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Nina Jul 2019
I was holding onto you
And I didn't want to let go
But you were holding onto someone else
And I know you didnt want to let go
So I let go of my hands
So that you could be free
With the one you wish to be with
Jawad Apr 2017
Its my fault for wanting to hug clouds
Clouds are there to fly through

Its my fault for wanting to drink rain
Rain is there to wash with

Its my fault for wanting to catch light
Light is there to shine in

Its my fault for wanting to keep leaves
Leaves belong to the winds

Its my fault for wanting to have you
You are there to dream of
The blame when you fall in love with a person you can’t have... and deep inside you know it but you don't want to believe it. But love is beautiful thing. And I had to try. I felt it, and now I have to move on…
Airisgone Jul 2015
I am not an actress worthy of the screen,
I am but a normal human.
And I know,
I too am mortal

My pain, and sadness you refuse to understand
So, I pretend.
I smile, laugh and it kills me
You who fail to understand me

They tell me to try
And I do,
yet every time when all is going well
You look at me with eyes of disgust

Shame me if you must
Shame me if you will
But know one thing
I will eventually move on

You will not be my chains
I refuse you to be what holds me down
I will cast you away from me
My dear depression
I will win over you.
That is my will

— The End —