i tried to look through your eyes today
at me, me, the girl who trusted you, (who trusts you, maybe...)
i saw a girl who sat, almost at your feet for God's sake,
and let words pour out of my mouth like i was
throwing up last nights dinner, because i hadn't eaten that night
and i saw a girl who couldn't face the mirror, because she
doesn't know how to act around strangers
there was a girl who made me sad, made me wish i could take
all the pain away
i saw a girl who was constantly HIDING (no, i was just... okay, maybe i was hiding) in too big sweaters and buns, long sleeves and leggings
dear GOD, its nearly 90 degrees outside, why are you wearing long sleeves?
because she has squiggly ink on her arms she doesn't want you to see
oh, oh but i figured it out
she wears these things because she's hiding
this is what you see- you see me, like nobody else
welp, that was bad. sorry.