** and eat,
Still on a wire,
Or on a fence,
I know when to wait,
I know when it's time,
When prey is in sight,
Not a second to lose.

I am the vole,
Who lives in the field,
Down in the earth,
I burrow and dig,
Across the field,
All seeds are mine,
To eat and enjoy,
From dusk until dawn,
Timid and cautious,
I look to the sky,
I cannot fight,
I'm weak and I'm small,
But many am I,
And many more come,
And still we will be,
When all you are gone.

I am the owl,
Silent and still,
You know not I passed,
Only my wind,
Silent end deadly,
Queen of the night,
I will consume,
Whatever I catch.

I am the horse,
Across the plains do I run,
Swifter than all,
The one none can catch,
I run like the wind,
For we are one kind,
My mane and my tail,
Like banners and flags,
Nothing can stop us,
Nothing can try,
For we're always moving,
The fast wind and I.

I am the trout,
See how my scales glisten,
I am the trout,
At home in the water,
I swim and I breathe,
What causes others to drown,
I listen to the water,
The rivers, the creeks, the lakes,
The secrets I know,
No others can know.

I am the eagle,
High, high I soar,
Queen of the high places,
All others beneath,
What is not prey,
I care not at all,
I and I only,
See what I see.

But above all tonight,
The fox and vixon am I,
****** and sensual,
Grace and desire,
In the land where the sun sets,
This land that is dusk,
I am all ***,
The kiss of the dead,
The dusk sets like dust,
It powders my fur,
In the night do I hunt,
In the night do I *****,
My fur is desire,
My tail moves and calls,
I walk here as ***,
All come to my call.

~I Am the Fox by Lorekeeper, June 7, 2014
Victoria Ruth May 2014
On the winding path
I continued to follow
An owl sat perched
Old tree remain hollow

It’s eyes were wide
Piercing through me
Claws dug in
To the barren tree

Hoot hoot hoot
A steady beat
Inviting me
To take a seat

Under the owl
I took my place
Reached for a stick
To trace

My name in the mud
Rummaged through my bag
Began to take
Yet another drag

Turning to ashes
I was in the night
Under the owl
It felt just right.
walks in the woods
Nicole Bataclan May 2014
The dark hours
My light
The best of me
Pops up
At night
A disco nap
Before I go out
Once the bass
Doles out
'Til after dawn
I will continue
As long as
The music is on
And once I
Flit home
My morning song:
Streets in silence
Still playing techno.
Antonia Apr 2014
Moonlit stream,
In the dead of light,
Heard not only,
But a sympathetic cry,
Only to be heard,
Never to be seen,
The morpork cry's
Through the dead of the trees.
Jordan Chacon Apr 2014
"Night Owl"

We are the people of the night
we are the sleepers of the day
we are the night owls of the night
the all nighters
the most nighters
the day sleepers
the day layers
we are the people that don't
sleep at night
we are the people the
sleep the day away
school is just to early for us
it's not that we are lazy
it's just that point
that we are the night owls
the all nighters
we are the night owls
that catch the mice
not the bird
that catches the worm
High flying' teenagers stay up late, research claims
NIGHT owls have more brain power and are more likely to be successful than early risers, according to scientific research.
By: Stewart Whittingham
Published: Mon, March 25, 2013

Night owls are more likely to have comfortable homes and a non manual job Night owls are more likely to have comfortable homes and a non-manual job

Tests on 1,000 teenagers revealed those who like to stay up late and have a lie-in were more likely to be high fliers.

They were found to have intelligence linked to prestigious jobs and higher incomes. They also tend to be extrovert risk-takers and innovative thinkers with inquisitive minds.

The University of Madrid study appears to debunk the saying that the early bird gets the worm. And it can no longer be said that people who lie in bed are lazy.

Early rising larks were found to get better grades at school but the researchers decided that may only be because lessons start too early for the night owls.

    Evening types tend to be the poets, artists and inventors, while morning types are deducers, often seen in civil servants and accountants

    Professor Jim Horne, Loughborough University

Famous night owls include Second World War Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who often did not go to bed before 4am and rose late. He often held morning meetings while still in bed. American President Barack Obama and Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards also like a lie-in.

A separate University of Southampton study showed that night owls had bigger incomes and were more likely to have a comfortable home and a non-manual job.

Famous early-morning larks include former US President George W Bush.

Professor Jim Horne of Loughborough University said: “Evening types tend to be the poets, artists and inventors, while morning types are deducers, often seen in civil servants and accountants.”

From here
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
in the dead of night
i come alive.
the sun is my lover but the moon is my mistress.
An owl hooting
Right outside of my window
Makes my heart beat fast.

— The End —