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Simrah Rehan Nov 2014
How much time is 'enough time'?
Which answer is the correct one?
Is this lie more convincing,
Or is this truth the most deceiving?

Day One

Is what you know
Really what you believe,
Or do you feed your pain
With fabricated reality?

As though you set water on fire
Like a burning desire to scream,
Scream out to the stars
Patterning your structured time.

Day Fifteen

Is what you hear
Really what you listen,
Or do you ease your soul
With altered versions?

A bubble of Denial
Safeguarding broken hope,
Protecting the One Second
That lingers until today

Day Thirty

Is what you want
Really what you need,
Or do you earn smiles
With your own idea of ecstasy?

When truth catches up
And One Second is over;
You find reality pushing you
Far beyond horizons,
Into fantasy-
A land known as Freedom.
Nathan Squiers Nov 2014
When it all boils down to it...

We truly are a momentary blip on a cosmic radar;
A momentary cluster of elements
Blessed with an incredibly limited-yet-inflated programming.

Now define "reality."

But we waste our time with fear and hate;
We concern ourselves with the mundane and the fleeting;
We invest in indulgences that leave us feeling more and more empty.

You are a single drop of water floating in a vast infinity of the cosmos.
The timeline will perceive you the very same way
You perceive that 1/10000th of a second that happened last week
(When you remembered a funny joke and giggled at nothing)

I see hysterics in the world;
Find the same thing when my escape goes digital.
I see people who think too highly of themselves...
(as though the end of their journey will represent a different death than our own)
I see people who think so lowly of themselves...
(that they're willing to throw away the splendor and mystery of tomorrow just to escape the hells of today)

When will we accept that we are human?
Wonderfully terrible, terribly wonderful;
Brilliantly stupid and idiotically ingenious;
Generous degenerates; selfish saints;
Complex-yet-simple humans!
Nothing more and nothing less!

Live not to be immortal,
But to show what greater gift limitations offers us:
Greater appreciation of what each moment represents.
Live for yourself,
So that, when you find yourself at he end of that road and looking back,
You can say "**** yea; I made that fleeting moment my own."

This is not said to scare or intimidate;
It's said to INSPIRE!
You ARE brief!
You ARE insignificant!
So stop concerning yourself;
Anything and anybody can waste that already precious time.
Rid yourselves of the poisons
That would turn the beautiful translucence of the water droplet representing you into a putrid blot of poison that the Universe would sooner forget.
CommonStory Sep 2014
This is a lost journey

If knowledge isn't what you yearn for be the jury

Follow the bricks and hope you reach home

Where ever it is

Whatever you call it

We can be portrayed as vicious predators

In the pursuit of a wild happy

Inhale when you die

Just to embrace the way of life

And when falling is the only chose

As it is from time to time

Fall forward

And put your hands out to touch the ground

Push up even when it's a million pounds

It's plausible

It's possible


I'm possible
© copyright Matthew Marvier Donald
Inspire yourself
When no one does.
Motivate yourself
When no one will.
Love yourself
When no one will make you feel.
Do it yourself.
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Opened your eyes the light at first hurt,
Love is our religion and nature is our church,
Suffering can be Devine intervention,
Gods way of saying "Sort out your intentions!",
It's not the end as long as you wake up,
Life can begin choose to make the cut,
Today is not gloomy no anything but,
You declare your beaten wait, hold on, what?
Thats not you at all your a fighter and a lover,
You must raise up to adversity not simply duck for cover,
Its been said many times "as above so below"
Well grab that shovel, start digging, go!,
Trust the process and leave doubt in the past,
Thinking not of the future if you intend to last,
This concept of happiness is a tough one to grasp,
If you feel broken then just get a cast,
Sometimes we all need a little lay in the grass,
Sometimes we should slow and stop going so fast,
The possibilities of content are oh so vast,
Even at the bottom of the barrel you can get out of that trash,
At the core of your being rest all of the wisdom,
For the human condition you have all the symptoms,
Its ok relax you'll arive on time,
Then you'll realize you have always been fine,
The best way through hell is to keep going through it
I won't say I told you because you always knew it.

— The End —