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Lowkie Nov 2020
Cross some t's, dot some i's
It's like everyone left without saying their goodbyes
But look at my eyes
Clear as the blue sky
I have no more tears left to cry
Why? Why? Why?
Wait, the world just paused for a minute
I tried to smile but everything still feels gloom
Its like I'm trapped in this one room
In this body I am entombed
Resume, everything is fine they assume
I had nothing poetic to say
So I came up with this word play
The voices decided to come out and play
A good night sleep they want to delay
Memories of you they want to replay
I'm stuck between fed up and okay
But still praying everything turns out for the better one day
Lowkie Nov 2020
I'm grateful for my depression
It taught me compassion
It taught me how to write poetry with a passion
It taught me life is not all sunshine and roses
And in order to heal
You have to let pain run its course
I'm grateful for my anxiety
It taught me to overthink things
And that the first decision
Is not always the best decision
It taught me how to draw conclusions
Although to some people it might cause confusion
I'm grateful for the voices in my head
Although they keep me awake at night
Whenever I'm down
They motivate me to get back up and fight
Accept who you are and be grateful
There's no one else like you so be graceful
Everyday is a gift so be thankful
Better days are coming so be fateful
Lowkie Nov 2020
I always wonder why you don't need a car
You're up so high
I bet you see the whole world
Right there where you are
You shine so bright
Day and night
During the day you are one
At night all your friends
Come out to share the same spotlight
Which changes my perspective on the saying
"When Days are dark, Friends are few"
Like you I have many friends at night
Who's always trying to bring me down
Who never leaves without a fight
And when brighter days comes
They are nowhere in sight
Like you I need no car
To see the world
Because I'm up so high
Trying to escape the world
That I'm trapped in
During the day I am one
At night
At night is when all my "friends" come out to play
They tell me stories as I lay
About how I will never shine so bright
If I don't persue to be great
Causing me to rush the process
And have little faith
That the outcome will be
Like the picture I paint
All of them shine brighter than me
Making me feel misplace
Making me feel like a mistake
But than I remember the words you said:
"Give yourself a break
Your mental health is at stake
Those friends are probably fake
Because the real ones already think you're great
Be patient and have faith
And you will find your place in the universe
Through all your mistakes"
Lowkie ©
Lowkie Nov 2020
A art that is slept on
A world of inspiration the new generation
Might be kept from
Everyone wants to be a rapper
Everyone wants to be a singer
Noone wants to be a thinker
Noone wants to be a reader
The walls of poetry are closing on me
I think I need a breather
They know you when they've found love
I know you as a gift from above
You helped me see the beauty in things
You helped me see the darkness this world can bring
Whenever you called
I'd be first at the scene
You helped me as a teen
You saved me when noone else wanted to intervene
I thank you for the relief that you bring
I wish I could offer you a diamond ring - Maybe one day
First I need people to believe
In you
In me
And all the poets
Who has dreams they want to achieve
Lowkie Nov 2020
"Hey I read your poems
I like how your words rhyme
Are you a rapper and a poet in your free time?"
I am no rapper and I'm not trying to be one
Honestly from where I stand
I can see how studios are getting crammed
With people who don't really have the talent
All they know is how to get lit (sh*t)
Which lead to a whole new culture (skrt)
Don't get me wrong, I want to be part of this new wave
A poet showing these rapper how to really play this game
I speak with the tongue of your fathers
So you better behave
I speak with the tongue of your fathers
They're probably turning in their graves
I am a poet, not a rapper
Maybe I should jump on a beat
And show them I can do it better
Cause this is where it all started, at poetry
But now everyone is throwing words around hopelessly
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Nov 2020
One Two Three Four
Why do these demons keep knocking on my door?
Don't they know their company is such a bore?
Don't they know they can't hurt me no more?
Don't they know I'm not as easy as before?
One Two Three
You laughed at me when I cried to be free
Now whenever you feel trapped
You look up to me
Seeking wisdom through my words you read
Father do you see these hungry minds I feed
I hope this qualifies as a good deed
One Two
Sit back and enjoy the view
While I try to paint something new
If you don't understand, it's cool
This picture is meant for a certain few
Lowkie Nov 2020
There was once a girl
She use to shine like a diamond pearl
She had the body that would make your toes curl
Little did anyone know
She was popping pills
First it started off just for the thrill
After a while
She couldn't go a day without half a pill
She had the most beautiful smile
And the most adorable laugh
I guess that's why noone stopped to ask
"Are you okay"
Depression was at play
The pills was to help ease the pain
She smiled just to hide the pain
Still noone asked
"Are you okay"
A few passed and something wasn't the same
Her room was locked until the police came
They broke down the door
And her parents saw that her room has changed
Suicide notes all over her walls
They were all written the same
Her blood used as ink
Man, the sight was insane
They searched her room
And found her lying in her own blood pool
I guess she couldn't take it anymore
She smiled just to hide the pain
So that no one could ask her
"Are you okay"
It never rain as hard as it did on that day
*take care of your loved ones cause you might not know
If they are in pain. Depression is real and trust me...
Its not a game
Lowkie Nov 2020
Sometimes I want to drown my sorrows with *****
But then I realize its not worth a shot
Sometimes I want to get so high
But then I realize I can't smoke my problems away
Sometimes I want to take all these pills at once
But then I realize it won't take the pain away
Sometimes I want to rip my heart out of my chest
But then I realize its not mine to take
Sometimes I want to put a bullet through my head
But then I realize its not that bad
Sometimes I want to write down all my feelings
But then I realize I don't know what to say
Sometimes I don't know how to handle all the pressure
So I ignore it hoping it will go away
Sometimes I don't know what to do
So I break down and pray
Lowkie Nov 2020
I bet you've heard of drunk texting
I bet you've experienced drunk calling
Now let me introduce you to drunk poetry
I'm intoxicated off these words I'm spelling
Truth in my cup and I'm spilling
These thoughts got my head spinning
Double cups filled with my pain
Mumble rappers think they got game
Trouble should be my middle name
Cause I can switch rhyme schemes
Like some people switch lanes
They say the drunk never lie (that's a lie)
I don't want to wear a suit and tie
So bury me in a T-shirt and track paints when I die
Promise not to cry
I know its hard saying goodbye
That's why we get high and drunk while we young
We just want to have a good time
Lowkie Nov 2020
Excuse me Miss
May I please have this last dance
Before your favourite song ends
We can take it slow
I will hold you close if you give me the chance
Excuse me Miss
May I please have this last dance
Pardon my stance
I'm not really good at romance
Practice makes perfect
But this is my only chance
Excuse me Miss
May I please have this last dance
Before your man comes
And I'll never get to see you again
You're looking for something different
I could tell when we both stole a glance
To be honest
You have me in a trance
I am yours
But only for one last dance
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