Let the flames consume me
Swallow me whole
Hellfire brings life
To my deadened senses
It used to be you
Maybe there’s a correlation
To this thrilling sensation
I feel most alive
When prepared to expire
Please, keep me here
Release these fears
I don’t know warmth
All I know is fire or ice
Why do I feel old
At such a youthful age?
Young me down
Dumb me down
Numb me down
What was wrong before
Is still what’s wrong today
Sometimes I just won’t say
What it is to you kids
Thanks, but move on
You hurt more than help
Though, helping more than hurting
Pains me much, still
Don’t assume so many things
Give your eyes a break
Put down your stone
Shoot your high horse
Chop up that pedestal
Become low and lesser
Then maybe you can hear me
Between the shouting
And the lashing
The tears and the blood
The putdowns to build up
Until the once built
Have crumbled to your consent
What’s my content?
For you to complete the job
Most business is unfinished,
But you’ll complete this task
You were contracted since, “Hello.”
Sad, I know, but
Don’t be sociable otherwise
Get over it
Burn me, burn them
Burn you, burn friends,
Burn whomever, whatever
Just leave ashes, dust,
Smoke, smog, haze, regrets